The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 445 Here, everyone loves labor

"Villanelle, are you okay?" Ames looked at Villanelle limping out of the next door and couldn't help but feel funny.

"It's normal for a hairy girl to be rough." Villanelle grinned, "They also threatened me that they would put the baton in me next time if I disobey... They are really two savage beauties..."

After being searched, the two were taken to a hall to join other prisoners. There they will receive their personal belongings and be taken to their cells.

The hall was very empty, with a few people dressed as guards and a woman in a gray suit standing by the door. Next to it was a pile of boxes, which must have contained various daily necessities.

When the last prisoner came in, the tall guard at the head cleared his throat and said: "Hello everyone, I am the captain of the White Dolphin Prison Guard, Peter Bortnikov. In this country that advocates equality and freedom , freedom and equality are also the creeds of this prison. Therefore, in this prison, everything is based on the principle of voluntariness. As long as it is within the specified time or area, you can move around and move your muscles as you like. There are no restrictions on making phone calls, but You need to apply in advance, and showering and reading can be done at any time - except during curfew hours. If you want to go to the factory area to work, you only need to sign up. The money earned from working in the factory can be used to buy items at the canteen. By the way, The cafeteria in our prison is very good, especially good at cooking Russian food..."

Peter carefully explained to these prisoners the rules and precautions in the prison. The prisoners were stunned: How could the conditions in this prison be so good?

There is no forced labor, unlimited food during meal times, you can relax at any time, and there are abundant entertainment facilities... This is not a prison, this is simply paradise! It’s just that you have to apply in advance for many things, such as making phone calls and going to work in factories.

Eve, who was standing next to Peter, frowned when she heard this. She was now very sure that this prison was the springboard for the boss behind the scenes to enter the political arena. This group of scum was really taken advantage of, Eve felt resentful in her heart.

Before she came here, she had read the files of the first batch of prisoners transferred to White Dolphin Prison. Not only were they guilty of crimes, but they could also be said to have died unjustly. Each of them had broken up several or even dozens of families. But who would have thought that he could actually live such a good life in prison...

Eve felt from the bottom of her heart that the existence of this prison was a blasphemy to all law-abiding citizens.

Peter finished reading the prison rules.

"Okay, that's it. Each of you comes up to get a living material, and then my colleagues will take you to your cell. If you are interested in working in the factory area, you can come to me to sign up now."

After Peter finished speaking, none of the dozens of prisoners moved. Eve was not surprised by this: With such a comfortable living environment, who would want to work hard in a factory?

Peter waited for a few seconds, but as expected no one responded. He was not surprised either. He shrugged his shoulders and planned to lead the prisoners to their respective cells. At this time, a person raised his hand.

"I hope to work in the factory area." Villanelle raised her hand amidst the puzzled looks of others.

Peter turned around when he heard the voice, his eyes lingered on her for a while and then said: "Very good, I will take you to the factory area, and the rest... Anna, you and Ms. Eve will take them to the cell together."

Seeing the partner she had just met make such a strange choice, Ames felt a little guilty in her heart. She felt that Villanelle was not the kind of person who was willing to give, and she didn't know where she was wrong. You actually want to take the initiative to work, or you want to please the prison guards, right?

Ames did not choose to work with Villanelle. In her opinion, the work was so tiring, and the conditions provided by the prison were quite good. There was no need to work to please others - the prison guard leader said that as long as they didn't cause trouble, they wouldn't even see the guards.

Aimees chose to lie down! Keep your distance from Villanelle.

Peter leaves with Villanelle. The female prison guard who had previously examined Villanelle stood up from the team and began to complete the orders left by Captain Peter.

She first gave each prisoner a cardboard box containing bedding and toiletries, and then took them to their assigned cells.

The cell is located in another "Hui" character, and is separated from the library and other activity areas.

As soon as he stepped into the cell area, Ames shivered: It's really cold here! Didn't you turn on the heating? Damn it!

Entering the cell area, Ames' mood seemed to have worsened a lot.

"M014, this is your cell! Remember it clearly for me! It is strictly forbidden to change cells privately in the prison. If you let me will be nice for you!" the female prison guard said fiercely. It seemed that the repetitive work made her lose her patience. , and his speech became rude.

She sent Ames to Cell 14, and then assigned cells to the others.

Ames walked into his single room and found that the hardware conditions here were pretty good: there was a desk and a chair, a hard single bed, a wardrobe, and actually a sink. And this is actually a single room! This is so comfortable. If the living experience of a quadruple room is one and the double room is two, then the single room is at least ten. This is a qualitative leap. What, a room for eight people? There is no living experience in the eight-person room.

The advantage of a single room is privacy. You can stay up late in your own room without hesitation, and you can use non-singing water magic without worrying about others. These can only be done under a quilt in a multi-person room. This is a small world of your own, even in prison.

But what is strange is that there is no lamp here, only a candlestick and a few white candles, and even the lighters are flint lighters. She had noticed this before, there was no electrical equipment in the entire cell area. It was still daytime, so it wasn't obvious yet, but at night, the only source of light was probably the kerosene lamp on the wall.

It was so strange, Ames scratched his head, without a clue. Maybe when the building was built, there were no wires laid here? The complex problem made Ames upset, and a nameless negative emotion arose in his heart.

She didn't know that the reason there wasn't any electronic equipment here was because the word "Hui" was an area where dementors roamed. The lifespan of any electronic equipment would be greatly shortened under their interference, so there was no need to install it.

Just as she was packing her things, a Dementor floated past her door and took a deep breath of the abundant and fresh emotions in the cell.

This is a delicious food that has never been tasted in Azkaban.

In the past, even if a new prisoner was admitted to Azkaban, the prisoner's emotions would be shared by hundreds of dementors. After a while, the prisoner becomes as boring as chewed gum. It's different now. On average, every dementor can be assigned a new person. What a blessing it is!

Eat sparingly, it will last you a long time.

Ames in the room did not feel happy. She felt that it was getting colder and colder here. She couldn't help but wrap the quilt around her body and huddled at the foot of the bed, shivering. Along with the chill comes despair from deep within.

After an unknown amount of time, she heard footsteps coming from the corridor. It turned out that Villanelle was back.

Because there are too few prisoners, the factory is temporarily closed, so there is no work to do. Villanelle can only do odd jobs in the kitchen for the time being. Of course, Peter promised her that once the factory receives an order, Villanelle will be given priority.

After Villanelle walked into her single room, she also frowned: it was too cold here, and she remembered a lot of unpleasant things inexplicably.

She noticed that she and Ames were neighbors. She had planned to chat with Ames just now, but now she was not in the mood to chat at all. Terrible things kept popping up in her mind...the day she was sent to training camp...the day she saw blood for the first time...

They couldn't see that the corridor outside their cell was densely packed with dementors, and they were greedily sucking up the positive emotions emanating from the people in the room. The leader of this group of dementors, Tom Yoder, was smiling with satisfaction.

[Title Obtained: King of Dementors

Wearing effect: Immune to the negative effects caused by dementors, strengthen attacks against the soul

Passive: Each dementor has a probability of producing magic stones x 1 every day]

oh? Tom was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he had not officially received the title of King of Dementors until now. It seems that he truly became the King of Dementors only after fulfilling his promise.

This title is very good. One title has three effects. If the title also has levels, then this title must be a five-star title. Given a passive, it strengthens one's own combat power and speeds up the acquisition of magic stones, killing three birds with one stone.

Originally, the speed at which Tom obtained magic stones was so slow that he couldn't even draw a card. Now he can finally speed up a bit.

Tom looked at the dementors in the corridor like a farmer looking at his piglets. He left with a satisfied smile.

Villanelle fell asleep in a hazy state, and her dream was a scene where she was caught and tortured by the enemy. When she woke up, she couldn't even tell if she was in a dream. The quality of her sleep last night was extremely poor, and she felt even more depressed after a good night's sleep.

Other prisoners suffered the same fate. Everyone huddled in the corner of the single room in silence. They only felt a little better when the sun shone on their faces.

The rising sun brought good news: they could go to have breakfast.

This group of prisoners walked out of the cell numbly and came to the lobby on the first floor like a group of zombies. By this time, the guards had opened the passage to the work area.

The moment they stepped out of the building, the sun shone on their faces, seeming to drive away all negative emotions. All misfortune and despair were locked in that zigzag building.

Everyone felt as if they had been reborn, all kinds of beautiful things came to mind, and those nightmare-like memories flew to the sky. They now feel that bathing in the sun is the most wonderful feeling in the world.

What they couldn't see was that countless dementors were floating quietly in the cell area, watching the prisoners. They did not dare to cross the boundary set by the king, but they knew that this group of people would eventually come back.

"Let's go eat!" Ames happily pulled Villanelle to the cafeteria.

When they came to the canteen, they were moved by the richness of the dishes: a large bowl of fried eggs, unlimited! A big vat of weird soup, unlimited! There is no limit to the amount of bread, and there is no limit to the barbecue steak!

Even if they run out, the aunt in the cafeteria will happily refill them.

This happiness doesn't even feel like a prison.

"The breakfast here is like this. I can't imagine how rich the lunch is." Ames sat down opposite Villanelle with a full plate.

She took three barbecue steaks, two fried eggs, a few slices of bread, a pat of butter, a spoonful of jam and a bowl of soup.

"The food here feels very Russian." Villanelle was more restrained in taking, taking everything, but not too much of each. She scooped up a spoonful of soup and tasted it. She found that it was a special Russian soup.

"And those guards...all have big tongues..." Ames stuffed her mouth full, as if she wanted to use food to offset the fatigue she accumulated last night.

Villanelle ignored her and ate breakfast quietly.

A quarter of an hour later, the breakfast in front of the two of them had been completely wiped out, and Ames went to get another plate of food - this time it was much lighter, and there was even fruit.

"But it's too cold in the dormitory," she said while peeling an orange peel. "The cold gave me nightmares and I was still in a very low mood. I got better after getting some sunshine in the morning."

Villanelle frowned, she always felt that it had nothing to do with the sunshine.

At this time, a harsh bell rang in the cafeteria, and breakfast time was over.

"M013, come out." A guard walked to Villanelle's desk and ordered her to stand up. "You have to start working today. The remaining people, please return to the cell area immediately."

Ames couldn't help but trembled when he heard that he was going back to the dormitory. Deep down, she strongly resisted the order to return to the dormitory area, but she and the remaining prisoners had no choice.

Under the watchful eyes of the guards, the prisoners stood up one by one and returned their plates. Before leaving the canteen, they looked at Villanelle with a hint of envy on their expressions.

They envied Villanelle that she didn't have to go back to the dormitory area.

Villanelle, who stayed behind, helped the aunt in the cafeteria clean up, and after disposing of the leftovers left by the prisoners and prison guards, she was sent to the kitchen to peel potatoes.

She was busy until noon.

"Why do you look so bad?" Villanelle looked at Ames, who was sitting opposite her, her face as pale as paper, and couldn't help but feel curious.

"Despair... After returning to the dormitory area... there is only despair..." Ames recalled his experience after returning to the dormitory area in the morning, and he immediately shuddered.

"Villanelle, can I stay in the cafeteria and work like you? I really don't want to go back." She remembered something, and a look of longing burst out in her eyes.

Soon, all the prisoners in White Dolphin Prison fell in love with labor.


Today we are going to tell the story of Yoharold Mincham, the 30th Minister of Magic.

Harold Minchum was a wizard who served as Minister for Magic from 1975 to 1980.

He was considered a hardliner and stationed more Dementors around Azkaban. However, he could not stop Voldemort's unstoppable rise.

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