The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 373 Old Friends

Sirius raised his head sharply and stared at Tom.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" he said in a hoarse voice, "Innocent? Me? Sirius Black? I should be just like my name, extremely dark, an unpardonable evil person. "

"The Ministry of Magic should have made it very clear that I am the most brutal lackey of the mysterious man who has killed countless Muggles..." Sirius showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

He was too lazy to defend himself. People's opinions and gold accumulate and their bones are destroyed, and three people become tigers, and many things happen. At present, the credibility of the Ministry of Magic is still extremely strong. Under their overwhelming publicity, Dumbledore and Harry Potter couldn't stand it, let alone Sirius.

In terms of evidence, Dumbledore and Harry don't have much solid evidence. In terms of popularity, one person defeated Grindelwald and the other defeated Voldemort. Sirius was far inferior to them in both respects, was his excuse really useful?

It's no use, no one believes him. As time went by, Sirius himself gave up on the idea of ​​returning his innocence. If he hadn't seen Peter Pettigrew still alive, he might have chosen to spend the rest of his life in Azkaban. As the saying goes, "There is no greater sorrow than death."

As a result, today he heard the adjective "innocent" from a little wizard he had never met before. This surprised him so much.

innocent? How many years has this adjective been away from me? Today, someone actually connected the words Sirius and innocent together, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"Ministry of Magic?" Tom sneered, "Only fools believe what those insects say."

"Have you ever had a heart-to-heart talk with a big ginger cat before? That cat was... raised by my girlfriend, and I heard your story from it. I don't think a person can Are you bored enough to lie to a cat?"

"That's it!" Sirius suddenly remembered that very human cat, and felt that everything had a reasonable explanation.

"You can actually understand the cat's words." Sirius felt speechless for a while: How many things did he not know about the little wizard in front of him? How come he can give himself a "surprise" every few minutes?

"I got an ancient alchemy pendant by chance, which can help me communicate with various animals."

"Well, ancient alchemy is really magical..."

"No, too much knowledge in the magic world has been lost in inheritance."

After complaining about the inheritance issues in the magic world, the two fell into silence again.

"Since you believe that I am innocent, can you untie the vines on my body?" The tight areas on my body were already numb, and Sirius felt a little uncomfortable.

Tom suddenly suffered from selective deafness and turned a deaf ear to Sirius' pleas: he didn't want to let Sirius loose just yet. This guy has been in Azkaban for so long, his mood is a bit unstable, and his mental state is obviously problematic, so he should be more cautious.

To be honest, Tom didn't understand Sirius's actions: after this guy escaped from Azkaban, he never considered contacting elders like Dumbledore or old friends like Lupin, and had been fighting alone. Lone wolf behavior is really puzzling.

Perhaps the long years of imprisonment made him lose trust in other people?

"Why do you keep chasing Peter alone?"


Faced with Tom's question, Sirius fell silent. He didn't want to think about this question, and he didn't want to answer it, so he chose to remain silent.

"At least talk to your friends from back then - if that doesn't work, there's Dumbledore who knows the truth," Tom winked at Sirius, "A sociable guy like me has a close (girlfriend) friend. It’s impossible for you not to have one, right?”

After enlightening Sirius, Tom turned and left. Seeing his figure disappearing into the bushes, Sirius fell into deep thought: Why not find Lupine and talk to him? Let’s see if we can still trust this old friend from our student days...

But it’s so difficult! Sirius thought hard and couldn't think of a way to convince his old friend. Because in everyone's eyes, he is the scumbag who betrayed his friends and killed his brothers!

Sirius felt like he was being drowned in despair bit by bit. The more he thought about it, the darker his premise seemed.

Tom was still a little naive. He didn't consider Sirius's situation. He simply believed that as long as Sirius found his old friends, he would get a lot of help, and then capture Peter Pettigrew alive and wash away his grievances. But Sirius is now a wanted criminal! Will anyone really believe him?

You have a high school classmate. You and he are very good friends and work in the same company after graduation. As a result, after a while, you saw a news bulletin saying that he was sent to prison for the bombing. You may be sad for a while, but life goes on. But more than ten years later, you see this "old friend" on the news again. News reports say that he escaped from prison. You are extremely shocked by this.

Now this old friend appears in front of you, saying that he was wrongly accused, and hopes that you can help him catch the real murderer in the school where you worked.

Will you choose to believe him? On one side is the government's real action, and on the other side is just an empty promise from an old friend. Would you believe it if it were you? I'm afraid he would have been conceited in person, then turned around and sent the insane fugitive to prison.

Don't force Lu Ping to do something you can't do yourself. So it's understandable that Sirius doesn't go to Lupin. Lupine backhandedly tying Sirius to the Ministry of Magic is also acceptable.

Sirius stared blankly at the sky, his heart going blank. At this time, he felt that the vines on his body seemed to be a little loose. It must have been that the young man had loosened the vines after distancing himself from him - he was really cautious. He shook himself and freed himself from the vines, and then his eyes caught sight of an object in the bushes: an old piece of parchment.

The parchment looked so familiar that Sirius recognized it almost instantly. In a hurry, he rushed to the edge of the bush while rolling and crawling. For this reason, he tripped over the vines wrapped around his feet and fell, but he didn't care.

After Sirius picked up the parchment from the bushes, he looked at it carefully for a while. Then he came to a conclusion: This is the Marauder's Map he made back then!

Sirius threw his head up and laughed.


I wonder if any of you have smoked the eighth weight? I used 40 rounds of Entangled Fate to get this little fox~


Note: Sirius’s last name, Black, means black in English.

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