The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 346 Visiting the patient (two in one)

Harry just sat quietly on the bed, looking at the remains of his broom. He couldn't remember how he spent the rest of the day. He only vaguely knew that Madam Pomfrey had visited several times, provided him with some decoctions, and asked him to stay in the campus hospital for observation over the weekend. She also tried to throw the broom fragment away, but Harry firmly refused her request.

He knew that this behavior was a bit stupid, and he knew very well that his Nimbus 2000 could not be repaired - Professor Flitwick had already tried hard, and even he couldn't repair it, so no one could possibly repair it. But he really couldn't throw it away. When he thought of the remains of the broom lying in the trash can, slowly rotting, his heart felt like it was being pinched.

This broom is more than just a broom, it's your friend.

Fred and George looked at each other with complicated expressions.

"Fred, do you believe that little stick can help Tom find Scabbers?"

"I would rather believe that wood can play Quidditch - Ouch!" Fred was hit on the back of the head just as he spoke. He turned around and saw his captain Wood staring at him.

"Can you please stop telling jokes using the homophony of my name? To be honest, I'm tired of hearing it." Wood glared at the pair of bastards angrily, pushed them away and ran into the toilet to remove the auxiliary fuel tank - As soon as he entered the bathroom he heard Fred saying his name.

"I'll bet Merlin's boxers that the thing Tom is leaning on is definitely not that little stick," Fred frowned and said in a very sure tone, "His other hand has been hidden in his robe. , the key lies in what he has in his hand."

They both stared at Tom's hand hidden in his sleeve, lost in thought.

"Tom, wow, how did you do this? Divination? This is really amazing. You will definitely become a prophet -" Ron stuffed Scabbers into the robe on his chest and hurriedly chased him. Enter Tom and marvel at his divination abilities.

"I just gave it a try. This is the first and last time I use branch divination." Tom's facial muscles twitched twice, and then he threw the firewood stick in his hand into the fireplace.

He was about to leave the Gryffindor common room with Hermione, but was stopped by Ron.

"Tom, I..." He hesitated for a while, and finally said: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so reckless...I wronged you."

Hermione hugged the agitated Crookshanks, accepted his apology, and followed Tom out of the Gryffindor common room.

"Wait a minute!" Ron seemed to think of something, "Tom...Hermione, do you want to go to the school hospital with me to see Harry? It seems that Fred and the others are going too. The scene should be very interesting - I It means they will definitely bring a lot of prank toys there..."

Tom thought for a while and thought this idea seemed good. Today happened to be Sunday and he had a lot of free time. He looked at Hermione next to him and saw that she had no objection, so he walked towards the campus hospital with her.

When he arrived at the school hospital and opened the door to the ward, Tom saw Harry sitting on the hospital bed staring at the broom fragments in a daze.

Ron walked over to him and picked up the debris piled in his lap.


"OK," Ron understood what Harry meant. He gathered the pieces of the broom slightly, placed them on the bedside table, and then found a chair beside his bed to sit down.

Ron's arrival obviously relieved Harry's mood, and his eyes regained a little life. When he saw Tom and Hermione accompanying him, his lips twitched twice, as if he wanted to say something. What.

"Are you feeling better, brother? You were really in danger this time. I saw it, a full fifty feet! Levitation spells and the like are of no use at all..."

"much better……"

"The Levitation Charm is of little use in that situation. The Shock Absorbing Charm should be used -"

The two of them were chatting away, with Hermione interjecting a few words from time to time.

"Harry, something big happened today," Ron took out Scabbers from his arms. "I woke up in the morning and found that Scabbers was gone. There was only a pool of blood on the sheets. Guess what?"

"Tom used twig divination to help me find it!"


Peter Pettigrew:!

He opened his small, round, bean-like eyes and stared at Tom intently: So it was you who lured Ron here? Damn brat, come and mess with me again!

Huh? Why do I say "again"?

However, Peter Pettigrew was a man who could withstand strong winds and waves. When faced with Tom who ruined his good deeds, he remained calm and behaved no differently than an ordinary mouse.

"Twig divination?" Harry was confused.

Seeing that Harry had never heard of this magical method of divination, Ron excitedly started to educate Harry about it. Tom listened carefully for a while and felt that Ron's career as a novelist after graduation would definitely help the Weasley family escape poverty and become rich.

Soon, people who came to visit Harry also appeared one after another.

After sitting here for a while, Tom discovered that there was really an endless stream of people coming to see Harry. Soon after he and Ron's group arrived, Wood showed up with a large group of Gryffindor players.

Wood stood in front of Harry's bed and comforted him in a dry tone. He seemed to want to tell Harry that losing the game was not his problem, but the sincerity in his words was not even as sincere as the tone of the chat software's customer service.

While Wood was chatting awkwardly there, Fred and George sneaked up to Tom, surrounding Tom on both sides.

"Tom, tell me how you found Spots? Don't talk about branch divination, we are not as stupid as little Ron."

"An alchemy tool." Tom shrugged and told the Weasley brothers about the positioning paper.

"Cool! I think we could try making a similar product - paper that can position various things. What do you think, George?"

"Then why don't you use the flying curse?" George couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"We'll talk about it later. Anyway, the problem is solved." The doubts in Fred's mind were solved. He grinned happily, left a bag of prank toys on Harry's bedside, and joined in the chat.

The Gryffindor players chatted for a while and then left.

Shortly after Wood left, Ron's sister, Ginny Weasley, also appeared outside the door, peeking her head in, looking a little sneaky.

She lingered outside the door for a while, hesitated for a long time before she plucked up the courage to rush in. With a blush on her face, she stuffed a homemade wishing you well card into Harry's hand, and nodded without daring to say a word. He ran away at a trot.

"I bet she's definitely interested in Harry," after Ginny left, Hermione whispered in Tom's ear in a very low voice, "Harry is lucky, that little girl will grow up It must be beautiful.”

The hot breath between Hermione's lips and teeth tickled Tom's ears, and he shivered.

"Quite sensitive," Hermione smiled and blew into his ear.

At this time, the door was pushed open again, and Hermione suddenly sat upright, as if nothing had happened just now.

This time it was Hagrid who came in. He brought Harry a bouquet of centipede-like flowers, with various stems and leaves intertwined together, like a yellow cabbage. After not seeing each other for many days, Hagrid's complexion had deteriorated a lot. There was an indelible tiredness on his face, as if he had been staying up all night. The already messy beard and hair are directly tangled together, making the two become one.

"Hagrid, what's going on with Buckbeak?" Harry asked Hagrid about the progress of his lawsuit.

"Oh, it's good. You don't have to worry about this. Just take good care of yourself." Hagrid's expression darkened visibly, and then he cheered up and comforted him randomly before preparing to leave in a hurry.

"Hagrid," Tom called to Hagrid, "perhaps Professor Dumbledore and Professor Scamander can help you -"

"Professor Dumbledore is busy enough. As for Newt Scamander, I will go find him." Hagrid sighed and turned away.

The atmosphere in the ward suddenly became cold.

At this moment, the greeting card sent by Ginny suddenly began to sing in a high-pitched voice, no matter how hard he fiddled with it. Harry hurriedly found a fruit bowl and closed it to make the sound less harsh.

"Hagrid is going through a very difficult time. I saw him in the library some time ago looking for books on the law of magical beasts. To be honest, I don't think he has a chance of winning against that guy Lucius in the legal field. Yes, the Malfoy family is best at playing tricks within the rules..." Being disturbed by the greeting card, the air in the ward returned to normal, and Ron began to express his views.

"It was Malfoy who sought death!" Hermione knew the whole story of the Buckbeak incident very well, so she was emotionally inclined to Hagrid's side.

"We all know that it was Malfoy who sought death, but this does not change the final result." Ron waved his hand in the air irritably, and he felt very uncomfortable. After seeing the forced smile on Hagrid's face, he even wanted to rush to the Slytherin common room and punch Malfoy in his stinky face. Because he was extremely sure that Malfoy was extremely gloating about Buckbeak's death.

At this time, Harry on the hospital bed spoke.

"Ron, I want to be quiet." Ron became quiet as soon as Harry spoke.

"I want to talk to Tom alone." Harry was silent for a while, and then he looked at the two slightly redundant people in the ward.

Hermione \u0026 Ron: Shall I go?

"Let Harry and I talk alone." Tom thought for a moment and opened the door to the ward for the two of them.


Although she was shocked, she walked out obediently, just raising her little fist to show Tom.

"So you want to talk to me about 'Ominous'?" Tom said with his back to Harry after the two of them walked out of the room.

Harry felt as if he was being choked. He was surprised, and it was so surprising that Tom directly told him what he was thinking.

Can he read minds? Harry couldn't help but curse in his heart.

He really wanted to talk to Tom about Ominous, because he really had no one else to talk to. Having so many people come to see him today couldn't make Harry feel better, because everyone only understood half of his troubles. He knew that when he mentioned "ominous" to others, he would only get two attitudes: panic and scorn.

But Harry's instinct told him that Tom might have a different perspective. Finally, the curiosity in his heart drove him to stay with Tom and want to talk to him.


"Did you see 'Ominous' during the game yesterday?"

Harry's words were choked in his stomach, and in the end he could only nod as if he was constipated.

"I saw it too."

"So you also...?" Harry suddenly raised his lowered head. Tom's news was really shocking. He originally thought that only he could see the "ominous" thing.

"You see, I'm still alive and kicking. 'Ominous' didn't do anything to me." Tom shrugged. The prediction made by Professor Trelawney when he was awake was really unreliable. Harry was indeed entangled by a big black dog, but this big black dog was the last person in the world who was most likely to harm him.

Harry wanted to ask something else, but Tom beat him to it and asked him a question.

"Harry, what do you think of the subject of divination?"

Harry was silent for a moment and said tentatively: "Divination is a science that reveals the future through various methods?"

Although many Gryffindor boys around him believed that divination was a subject that was equated with liars, deep down, Harry still believed in it.

"I think divination is a science that peeks into a corner of the future. What we see is only a very one-sided corner of the future - have you ever eaten star fruit?"

"Huh? No."

"There's one here," Tom said with sharp eyes, and took out a star fruit from the fruit basket sent by someone unknown. This fruit basket was quite complete, with all kinds of fruits, even a small watermelon and a pineapple.

"Look, the star fruit has stars on the front, but it looks like this on the side, just like the future we observe. Professor Trelawney is a very good divination master. She saw it right, but what she saw was definitely not A comprehensive future." Tom tossed the star fruit to Harry.

"Is it one-sided..." Harry looked at the star fruit in his hand. Before he could think about it carefully, he heard a noise coming from outside the door, along with a few words: Catch that beast! leave me alone! Something like that.

It was Ron's voice.

It looked like Hermione hadn't been able to stop Crookshanks after all.

Tom opened the door and saw Hermione panting and standing outside the door holding the struggling Crookshanks, while Ron was sitting in the corner holding the squeaking Scabbers.

"Sure enough, that cat is still as crazy!" Ron hugged the frightened Scabbers and ran into the ward, staying as far away from Hermione and Crookshanks in her hands as possible.

"Do you have any more questions? If not, we'll leave first?" Tom asked Harry, who was half lying on the bed with a star fruit in his hand.


Brainteaser: Harry Potter is flying and hitting an insect (the answer will be revealed in the next chapter "Writer's Words")

(づ ̄3 ̄) monthly ticket, recommended ticket

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