The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 367 News from London

"Thank you, Professor." Hermione bowed slightly to Professor Lupin to express her gratitude. Professor Lu Ping's guidance on her paper just now made her enlightened. At the same time, I was a little embarrassed: Although Professor Snape said something unpleasant, he actually had something to say. This paper of mine really does not deserve such a high score.

"Yeah." Lupine nodded, and then the three of them fell into silence again.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward. Finally, Lupine said to Hermione helplessly, "Miss Granger, I have something to do with Mr. Yodel - I hope he can be my assistant and help me tutor someone."

Tutoring someone? Hermione was confused, but Tom vaguely had an answer.

"I need him to help Mr. Potter practice the Patronus Charm and other spells." Lupine showed his cards, making Hermione a little stunned.

Tom, help with the spells?

That sounds like a good thing, but why Tom? Spell sparring may sound reasonable, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that this excuse is ridiculous. Why does Lupine need a sparring partner? Can't he do this kind of thing by himself?

"People of the same age can be more motivating." Lu Ping gave a slightly tenable excuse. In fact, this is Dumbledore's arrangement.

After hearing that Harry was a little afraid of dementors, Dumbledore immediately found Lupin, hoping that he could help Harry. If possible, it would be better to help Tom Yoder.

Inspired by the orphan of his friend and the request of his teacher, Lu Ping happily accepted this task. And his solution is to open a small stove for Tom and Harry.

"Professor, if possible, I think you can consider teaching the Patronus Charm to everyone so that more students can learn this spell." Tom made a suggestion.

The more people who know the Patronus Charm, the better.

Lu Ping thought about it and felt that teaching one person was still teaching, and teaching a group was still teaching, so there was no big problem.

"This is a very difficult spell——"

"You'll never know if you don't learn, right?"

There is some truth to this statement. So Professor Luping included the Patronus Charm in his teaching content.

"So it's settled? You'll be my little assistant?"

"No problem at all."

After reaching a consensus, Lu Ping felt a lot more relaxed.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" He found his teapot, tapped it with his wand, and a stream of steam spewed out from the spout. The water has boiled.

Lupine had reached this point, so Tom and Hermione naturally did not refuse and sat opposite Lupine. Lupine took out a dusty jar and took out the tea bags inside.

Lupine, who was used to being poor, still maintained his simple habits after getting a well-paid job. This is the sense of crisis he has developed over the years. Lupine has been saving money to avoid falling into trouble again in the future if he suddenly loses his job.

"I heard that you are good at tea divination?" Looking at the tea bag in his hand, Lupine thought of Tom's "talent" in the rumors, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Yeah." Tom admitted openly, "How do you know?"

"How could I not know if I was deaf or not when the whole school was talking about it-" Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in," Lupine called loudly.

Snape came in holding a slightly smoking goblet. Seeing Tom and Hermione here, his dark eyes narrowed slightly.

Snape was here to deliver Wolfsbane potion to Lupine.

Wolfsbane potion should be taken a few days before the full moon for best results. The potion he prepared last time had been consumed by Lupine, so he needed to boil another pot in case of emergency. As a werewolf operating at Hogwarts, it would be best for Lupin to always have a supply of Wolfsbane potion in his office.

Although Snape had a venomous tongue, he was indeed a responsible professor who put the safety of his students first. So, he worked up the wolfsbane potion overnight and delivered it to Lupine. Unexpectedly, he met Tom Yoder and Hermione Granger in Lupin's office.

Snape's mood suddenly improved. He knew very well that both Tom and Hermione were students who were good at potions, and Tom had studied the reproduction of Wolfsbane potion with him. It was easy for Tom to recognize the Wolfsbane potion.

After recognizing the Wolfsbane Potion, Lupine's identity can be easily revealed - it can't be said that Lupine is also obsessed with potions, right?

"Remember to take it on time." Snape said coldly, his words full of hints.

"No problem." Lupine seemed unaware, as if he hadn't noticed Snape's hint.

He accepted the potion from Snape and politely asked Tom and Hermione to leave the room.

"Tom, I thought you should have noticed it!" Hermione quickly walked in front of Tom and blocked him.

"What did you see?" Tom asked knowingly.

Hermione paused suddenly and hesitated. She also understood that this kind of thing could not be said in public. She looked around and found no one around, so she lowered her voice: "Of course it's Professor Luping's true form..."

"I know." Tom's flat attitude drove Hermione a little crazy.

"I believe Professor Dumbledore." Hermione choked on the second half of the sentence and was speechless.

"Okay then," Hermione shook her head helplessly, her brown hair flying, "As long as you know what's going on."

At this time, a flying pigeon attracted their attention.

It was Tom's homing pigeon.

"What is this?" Hermione came over curiously, wanting to read the contents of the letter. But Tom dodged it.


"A small project that I mentioned to you before."

Hermione understood immediately: this was news about private prisons.

"So fast?" She was a little surprised. She knew very well the troubles of dealing with the government. The administrative efficiency of Daying was surprisingly low. She thought that there would be no news until the end of this year. Even the end of this year is a luxury: because this year’s cabinet is about to change.

Ministers have focused their energy on the cabinet change, so how can they bother to approve a private prison?

The proposal is submitted and approved by the cabinet - this is an application to contract a prison for serious offenders, which will definitely cause controversy, and may even go to parliament. Even if they are lucky, the cabinet and parliament agree to Tom's application, and after he has gone through a lot of complicated procedures, there is still a big obstacle in front of them: building a prison.

Everyone knows about Britain’s infrastructure. It is very likely that when Tom graduates, the prison will still be under construction...

"So what's going on? What's the news?" Hermione was extremely curious and couldn't help but ask again and again.


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