The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 392 Do you want to be the Minister of Magic?

But what the heck, just complete the minister's mission, Umbridge thought to herself.

For her, the minister's mission is greater than anything else, and things that can please the minister should be completed properly.

Umbridge gently brushed the dust off the file and carefully put it away. Just as she was about to leave the archives, there was a crash behind her, and at the same time there was a cry of surprise.

"Who!" Umbridge pulled out her wand and turned to look at the source of the sound.

"Confuse the audience!" A spell shot from behind her hit her back, and Umbridge's eyes suddenly became distracted.

She muttered: "The rats are too rampant here." Then she turned and left the archives.

After she left, two figures came out from behind two filing cabinets.

"Tonks! Can't you be more careful when performing your mission!" The middle-aged man with fiery red hair couldn't hold back his desire to complain.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I accidentally touched a volume. There is a reason why my stealth performance was poor back then."

The people who appeared in the archives were none other than Arthur Weasley and the newcomer Auror Nymphadora Tonks. They had just received orders from Dumbledore to keep an eye on the status of the Sirius Black case files in the archives.

As a result, Umbridge came in not long after they arrived...

It can only be said that Dumbledore has a wonderful plan!

At this time Fudge and his two subordinates also arrived in Hogsmeade. Since Hogwarts cannot be entered directly using Apparition, the three of them must first go to Hogsmeade and then walk to Hogwarts.

"Minister, are we a little too eager?" Kingsley thought for a moment and felt that it was not appropriate to let Fudge go directly to Hogwarts. Could he delay it for a while?

He feels he can.

Fudge looked at the empty Hogsmeade streets and the dementors floating by from time to time. He couldn't help but feel trapped in a cocoon - he had previously issued an order that Hogsmeade would implement a curfew after sunset every day. He had just set out in a hurry, but he actually Forgot to cancel this command.

"As the Minister of Magic, I still have the power to lift the curfew, right?" Fudge asked pitifully.

"Minister," even Delis was speechless at these words, "If we could lift the curfew by just walking over and saying a word, then there would be a big problem!"

Fudge then woke up. Yes, of course he has this power as the real Minister of Magic, but what if a dark wizard impersonates him? If the curfew could be lifted with just a message, wouldn't a dark wizard be able to walk into Azkaban and take away the prisoners?

Even as the official Minister of Magic, he still needs a series of formal procedures to order dementors.

"Okay, let's go to the tavern and stay one night first." Fudge saw two dementors slowly drifting towards here on the corner of the street. He felt that he was not very embarrassed to blatantly violate his orders. Plus, he remembered After seeing Ms. Rosmerta, she could not help but subconsciously walk towards the Three Broomsticks.

After the three people settled down at the Three Broomsticks, they went back to their rooms to rest. As soon as Kingsley returned to his room, he immediately sent a Patronus to Dumbledore, and told Dumbledore everything about Fudge's arrival and his orders.

Dumbledore's reply was simple: wait and see. Knowing that Dumbledore had been prepared, Kingsley felt relieved, took a shower in the private room, and went to bed.

Early the next morning, the sun rose as usual, but changes in the magical world had quietly begun.

Amelia Bones walked into the office as usual. Although today is Sunday and Christmas is coming soon, as the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the largest department of the Ministry of Magic, she naturally cannot have time off.

She walked into the office and found that her desk was already piled with documents to be processed. She sighed softly, then sat in her seat and started working.

She opened the reports one after another and read them quickly.

"Someone in Burnley enchanted a lawnmower so that it transformed into a humanoid flying monster when it was started? That would require a trip to the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office and possibly a memory logout The guys from the command center are cooperating... Arthur is very busy..."

"I received a report that someone is selling low-quality invisibility cloaks in Diagon Alley... Why don't you go to Knockturn Alley to sell them? No one will report you there... This is the work of the Office of Investigation and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defense Spells and Protective Equipment..."

"Notice of the Wizengamot Conference? Applicant, Dumbledore??!" Looking at the notice in her hand, Amelia Bones narrowed her eyes. She had a premonition that something big was going to happen.

As the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, Dumbledore certainly had the authority to convene the Wizengamot Council. As for the reason for the convening, she believed it would be written in the notice, so she continued to look down.

Sure enough, underneath the notice was the reason for the meeting.

Although she was mentally prepared, she was shocked when she saw the reason for the meeting. This meeting is actually going to restart the Sirius case trial! That's not all. At the end of the notice, there is a long paragraph that tells the story of Sirius, Peter Pettigrew, and James in detail.

After reading this passage, Amelia Bones felt like a storm was rising in her heart. She never expected that the murderer back then was actually innocent, but the hero being commended was actually the real executioner! As she recalled some of the details from that year, she realized that a storm was about to arise within the Ministry of Magic as well.

She tried hard to suppress the turbulent emotions in her heart, and handled the matter properly. She sent a letter to each member of the Wizengamot, telling them that the meeting was about to be held, and included the reason for the meeting.

After completing this task, all that was left on her desk was one letter. This letter is a bit strange. There is nothing on the envelope, only a line of small words: To Amelia Bones

Amelia Bones opened the letter, and inside there was only a piece of parchment, which read: Do you want to be the Minister for Magic?

Ms. Bones's heart beat unexpectedly.


I mentioned dragon pox in the previous chapter. I was a little curious about this disease - Malfoy's grandfather also died of this disease, so I searched for information about it.

After checking it out, it was really eye-opening. Dragon pox is a disease also translated as "Dragon Pox Syphilis". The first patient with dragon pox was a wizard who had close contact with the Peruvian Venomtooth Dragon at work.

Syphilis... So brother, what kind of close contact did you have with the dragon? ! ! Are you Yin Zhiping?

Dragon Pox is a contagious disease among wizards and witches that can be fatal. In addition to leaving scars on patients' skin, the disease can also leave their skin permanently bluish. In addition to this, in some mild cases, patients develop a green and purple rash between their toes and spray sparks from their nostrils when they sneeze.

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