The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 338 A raincoat is probably a beautiful thing!

Tom was halfway there when he suddenly realized something tricky. He turned his head and shouted to his teammates as loudly as possible: "Try not to fly too high after the game starts. I suspect there will be dementors in the sky - think about it, there are still people in Hogwarts right now." Is there a happier place than a Quidditch pitch? And those guys are starving..."

When speaking under the mask, the voice is inevitably muffled, but it can still be heard by teammates. Everyone couldn't help but tremble when they heard the word "dementor", as if there were very bad memories flooding into their hearts.

"Probably not. How could Professor Dumbledore allow them to enter Hogwarts?" Albert felt that Tom was making a fuss - others could say, as a seeker, how could he not fly high? The view from high altitude is better, not to mention that the Golden Snitch will not stop flying to high altitude just because it rains.

"The stadium is outside Hogwarts Castle. There is indeed a possibility of trouble." Richie glanced at the majestic stadium in front of him seriously, but his expression was completely covered by the mask and no one could see it.

"Be careful." Richie had no choice but to tell everyone to take care of themselves.

There was nothing Tom could do about his teammates' disapproval and lying-down strategy. He couldn't even blame them! Because the teammates are powerless - no one in this team can release the Patronus Spell that is enough to expel the dementors. Even if you stay vigilant, you can only escape faster. He could only hope that the previous incident in Hogsmeade had taught these dementors a profound enough lesson that they would be able to exercise restraint.

The team went into the locker room to make final touches. The players were either sitting in the locker room in a daze, or maintaining their brooms, and some were eating to prepare enough calories for the next game. The actions of the Gryffindor team members in the locker room across the pitch were quite uniform: they were all changing clothes, changing their soaked robes into dry spare clothes, and wiping the water off their bodies.

Although you will get soaked again after a while, it is better than standing around in the lounge wet.

Tom was leaning against the door, wiping the raindrops off his broom, when he heard two gentle knocks on the door. When he turned around, he saw Hermione hiding behind the door, waving to him.

"What's wrong?" Tom asked as he came out of the dressing room and stood in front of Hermione.

Hermione stretched out her hands and straightened the hem of Tom's robe.

"The color of the clothes matches you very well," she said without thinking. Then she held Tom's cheeks with both hands and looked at them for a moment before whispering: "Be safe, I will be there." Looking at you from below.”

She stared at Tom quietly for a moment, then touched her forehead with Tom's, "Don't be brave, I'll wait for you to come back."

After saying this, she turned around and ran away quickly.

Tom stood at the door of the dressing room, watching Hermione's back gradually disappear on the spiral staircase, and listening to her footsteps merge into the sound of hundreds of feet above her head. At this time, a whistle came from the distance. It was Mrs. Huo Qi who was summoning the members of the two teams.

Tom walked onto the court with his teammates. They were swayed left and right by the wind as they walked, and the cheers in the stands were obscured by the thunder and rain. It's windy and rainy, that's all.

Gryffindor players, dressed in red and gold robes, emerged from across the pitch to shake hands with the Ravenclaw team.

Wood keenly noticed the abnormalities in the Ravenclaw team members, but the game started before he could say anything.

Tom quickly took off on the Sweeping Seven Stars, but he found that his broom seemed to be greatly disturbed. The strong wind made it unable to respond very sensitively to his instructions - it was like playing a game with a delay.

Tom struggled to control the broom and squinted his eyes to look for the Quaffle in the rain.

The narrator of Hogwarts is still Lee Jordan of Gryffindor House. Today's heavy rain cannot dampen his passionate commentary. He is shouting at the top of his lungs, trying to convey everything he sees to the audience. .

Less than five minutes after flying in the air, Tom felt like he was freezing. It would be even worse if the gown wasn't waterproof. Tom could not imagine what a bunch of monsters the Gryffindors were that persisted in fighting them in such weather.

The situation now was dominated by Ravenclaw. In just five minutes, they had already led by 30 points. It is conceivable that if the comparison continues, the score difference will be further widened.

I don’t know how long it took, but a flash of lightning flashed, and Mrs. Huo Qi’s whistle came from the rain. It took a lot of effort for Richie to collect the team members and land in the mud.

"Wood called a timeout." They ran under a small raised shed and gathered around. After everyone gathered together, Richie told them the good news: now the point difference between them and Gryffindor has widened to 60 points.

Someone lit up a fire, and everyone gathered around the fire, trying to add some heat to themselves.

"They are amazing and fought bravely, but the advantage lies with us!" By the fire, Richie praised the Gryffindor team. No one thinks there's anything wrong with this statement. Everyone could see that the seven Gryffindors looked like drowned rats. Despite such a huge disadvantage, they could still muster up the courage and fighting spirit to tangle with the Ravenclaws, which is still very awe-inspiring.

Asking himself, the little wizard of the Ravenclaw team felt that there was a high probability that he would not be able to do it.

Of course, as time goes by, the gap between the two sides will widen further. Physical pain cannot be healed by spirit and courage. The cold will make their joints stiff and their movements slow and deformed. This cannot be changed by courage and fighting spirit. So Ravenclaw's advantage will only get bigger and bigger, until the point difference exceeds 150 points.

"The rain is too heavy..." Harry shook the glasses in his hand desperately, "I can't see anything. There is almost no difference between wearing these glasses and not wearing them..."

Fred then walked over to Harry and put a waterproofing charm on his glasses.

"I should have thought of it earlier," he stuffed his wand back into his robe, "a waterproof charm! George and I will study how to attach a waterproof charm to our robes after we finish this game."

Wood was so excited that he wanted to kiss Fred.

"Why don't you just go to the Muggle supermarket and buy a raincoat!" Harry thought desperately: In this weather, it would be a great thing to have a raincoat!

Anyone with a little common sense knows that when exercising on rainy days, a raincoat is much more practical than an umbrella. Unfortunately, no one in the entire team thought of preparing a few raincoats.

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