The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 427 Bad Omen Trelawney

The main reason why Professor Trelawney is not so popular is that she is completely a crow's mouth, and it is rare to hear any good news from her mouth. The first time Harry took her class, she made a total of five predictions: Neville's grandma has been in trouble recently; Parvati Patil needs to be careful about a red-haired man; Lavender Brown is most afraid of Things will happen on Friday, October 16th; Neville will break a teacup; Harry will have a nemesis and an attack, dangers on the road, and the famous "bad luck."

These five prophecies are all bad omens, so outrageous—can’t you say something nice? Moreover, these predictions were so accurate that they all came true in various strange ways. Of course, it all seems like a coincidence. So it gives people the illusion that Professor Trelawney is a liar who is good at alarmism.

And now, such a person actually praises someone for looking good? It's really unprecedented.

Just now, Dumbledore was still thinking about how to comfort Harker so that he would not be frightened by Trelawney's words. But unexpectedly, she actually said something nice. Dumbledore felt that this was unplanned.

Under the shocked gazes of others, Professor Trelawney sat next to Harker, grabbed his hand seriously, and read his palm.

Huck felt uncomfortable all over when Trelawney grabbed his wrist. Trelawney's hands were cold, and she was very thin, so Huck actually had the illusion of being caught by an animal's claws. Plus, she was so close that Huck could even feel Trelawney. Breath on his palm.

After watching for a while, Trelawney let go of Huck, but she wasn't done yet. She waved her wand, summoned a teacup and a pot of steaming hot tea, and poured Huck a full cup of scalding hot tea. of tea.

Then Huck received an extremely difficult order: drink the cup of hot tea as quickly as possible.

Huck couldn't help but think back to the long-ago days when he was a newspaper editor. At that time, he needed to travel frequently and negotiate with all kinds of people. Sometimes when someone makes things difficult for you, a classic trick is to pour you a hot drink and ask you to finish it quickly.

Times have changed, and no one has been so difficult on him for a long time - the cabinet and civil servants will not use such low-level tactics, they often directly attack his heart.

Looking at the hot tea in his hand, Huck recalled the green days of his youth, and then he drank the tea in one gulp in front of everyone.

Following Professor Trelawney's instructions, he swung the tea leaves three times in the cup, then tipped the cup upside down on the tray to drain the last drop of tea. During this period, everyone remained quiet, even Snape closed his mouth and watched all of this happening with a sarcastic face.

Professor Trelawney took the tray and began to interpret the shape of the tea leaves.

"The vines and the half-withered trees... the endless struggle, the oak fruits... an unexpected harvest, the crooked cross... the suffering and pain..."

Listening to Professor Trelawney's interpretation, Huck's smile gradually solidified on his face: This doesn't sound like a good word!

"The palmistry and facial reading are both good, and he is a sign of a noble person. Unfortunately, the results of tea leaf interpretation are average." Professor Trelawney finally came to a conclusion.

Huck: "So is the result of the divination good or bad?"

He felt a little uneasy in his heart and was looking forward to something.

"Good and bad."


I really hate this form of answer!

"So...well, can that one as I wish?" In the end, he couldn't bear his temper and got the point straight.

"A fortune teller cannot tell you the result for sure. The more important things are, the vaguer they are. We can even be accurate to the sky for small things like a dog killing a rabbit, but the thing you are thinking about is not within the scope of trivial things. .We can't see it completely." Tom explained for Professor Trelawney.

Among all the people present, except for Professor Trelawney, there really was no one who knew divination better than him.

Professor Trelawney gave Tom an approving look.

For wizards and soothsayers, there is no rule that "the secrets cannot be revealed", and they don't like to hide their secrets. The fundamental reason why their predictions are so vague is that the future they see is also murky.

"The road ahead is long, and we will eventually get the right result, but trials and sufferings will follow. The positive result is just the beginning. Trouble is inside and outside." Tom helped Huck interpret his divination like a magic stick.

Other professors: (_)

Tom Yoder, are you going to become a prophet?

Huck chewed the verdict carefully and thought it seemed pretty good: This obviously meant that he could be prime minister! If you can be the Prime Minister, what more can you ask for?

How could there be no challenges after becoming prime minister? Great Britain has been challenged since World War I, and every prime minister has been used to it.

Not a big problem. Huck calmed down and began to enjoy the food in front of him.

During the banquet, everyone also had a pleasant exchange, and the customs and customs of the magical world gradually unfolded in front of Huck.

Tom's mouth was stuffed with bratwursts, sandwiches, and roasted meats slathered with sauce. When his stomach was about to explode, Harker and Dumbledore talked about the treatment of prisoners in the magical and non-magical world.

"So you belong to a country that abolishes death?" When Huck heard that even the most vicious Death Eaters were sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban, his first reaction was that the wizarding world had actually abolished the death penalty.

"Death penalty? There has been no such thing as the death penalty since the birth of the magic world's laws." Dumbledore said calmly.

Indeed, there is really no such thing as the death penalty in the laws of the magical world. In the beginning, everyone was very direct, a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, and there was no need for the death penalty to deal with the enemy. When dementors appeared later, the magic world directly replaced the death penalty with "the dementor's kiss".

For a wizard, having his soul taken away is far more terrifying than death.

But if you want to be kissed by a dementor, the conditions are rather harsh. Even if you are a heinous Death Eater, you will only be sentenced to life imprisonment. Only Sirius and Crouch Jr., who were imprisoned for life and escaped from prison, were "kissed" by the Dementors - Crouch Jr. was more like silenced, and only Sirius was almost actually kissed.

"That's outrageous. In my opinion, the death penalty is still necessary," Huck said seriously, "but the UK has not imposed the death penalty in nearly 30 years."

Thinking of this, Huck also sighed secretly. He is not an abolitionist, but he is also very sure that he will not sentence prisoners to death during his term. The pressure of public opinion brought by the death penalty was beyond his ability to bear.


Today, we are going to tell the story of Archer Evermond, the 22nd Minister of Magic. The minister's story proves that many wizards were involved in the Great War.

Archer Evermonde was a wizard who served as Minister for Magic from 1912 to 1923.

During Minister Evermund's tenure, the Muggle world was embroiled in a large-scale military conflict that became known as the First World War. Evermund passed emergency legislation banning witches and wizards from participating in the war, lest there be a massive breach of the International Statute of Secrecy. However, this did not stop thousands of wizards from helping Muggles carefully and in any way they could. In addition, Henry Potter, who served in the Wizengamot, strongly condemned Evermund's decision, which also caused a certain sensation at the time.

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