The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 405 Christmas Gift

"From today on, you are the new head of the Black family." After saying these words, the look of sanity in the old woman's eyes disappeared, and madness took over her eyes again.

"The prodigal son, the disgrace of the family, the evil offspring I gave birth to!" She screamed with her eyes widened.

At the same time, Sirius felt as if he had a subtle connection with this ancestral home.

"From now on, I am the head of the Black family..." Sirius ignored the roar of his mother's portrait and murmured, "Oh, I don't need your recognition. I am the heir of the Black family..."

"If the young master wants, Kreacher can help you close the curtain so that the old master can enjoy peace." A voice as hoarse and deep as a bullfrog rang out.

The sound startled Harry, and he looked down at the source of the sound. It turned out to be a house elf. The house elf looked very old. He seemed to have several times more skin than his body actually needed. The excess skin fell softly on his sides. He was almost naked except for a dirty rag around his waist. His head was bald like all house elves, but his two large bat-like ears had a lot of white hair growing out of them.

Harry took a closer look at his face and found that his watery, gray eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, his fleshy nose was as big as a pig's nose, but the expression on his face was not that friendly, and could even be said to be... Hostile.

"Kreacher? I didn't expect you to be alive." Sirius was a little surprised. Kreacher was already very old when he ran away from home, and he was surprised to see Kreacher alive now.

Kreacher bowed to Sirius tremblingly, his nose almost touching the dirty carpet. When Kreacher bowed, he still muttered something: "The disgusting, ungrateful bastard, broke his current heart..."

Maybe he thought he was just saying it in his mind, but he did say it out loud, and even though Walburga Black's roar was covering it up, Harry and Sirius could still hear it clearly.

Sirius's expression suddenly changed.

"That's enough, close the curtain, now!" He said forcefully.

Kreacher bowed to Sirius again, snapped his fingers, and the curtains closed in front of the portrait of Walburga Black. The old woman's scream died away, leaving only an echoing silence.

Sirius took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. At this time, Kreacher had disappeared.

"Follow me." Sirius took Harry around the house and finally chose a bedroom that was not so dirty or dilapidated to sleep in.

"I'm sorry, Harry, I have to let you stay in a place like this on Christmas Eve..." Sirius felt a little guilty, he did this without thinking. He really didn't think about the hygiene of his house - he didn't have to worry about such things since he was a child.

When Sirius was a boy, he was a wealthy young man, and it was never his turn to clean the house. When he went to school at Hogwarts, there was no such campus activity as general cleaning, because there were hundreds of house elves in Hogwarts. Enough to maintain the daily cleanliness of the school. When Sirius was imprisoned in Azkaban as an adult, no one would ask him to clean the room...

Therefore, he really doesn't have this awareness. It wasn't until I came home today that I realized that there was almost no place to stay in the entire old house. My house elf is old and confused and acting crazy, so we can't expect him to clean up.

As for him coming by himself? Forget it, staying in a hotel is quite nice and doesn’t cost much.

"Nothing, much better than the Dursleys." Harry replied with a smile, shaking the quilt on the bed, and then a few mice ran out.

Harry, Sirius:...

"The Dursleys are really unhygienic." Sirius said with a complicated expression. He really thought the Dursleys were very unhygienic. If Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia heard this, they would have a fight with Sirius even if he was a wizard.

"Forget it. Come with me." After seeing the mouse entrenched in the bed, Sirius completely gave up the idea of ​​spending the night here and took Harry to a hotel in Diagon Alley.

On Christmas morning, Tom predictably overslept. In the end, it was the pillow thrown by Hermione that woke him up.

"Hermione?" Tom struggled to sit up, his head buzzing. He looked to his side, only to find that Mr. Granger had disappeared. In its place was a small pile of packages.

Sure enough, I still drank too much, and Mr. Granger didn't wake me up! Tom muttered to himself.

Then he suddenly stirred and wrapped his body in quilt, "Hermione, get out! I haven't dressed yet!"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "You really think I'm rare! Here, Christmas presents, here we go!"

She threw something on Tom's bed and left the bedroom.

It's so white. I really didn't expect that Tom, who usually looks inconspicuous, turned out... turned out to be quite strong. Hermione recalled the shocking glimpse just now, her face flushed, and she left quickly.

Tom quickly got dressed, got rid of the seal of the quilt, and began to open his Christmas gifts one by one.

What he was looking forward to most was the gift Hermione gave him. He unfolded the wrapping paper and a blue woolen scarf appeared in front of him.

Tom took the scarf in his hand and rubbed it with his hand, thinking it should be wool. After confirming the material, he took a closer look at the appearance of the scarf and found that it looked fine from a distance, but up close the weaving was a little crooked and the stitching was not very tight. Judging from the craftsmanship, it must have been knitted by Hermione herself.

There is also a small card tucked into the scarf, which reads in Juanxiu handwriting: [Don't say the knitting is ugly! 】

Tom smiled stupidly, then buried his nose in the scarf and inhaled hard. A faint fragrance entered Tom's nasal cavity along with a few small pieces of wool, making his nose and heart feel itchy.

He couldn't wait to put on the scarf and tried it on. He found that although it looked ordinary, it was very warm after wrapping it.

"Hehehe, it's so comfortable." At this time, he discovered that there was another box in the package sent by Hermione. Tom opened the box and found that there were neatly arranged chocolates inside.


Today we are going to tell the story of Artemisia Lufkin, the eleventh Minister of Magic.

PS: The replica pool is open, I hope everyone can draw the character you want.

I fished out my heart at 71...

Artemisia Lufkin (1754-1825) was a witch. She attended Hufflepuff House at Hogwarts. Lufkin was elected Minister of Magic from 1798 to 1811. She is also the first woman in history to serve as a minister.

She established the Department of International Magical Cooperation and lobbied hard to have the UK host a Quidditch World Cup during her tenure.

After Lufkin was appointed Minister, several Wizengamot wizards walked out in protest. She served as Minister of Magic for a total of 13 years.

Artemisia Lufkin died in 1825 at the age of 71. In the 1990s, she appeared in the Chocolate Frog cartoon.

On September 1, 1991, when Hufflepuff prefect Gabriel Truman welcomed the first-year students in his house, he mentioned that Artemisia Lufkin, the former Minister of Magic, was from Hufflepuff. One of the celebrities who came out of the academy.

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