Chapter 436 Borgin-Bock

Somehow, a chill gradually spread from the outside of the alley, causing the ground of Knockturn Alley and the old shop windows to be covered with a layer of frost.

Countless tall figures gathered around the alley, surrounding the entire alley, and then gradually narrowed the circle.

The chill gradually spread throughout Knockturn Alley. The magic of Apparition requires a high degree of concentration to achieve. If when you are concentrating, you hear whispers in your ears from time to time, and your most fearful memories continue to resurface in your mind, then the probability of your Apparition failure will be greatly increased.

There were successive explosions in the air. Dozens of wizards still chose to take the risk of Apparating, but the vast majority of them failed. Their bodies were suddenly divided into several sections, and various body parts were floating strangely in various corners of Knockturn Alley.

"It seems that the people in the incident reversal team have to work overtime." Bones looked at these split people, but this was the thought that came to his mind.

"Dementors?!" Many wizards screamed. Their voices were full of shock and disbelief. They never expected that one day Knockturn Alley would be raided by Dementors.

Many shopkeepers' faces instantly turned pale. The arrival of the dementors reminded them of very unpleasant things.

Soon, the entire Knockturn Alley was occupied by dementors. With officials from the Ministry of Magic watching eagerly, no wizard dared to use the Patronus Charm to resist. Not all wizards in Knockturn Alley were people whose minds had been corrupted by black magic. There were also some normal people who would use crappy guardian spells. God curse.

Seeing that everyone was at ease, Bones was overjoyed and immediately cast a magnifying spell on herself. Then her voice resounded throughout the alley: "Everyone, leave the store immediately and gather on the street!"

After hearing the order, the people who were still hiding in the shop did not dare to neglect and walked to the dirty path of Knockturn Alley. No one dared to use their brains to hide in the dark room, because they knew that they were not Black and could not escape the eyes of the dementors. If he was caught in the end, the situation would be very bad.

"Let's go!" In the spacious and dim wizard shop, a hunchbacked man with shiny hair said to the old man standing aside.

"Hmph, that girl Bones actually persuaded the dementors. Looking at this situation, at least half of the dementors from Azkaban are here." The person who replied was a tall and thin wizard. His hair was gray, his nose was long and pointed, and the skin on his face was dull and loose.

This old wizard is called Torquill Travers, and he is the current leader of the Travers family, one of the twenty-eight pure-blood clans. In the early 20th century, he served as Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic. But now it is the end of the 20th century, and the old wizard who was once all-powerful has become old and no longer as brave as he once was.

The shop owners, Borgin and Tokil, are both well-known people in the magic world, but they also understand that the situation is stronger than the person, so they all walked out of the shop obediently and accepted the search by the Ministry of Magic.

Aurors and strikers from the Ministry of Magic escorted the shopkeepers into the shops, searched the suspicious shops door to door, and confiscated all suspicious items. The dementors were hovering in the air, frightening the shopkeepers and customers so that they did not dare to make any move.

The faces of the shop owners gradually became worse, but no one chose to be the first to do so. This is true for the shop owner, let alone the customers.

Tokil also stood in the middle of the street with an old spirit. He even closed his eyes, like an old man with low energy. Looking at his appearance, no one would have thought that he had three shops in this alley.

The dementors in mid-air don't care whether these people are innocent or not, they wantonly suck the happiness from these people. To them, it's more like a picnic.

"Mr. Borgin, take us to your store."

Finally, it was Bo Jin's turn to be inspected, and several beaters walked into his shop surrounded by Bo Jin.

"I'm just an antique dealer," Bo Jin said with a greasy smile on his face, "I like to collect those ancient gadgets..."

"Oh? Is this necklace also a gadget?" Tonks, who followed, asked, pointing to the label of an opal necklace.

[Extremely dangerous, more than ten Muggles have lost their lives]

"Oh, a brave adventurer found this in a ruins. I bought it for research." Bo Jin explained calmly.

His profession really has great advantages. As an antique dealer, isn’t it normal for me to have some cursed antiques on my hands?

Dark magic items? This is valuable research material!

In fact, most people who dare to sell black magic items on the black market have some cover of identity: antique dealers, second-hand dealers, scholars...

Those stupid young people who don't have a legitimate name don't need the Ministry of Magic to take action, their colleagues will get rid of them.

"Smooth talk." Tonks glanced at Borgin disdainfully, "There is no doubt that this is a dark magic item and should be confiscated and destroyed."

In the face of these people who wander between dark wizards and normal wizards, the Ministry of Magic has its own way of dealing with it: as long as an item involves dark magic, it will be confiscated directly. Businessman's property? Possession of black magic items is prohibited, property is not protected and will be confiscated directly! Material for scholars to do research? Who asked you to study black magic? Not only will this item be confiscated, but your research notes will also be destroyed.

Such extreme and extreme measures have been extremely effective in curbing the spread of black magic. In fact, the Ministry of Magic was not so afraid of black magic in the past. Many wizards even held the view that "magic does not matter whether it is black or white, it only depends on the good or evil of the wizard who uses magic." However, after being tortured by the two Dark Lords, the Ministry of Magic's tolerance for dark magic plummeted.

Bo Jin's expression changed greatly. He understood that he was going to bleed heavily today. What a pity for those treasures he spent a lot of money to acquire!

In the past, before inspections, Bojin would hear rumors in advance and collect some things that could not be seen in the light of day. He even has the energy to help other magic families keep their things. But today the Ministry of Magic came so unexpectedly! He had no time to react.

He could only lower his head, bow, and grit his teeth in secret.

Tonks didn't care at all. She motioned to her subordinates to put the necklace away - as long as they didn't come into contact with the necklace, they wouldn't be cursed.

Next, she walked around Borgin-Bokri again, and her eyes fell on a glass box. On the mat in the box were a withered human hand, a stack of blood-stained cards, and a motionless glass eyeball.

It was that eyeball that caught Tonks' attention.


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