The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 430 The Ministry of Magic has no say

Lockhart then enjoyed a sumptuous lunch with two lovely female fans, at which point he regained his composure.

After lunch, he politely bid farewell to the two female fans, and then walked to the private room he rented. He planned to take a nap first and then go to Gringotts to withdraw his savings after waking up.

Lockhart had his own plans for the next days: he decided to travel around the world while completing his autobiographical novel "The Struggle in the First Half of Life" and writing some travel notes by the way. He believes that with the strength of his pen, he will become a hot best-selling author again in a few years.

Well, let’s post the travel notes in a different vest! In order not to be dragged down by one's own reputation, as for the autobiography, you can keep your real name or publish it in the name of Lockhart's friend. This needs to be carefully considered.

Lockhart opened the door to the hotel private room while envisioning his bright future. But as soon as he entered the private room, he felt a sharp object poking his lower back. Then there was a click, and the private room door was closed.

Lockhart's hair stood on end as he realized that someone was ambushing him in his room! But what else could he do? With the wand at his waist, he was already a fish waiting to be slaughtered.

Lockhart felt the man behind him groping at his waist for a while, and then took away his wand.

"Mr. Lockhart, please don't make a sound, otherwise I won't be able to guarantee your safety." After this warning, the wand on Lockhart's waist was removed. A box slid out from under the bed, its lid popping open automatically.

This is a gap! Lockhart knew that he should take this opportunity to give the man behind him a powerful uppercut, then take the wand away from him and turn the tables, but his body seemed to be frozen and unable to move.

Finally, Lockhart's electrical signals from his brain reached his muscles, and he shivered in response. At this time, the hard wooden stick pressed against his waist again. All the plans Lockhart had in mind came to nothing.

"Please step into this box." A polite request came from behind, but to Lockhart's ears, these words were no different than the devil's whisper.

As soon as Lockhart looked up, he recognized the box - it was his storage box, and there was a rather large secret room inside. Seeing the box, he immediately knew who the person behind him was.

Tom Yoder!

It's this hateful little wizard who has been having bad luck ever since I met him! First, he was sued by the Ministry of Magic for driving a speeding car, and then he caught him and locked him in a box for a whole year. Not only did he imprison him, he also exposed what he had done, which directly put him in Azkaban.

The hatred between the two people could not be finished even in three days and three nights! Facing his enemies, Lockhart chose——

"Yordle, the Ministry of Magic has pardoned, you can't imprison me anymore!"

The wizard ambushing Lockhart's room is Tom. After learning that Lockhart was about to be released from prison, he immediately went to Azkaban, where all the dementors were his spies, and Lockhart naturally could not escape his grasp. He followed the three of them all the way to London, and finally intercepted Lockhart when he was alone.

"Whether you can be released from prison or not is not up to the Ministry of Magic, only my words count." Tom responded coldly, "Hurry up and get in the box."

Tom poked Lockhart hard with his wand. He obeyed and walked into the box with a sad face.

Soon, Tom left the hotel with a suitcase in his hand.

After leaving London, Tom headed west and finally came to San Juan Island in the Atlantic Ocean. This island was originally very desolate, but it has become lively in recent years. The reason is simple. The government plans to build a prison for serious offenders on this island.

Construction work continued on and off for ten years. In the fall of this year, when most of the buildings were built and the prison was about to be completed, the owner of the prison quietly changed - from the British government to an international transportation businessman named Yuri.

However, the essence of the prison has not changed. It is still a prison for serious offenders.

Since Yuri bought the prison, he was responsible for the final payment for the construction of the prison. At the same time, as a price for buying the prison, the prison will also hold prisoners for the government at a very low price.

Yes, a prison with a completion rate of more than 95% is almost equivalent to giving it to this transporter for free, and the government also subsidizes Yuri every year! It seemed like a good thing that fell from the sky, but in fact almost everyone thought that Yuri was going to lose his last piece of underwear. The civil servants of the government have approved all of Yuri's applications at almost light speed, as if they were afraid that he would go back on his word.

The prison, left in the hands of the state, would be nothing more than a bottomless economic pit, sucking up tens of millions of pounds every year - a cost that could balloon to £100m in a few years. And if it is contracted out, it will only cost a few million pounds a year, and the money saved can be used to increase the salaries of civil servants. As for the money spent on building the prison, it has been spent anyway, so it will be wasted.

Since both buyers and sellers were very anxious, the process went very quickly. Now the handover work here has been completed and the project has been completed. After ownership became private, prison construction accelerated.

The overall structure of the prison is in the shape of two Hui characters, connected by a corridor in the middle, so overall, it looks like "Hui = Hui". The left is the men's prison, the right is the women's prison, and the place in the middle of the word Hui is the prison. square.

Tom had his own ideas about the layout. He decided to abolish the distinction between male and female prisons and gather the prisoners into a single unit, called a residential area. Another word is the place where guards and support staff live, which is called the work area. There are only cells in the prison for prisoners, and there are a series of facilities such as libraries, labor factories, churches, etc. on the other side.

Only inmates with outstanding performance will be able to work in the work area.

Yuri is a law-abiding businessman who respects human rights and will never force prisoners to work. Instead, half of the prisoners are always required to rest in the residential area.

It is simply the brilliance of humanity!

Tom shared his thoughts with Lockhart, who was confused: Does this have anything to do with me?

Of course it’s relevant!

Tom looked at Lockhart with a smile, "Actually, this prison is short of a psychiatrist who is a part-time chaplain. I think you can do the job."


He was stunned by Tom's idea: I am a wizard!


Today, we are going to tell the story of Lorcan MacLeod, the 23rd Minister of the Ministry of Magic.

Lorcan McLaird is a wizard who once attended Ravenclaw House at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. From 1923 to 1925, he became the British Minister of Magic.

In 1923, MacLeod was appointed Minister of Magic. He is a very talented wizard, but he is not suitable to be a politician. He is taciturn, preferring to communicate using monosyllables and puffs of smoke from the end of his wand. MacLeod's eccentricities eventually caused outrage and led to his resignation in 1925.

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