The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 461 A letter to the Minister of Magic

"Actually, it's nothing, it won't affect anything." Hermione muttered, packing her things and walking out of the common room with Tom.

"Everyone is celebrating the victory. It's really embarrassing for you to read a book at this time." Tom shook his head.

But Hermione still had her own way of doing things. This was Hermione, if she wanted to do something, she wouldn't waver.

By the time Hermione closed the book "Family Life and Social Habits of Muggles in Britain", it was almost library closing time.

"Seriously, do wizards like you and me who are from Muggle families really need to read this book?" Tom couldn't control his desire to complain when he saw the title. The content in this book is more like a wizard's imagination about Muggle society. For students who come from wizarding families, there is something to be gained by looking at it, but what is the point of seeing this for wizards like hemp?

It's like a British person reading an English textbook.

"It's necessary." Judging from Hermione's expression, she didn't think reading this book was a waste of time.

"This book can show me how wizards view Muggles. It was only after reading this book that I realized what Muggle society is like from a wizard's perspective."

To Hermione, no book seems to be worthless - maybe this is related to the fact that she has never read any books on success. Hermione was not a nerd, and she would sift through books that made no sense at first glance.

"However, there are indeed some common sense errors in the book. I have written them down." Hermione raised a piece of parchment sandwiched in the book with dense writing on it. "I will send it back to the author."


Real hardcore readers! Is the home address of a wizarding author so easily exposed? Then it should be convenient for readers to remind you to update, right?

"Speaking of sending letters," Hermione seemed to have remembered something, "You said before that you wanted to contact the Minister of Magic. How is the contact going?"

Like a homeroom teacher collecting homework, she began to ask about Tom's work progress.

"The letter has been sent. I guess Minister Bones is reading it, right?" Tom replied calmly, as if he had the luxury of facing the teacher after completing his homework.

At this time, the Ministry of Magic was brightly lit. Although most of the employees are off work, the Office of the Minister of Magic is still operating normally. It's not that the officials here are more diligent, it's that the Minister of Magic is still working overtime. This was unprecedented in Fudge's time.

When Bones was the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, he had the habit of working overtime. When he became the Minister of Magic, he did not restrain himself and almost turned the Minister's office into his second home.

The benefits of this are naturally obvious: she grasped the power of the minister faster than Fudge. At this moment she was reading a letter, which was sent to her by Dumbledore from Hogwarts.

In the letter, Dumbledore confirmed Tom's "wizard" identity to her and assured her of Tom's reliability. With Dumbledore's assurance, Bones could rest assured. Dumbledore may be a little unreliable in small things, but he has never had any problems in big things.

She has a lot of other work to deal with next.

"Mafalda, how are you preparing for this year's Hogwarts recruitment?" Bones shook a small bell on the table, and her secretary Mafalda Hopkirk left. He came in with a small tray in his hand, and a small cup of black liquid on the tray.

This mysterious black liquid has wisps of white vapor on the surface and countless tiny bubbles inside. It looks strange and strange, as if it is some unknown magic potion.

Mafalda is a little witch with flowing gray hair who looks gentle and gentle. She works in the Ministry of Magic's Misuse of Magic Office, where she is responsible for sending notices to wizards suspected of breaching the Statute of Secrecy or the Statute of Binding. Harry Potter had been warned by her.

The Office for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic is a subordinate department of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and Mafalda, who works here, is Bones's friend and confidant. After Bones became the Minister of Magic, he directly transferred his capable assistant into the Minister of Magic's office to handle official duties for her.

"Everything is ready. Representatives from each department will be sent to Hogwarts in early April to collect resumes and letters of intent, and conduct in-depth interviews with seventh-grade students," Mafalda said seriously.

There is no concept of graduate students and doctoral students in the wizarding world. After studying at Hogwarts for seven years, students will directly enter the society. There is almost no such thing as staying in school. Tom Riddle was so outstanding back then. His resume didn't allow him to stay in school, and neither could other students.

The reason for this is that Hogwarts hopes that students will first have some experience in society, so as not to live in an ivory tower all their lives and become inexperienced in the world.

After the students have been struggling in society for a period of time, Hogwarts will consider recalling the best ones. Taking the current deans as an example, Professor McGonagall first worked in the Ministry of Magic and later returned to school to teach transfiguration. Professor Flitwick is keen on fighting and is a very famous duelist. Not to mention Snape, who joined the Death Eaters and later found a part-time job in the Order of the Phoenix. The professors all have work experience.

However, these students do not enter the society directly, but go through the "school recruitment" process just like the non-magical world. During the period before graduation, students will contact their favorite companies, eventually get a position in the company, and apply for formal employment after the N.E.W.T. results are obtained.

As the Ministry of Magic, which is at the top of the food chain in the magical world, naturally has the right to prioritize wizards. They will contact the students first before other companies. If the negotiation is completed and the students' N.E.W.T. scores meet the requirements, they will recruit the students into the Ministry of Magic.

This year's school recruitment time is approaching, and the Ministry of Magic has made preparations.

After receiving a positive answer, Bones showed a satisfied smile, picked up the black potion on the tray, and drank it in one gulp.

"Hmm... This Muggle potion is really delicious. Why don't you have some, Mafalda?" Bones looked very satisfied. She was very fond of this potion, which was popular among Muggles, and tried to get its original formula and restore it.

Her assistant declined her invitation and placed an envelope on her desk.

"Minister, you have a personal letter sent from Hogwarts. It just passed the security check and it is an ordinary letter."


I cut the elbow into roughly three parts: bones, lean meat and fat meat (I’m good at knife skills these days), and cut the lean meat into cubes for cooking. Fatty meat is fat with lean meat and skin (low-end version of pork belly), which can be eaten braised. As for the bones, I plan on going back to stewing them with the ribs. Such a hoof can eat five or six meals.

Put lunch here, cold lettuce and braised pork!

PS: I rummaged through the cabinet and found a bottle of oil and vinegar sauce, which I can use to make a lettuce salad.

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