The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 403 Christmas at the Granger Family

"It turns out that car-like luggage was a bit inconvenient, so I changed to a more convenient one." Mr. Granger opened the back door of the car and put the two people's suitcases in.

Then, the three of them embarked on their journey home.

When Mr. Granger walked through his small garden and opened the door of the house, the aroma of flour and butter being baked came from the house.

"Mom must be baking a cake!" Hermione rushed into the room excitedly. She put Crookshanks on the ground, quickly opened the zipper on her boots, threw off the two boots, and kicked off Rushed to the kitchen.

Tom, who was lagging behind, helped her put her shoes away with a wry smile, and comforted Crookshanks, who was a little nervous for the first time here.

Speaking of which, this was Crookshanks' first time at Granger's house. It huddled up nervously, its little eyes rolling. When Tom's hand reached its belly, it subconsciously extended its claws. But when it saw it was Tom, it relaxed again.

In Tom's arms, Crookshanks calmed down and took in the surrounding environment with his big eyes.

"Min Min!" After Hermione ran into the kitchen, Mrs. Granger gave her a hug and kissed her on the forehead. After kissing, she held her face and looked at her for a while.

"The skin has gotten better, and my Minmin has become beautiful again." Mrs. Granger smiled happily.

"Mom -" Hermione got rid of her mother's control and stretched her head to look at the stove, "What delicious food have you prepared today?"

"Little greedy cat~" Her mother poked the tip of Hermione's nose, "The cake is almost ready. I will put butter on it and decorate it with some flowers and it will be finished."

Mrs. Granger's baking skills were very good, and the bag of small cakes she made was particularly memorable to Tom.

Of course, a Christmas dinner can’t just consist of cake. There is a pot of red wine braised beef simmering on the gas stove in the kitchen, and the salad on the chopping board is also ready. It just needs to be sprinkled with seasonings and tossed. There are not only cake bases in the oven, but also a large plate of ladyfingers. The turkeys, sausages, and pork chops in the refrigerator were just lying there in a queue.

"By the way, Minmin, please help me take out the wooden pile cake from the refrigerator."

A log cake is a cake that looks like a log and is a traditional British delicacy. A long time ago, people would go to the woods to cut a large amount of wood when Christmas came, take it home and fill it in the fireplace to ensure that the stove could keep burning for 12 days from Christmas Eve. After entering modern society, logging is no longer very realistic. Instead, the way to celebrate is to eat this Christmas wood-shaped cake.

This cake was customized by Mr. Granger in advance from a cake shop.

Parents everywhere are accustomed to asking their children to help with kitchen chores, and the Granger family is no exception. After the joy of the first meeting faded, Hermione began to skillfully command Hermione.

Hermione walked to the refrigerator door, and when she opened the door, she saw a figure like a hill lying there.

Hermione: ...

"Mom, we have to eat turkey again this year..." Hermione looked at the pile of meat with a desperate expression.

"Of course, this is tradition!" Mrs. Granger said proudly, "This time I learned from experience and marinated the turkey in advance."

"What kind of tradition is this!" Hermione complained. She knew from reading that turkey was introduced to England in the 16th century and was considered an imported product. How could this be called a tradition? Looking at her mother's proud look on the old London Union Jack and thinking about the bad taste of the turkey and the fact that the food for the next week was all related to the turkey, Hermione couldn't bear it anymore and started to retort.

The result was that her head was hit by He's mother.

"Isn't there Tom this year? With an extra mouth, the turkey must be eaten faster than before." After the beating, He's mother comforted her precious daughter again.

Hermione was lost in thought.

Why? It seems true, Tom would like to eat turkey, right? If he doesn't like it, you can persuade him and reason with him. Hermione believed that after she explained her reasoning, Tom would like to eat turkey.

If that doesn't work, you can let Tom turn into a magical animal and eat it - the three-headed dog form is very good, and it looks very edible at first glance.

After Hermione figured it out, her mood improved and she continued to work happily in the kitchen.

When night fell, Mrs. Granger had prepared a sumptuous Christmas dinner. The red turkey, the sizzling roast meat, and the white Christmas cake were accompanied by a few black wooden stake-like things, which were wooden stake cakes prepared in advance. In addition, red wine braised beef and curry chicken were also placed on the table.

"Plenty!" Mr. Granger looked at the large table of delicious food and was very happy. He opened a bottle of champagne and took out a beer.

After a short prayer, Christmas dinner began.

Her mother took the knife and divided the turkey meat for everyone. She and her daughter got the chicken legs. Tom got part of the chicken wings. As for Mr. Granger, he got a large piece of chicken breast.

Perhaps because she knows the taste of turkey well, He's mother also made some optimizations to the turkey this year: she brushed the turkey with sauce in advance to let the flavor penetrate into the chicken as much as possible, and stuffed the chicken into the belly when roasting With carrots, celery, onions, chestnuts, sage and other stuffings, the roasted turkey will be fragrant. When dividing the meat, He's mother patiently cut the meat into small pieces and poured some barbecue sauce on top.

The chicken that has been processed through such complicated steps is much more delicious. Although there is still some firewood, it is still okay.

"Hey, the turkey was cooked well this time," Mr. Granger put a piece of chicken breast into his mouth, chewed it, and his eyes lit up.

"Then eat more," He Ma added another shovelful of meat to his plate.

The dinner was proceeding in an orderly manner. The family enjoyed the food, talking and laughing.

"Minmin, tell me about your recent life at Hogwarts? How are you doing? How are you getting along with your classmates?" Mr. Granger opened the third bottle of beer and asked enthusiastically. , "I remember you signed up for a lot of classes this year, can you still keep up?"

"Of course," Hermione raised her chin with a proud look on her little face, "I'm just a little busy every day, but fortunately Professor McGonagall applied for a time turner for us."

"Time turner?"

Everyone was in high spirits, and even Tom drank a little champagne and a few beers. By the time we had had enough wine and food, and had nothing to talk about, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

"It's so late," Mr. Granger glanced at the clock drowsily, "it's time to go to bed..."

"Yes," Hermione stood up and took away the leftovers on the table, while Hermione walked up to the second floor, preparing to take a shower.

Tom stood up. He remembered that his bedroom was also on the second floor, but before he could leave the dining table, he was caught by Mr. Granger.

"We... had a great time chatting today! Come, let's go back to the bedroom together and continue chatting..."

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