
"Are you telling the truth?" Richie's eyes widened with disbelief on his face. He even suspected that Tom was comforting him.

"Of course, do you want me to go to the dormitory and bring it to you to take a look at?"

"Okay, let's go now."


Captain, you are so rude!

Richie couldn't help but feel rude, he really needed a broom that could compete with the Firebolt. So he took Tom back to Tom's dormitory.

"Look!" Tom took out the Firebolt with a little dust from under his bed.

"Merlin on top!" Richie's vision went dark when he saw a broom like the Firebolt being stuffed casually under the bed.

"You - you!" His face turned pale, he snatched the broom from Tom's hand, and wiped it carefully with the hem of his robe.

The Firebolt was very docile in his hands. Maybe even the Firebolt himself didn't want to be stuffed under the bed.

Finally, Richie wiped the broom clean and made it look as good as new.

Looking at the Firebolt in his hand that was "99 new and has only been thrown to the ground once", Richie showed a satisfied smile.

"Broomsticks should be well maintained, even if you are no longer serving on the team." Richie said meaningfully, and now he was 100% sure that this broomstick was a genuine Firebolt.

At this time, Richie made a small calculation in his mind. Yoder had a broom and good skills. If he was deceived, ah no, he would be persuaded to return to the team.

But Yodel seems to have no interest in Quidditch, so what should we do? How about asking Granger to persuade him? Granger seems to be very interested in all kinds of honors...

[Senior sister, you don’t want the college to not win the College Cup, right? 】

Such an argument might impress Granger.

The calculations in Richie's heart were crackling.

"Captain, let's go out and talk." Tom took the broom from Richie's hand and the two walked out of the dormitory.

"By the way, you said there were three pieces of news, but you only mentioned the first two. What's the third piece of news?" After dealing with the Firebolt issue, Tom suddenly remembered that there was one more thing.

Richie only told him about the Dementors evacuating and Harry getting the Firebolt. I wonder what the third thing was?

"Oh!" Richie slapped his forehead, "I forgot to tell you, the third thing is that Qiu Zhang has recovered and can take over from Robert as the seeker."

Qiu Zhang is a talented seeker discovered by Ravenclaw College in recent years. However, she suffered a serious injury this semester and was unable to participate in the competition. Robert was forced to serve as a substitute.

"Then our probability of winning will be greatly increased." Tom said he was very optimistic about the future of the Ravenclaw team. The format of the Hogwarts Quidditch competition has changed slightly this year, from the previous single-match format to a double-match format, which means that each house will play against each other twice.

This is a good thing for students! In the past, four teams from four colleges would only play six games in a school year, but now there are twelve games. The number of competitions has doubled out of nowhere, and the little wizards are naturally very happy.

Tom's Ravenclaw team had previously defeated Gryffindor in heavy rain and gained a huge advantage. Ravenclaw is currently ranked first because of their victory in that game. As long as they perform stably in the next game, they will definitely win the Quidditch championship.

"Yodele, listen to me -" Richie was about to say something, but was interrupted by Tom.

"Captain, since Cho Chang is back, I think I can lend her my broom. I really don't have the energy to participate in the Quidditch game in the second half of the semester. Hermione and I have signed up for too many classes."


"Really? Are you really willing to lend the broom, I mean this Firebolt, to Qiu Zhang?!" Richie was shocked. He didn't expect that someone would be generous enough to lend the Firebolt.

To be fair, Richie didn't think he could do it. If he got the Firebolt, he would be reluctant to part with the broom even if he knew it would be better left with a Seeker or Chaser.

Neither the broom nor the wife will be lent to anyone!

Unexpectedly, Yoder actually understood the overall situation.

"Qiu Zhang is a senior. If it's Robert, I definitely won't borrow it." Tom made a joke.

"Be careful if I tell Granger this." Richie was in a good mood. Although he failed to recall Tom to the team, there was an extra Firebolt in the team.

The two walked to the common room talking and laughing.

"Wait for me, I'll go find Qiu Zhang." Rich asked Tom to wait at the junction of the dormitory and the lounge, while he hurriedly went to find Qiu Zhang.

Tom stood at the junction with his broom, waiting for Richie's arrival.

"Merlin! Is this a Firebolt?" A voice came from behind Tom. Tom looked back and saw Robert, the team's substitute Seeker, staring intently at his broom.

"Shh!" Tom gestured quickly to tell him to lower his voice, but it was too late. The lounge outside suddenly became quiet, and then there was a burst of excited whispers and the sound of chair legs scraping the floor. The next moment, the entrance to the dormitory was blocked by people who came to watch the Firebolt.

"Tom, how did you get this broom? Have you ever ridden it?"

"Can I ride on your broom later?"

"Slytherin and the others are finished! How can Nimbus 2001 compete with Firebolt?"

"But they have seven 2001s, and we only have one Firebolt..."

The topic gradually went off track. Young wizards in Ravenclaw often focus on strange places. Tom noticed that Hermione was smiling at him by the fireplace in the lounge.

Tom responded with a wry smile: He shouldn't have taken the Firebolt out of the lounge.

Tom handed the Firebolt out and asked the students to pass it around. They gathered around the Firebolt, observing the top-of-the-line broom from 360° until Richie and a black-haired witch appeared.

"Everyone, make way, make way!" Richie lined up the crowd, took the broom in his hand, and handed it to Qiu Zhang.

Qiu Zhang is a very beautiful girl. In addition, she is polite to others, has a sweet smile, and is well-mannered, so she is very popular among her Ravenclaw classmates.

"I plan to lend the broom to Senior Sister Qiuchang, hoping that she can ride this broom and win the Quidditch Cup for us." Tom announced the news in front of everyone.

Qiu Zhang's face flushed with excitement and he bowed to everyone. The little wizards in Ravenclaw also cheered happily. The lounge was filled with joy, and everyone celebrated for a long time before dispersing.

The next day, the entire school learned the news: both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw had obtained a Firebolt!

This was a bolt from the blue for Slytherin.


Please vote for me at the end of the month!

Today we are going to tell the story of Millicent Bagnor, the thirty-first Minister of Magic.

Millicent Bagnold was a Ravenclaw witch who served as the British Minister of Magic from 1980 to 1990. During her tenure, James and Lily Potter were killed by Voldemort, and Voldemort himself lost his powers for the first time.

In 1980, at the height of the First Wizarding War, Bagnot was appointed Minister of Magic. The head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the time was Barty Crouch Sr. During this time, Aurors gained some new powers, such as being able to use the Unforgivable Curse on Death Eaters.

On the night of October 31, 1981, Voldemort caused an attack in Godric's Hollow. He killed James and Lily Potter, but just as he was about to kill Harry Potter, the Killing Curse bounced back, destroying Voldemort's own body. At the same time, a piece of Voldemort's soul also entered Harry's body and inadvertently became a Horcrux. The next day, wizards across Britain celebrated the end of the war. There were a large number of violations of the International Statute of Secrecy that day, but the then Minister of Magic, Millicent Bagnot, said, "I firmly defend everyone's right to indulge in carnival."

(To be continued)

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