The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 378 News in the bar (please subscribe)

"Perfect!" Tom couldn't wait to pick up the wine glass and took a sip of butterbeer. The wine flowed into his stomach and warmed every inch of his body.

"I really love this thing." Tom put the wine glass back on the table with a touch of white cream on the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah, take a sip and your whole body will warm up." Harry agreed from the side. At this time, Hermione broke the croissant in her hand into two halves, put half of it in Tom's mouth, and wiped away the cream foam stuck to the corners of his mouth without leaving a trace.

Tom did not avoid Hermione's little move, but sat there patiently and let Hermione wipe the corners of his mouth. Freshly baked croissants are fluffy and soft, with the aroma of flour and butter.

After wiping the foam from her mouth, Hermione put the croissant into Tom's mouth. Tom used his tongue to remove the croissant and sucked on Hermione's fingertips. A hint of salty taste came from the tip of his tongue, but Tom broke into a sweet smile and received a well-disguised eye roll.

Harry witnessed the whole process from the other side. He shivered, as if a cold wind had blown over his head.

Harry's feeling was correct, there was really a cold wind blowing on his face. The door to the bar opened and several people walked in.

Harry glanced at it, and his eyes suddenly widened: Professor Flitwick and Professor Scamander walked into the Three Broomsticks in a gust of wind and snow, followed by a fat man wearing a bowler hat. , wearing a pinstriped cloak, and behind him was Hagrid, who did a good job of covering the fat man from the wind and snow coming from behind.

That fat man is the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge.

"What a coincidence, there are no empty seats. Why don't you come to the bar and have a few drinks?"

"That's even better."

Several people walked towards the bar.

Harry immediately slid off the stool, hid under the table, and then hurriedly put on the invisibility cloak. In the process of putting on the invisibility cloak, he hit his head on the table. Fortunately, Tom held the table and prevented Harry from flipping the table over. In addition, the bar was so messy that no one noticed.

After Harry, who was sandwiched between them, ran under the table, Tom and Hermione no longer had to worry about anything, so they leaned together.

Harry touched the top of his head under the table, trying not to cry out. He adjusted his posture so that he could sit down more comfortably. At this time, several professors and Fudge also ordered their own drinks. From Harry's perspective, he could see several pairs of feet standing not far from him.

"Pumpkin juice?"

"Thank you very much," said Professor Scamander.

“A glass of lemon syrup soda with ice and umbrella—”

"Here!" Professor Flitwick raised his hand, looking very expectant.

"Warrior! You still drink ice in this weather," Fudge smiled and took his red currant rum from Mrs. Rosmerta.

Finally, the landlady placed a huge jar in front of Hagrid, which was filled with mead.

Ms. Rosmerta put her drink down and was about to leave when Fudge grabbed her.

"There's no need to leave in a hurry, dear," Harry heard Fudge's voice coming from diagonally above his head, "I have to say it's nice to see you, and it's worth braving some snow and wind for it. Put down those chores and be with us. Let’s have a drink together—”

When Hermione heard this, she snorted impolitely, but the sound was drowned in the sound of drinking wine. Not to mention Fudge and the others, even Harry who was under the table didn't hear it.

"Do you think Ms. Rosmerta is really that beautiful? Even Fudge..." she asked in a low voice.

"Not bad, mainly because of her good temperament." Tom glanced at Ms. Rosmerta and commented casually, but he quickly added: "I believe you will be much more beautiful than her when you are the same age as her. "

"Then I really appreciate your compliment." Hermione rolled her eyes at Tom.

Ms. Rosmerta had no choice but to accept the invitation because of the minister's face. She got herself a glass of sherry and joined the minister's cocktail party.

Although the Minister of Magic was only a few meters away from them, Tom and the three of them were not worried at all. They all secretly pricked up their ears and listened carefully to the conversation of Fudge and his group.

"What brought you here today, Minister?" Ms. Rosmerta took the initiative to stir up the topic.

"It's Christmas, it's time to relax. The days lately have not been peaceful," Fudge said nonchalantly as he shook the wine glass in his hand. "The days of tranquility are getting fewer and fewer!"

Fudge grumbled.

"It's not peaceful? Is it Sirius? Minister, do you know how many times the dementors searched my bar? The customers were scared away and my business was greatly affected," Ms. Rosmerta Her tone was a bit sharp, revealing her dissatisfaction, "I have heard rumors that Sirius and Dementors have made two big news in Hogwarts recently?"

Fudge twisted his body uneasily and looked around. His eyes passed over Tom and Hermione, but they did not attract his attention - isn't it normal for a young man and woman to appear in a bar?

After discovering that no one was eavesdropping, Fudge said in a low voice: "As for Sirius's issue, the Ministry of Magic will handle it properly, and will also issue a compensation to you businessmen who were affected. The Dementor matter has been overturned. The situation is not that simple... The situation is a bit complicated. The magic world in various countries has not been very peaceful recently... I really don’t know if the two major events next year can be held smoothly..."

After hearing the compensation, Ms. Rosmerta's expression relaxed a lot. Although the Ministry of Magic certainly can't give you much money, it's better than giving nothing at all! And the business of her bar has not been as hugely affected as she said - after encountering a dementor, is she not allowed to come to the bar and drink a glass of butterbeer to calm down the shock? And then complaining about the Ministry of Magic with a few good friends?

The big event that Fudge didn't mention caught her attention.

"What are the two big events? I probably know one of them, and the other...?" She looked at Fudge, showing a strong curiosity for knowledge, and her eyes seemed to be glowing.

Facing Mrs. Rosmerta like this, Fudge laughed twice, looking quite proud, "These are secrets, I can't reveal them to you... But I can assure you, this will be - very - -Wonderful!"

Fudge touched Mrs. Rosmerta's hand.

Mrs. Rosmerta took her hand out of Fudge's hand without leaving a trace, then pushed him with a sweet smile, "Minister~"

"Sorry, this is a rule, but I can give you a little hint. It is a traditional activity that has been interrupted for a long time."

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