The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 334 Percy’s reflection

Professor McGonagall looked at the handrail above her head, and she knew that behind the handrail was the boy named Tom. The scene when she went to pick him up three years ago was still vivid in her mind. If someone had told her how this little guy would behave three years later, she would have thought that person was crazy.

But who would have thought that he would actually grow into a reliable wizard in just three years. Professor McGonagall even felt a little regretful: Why is such an outstanding little wizard not Gryffindor?

What Tom did just now was more like a Gryffindor prefect! Filius really picked up a good idea.

Professor McGonagall watched the young wizards lining up into the auditorium with mixed emotions. She knew that now was not the time to lament that "every generation has talented people." She had more urgent things to do.

She stood on the spiral staircase and pulled out her wand. Suddenly four silver cats jumped out from the tip of the wand, with glasses-like patterns around their eyes. Four silver patron saints circled Professor McGonagall, filling the stairs with silver light. The cats nuzzled the hem of Professor McGonagall's robe and ran down the stairs, disappearing one by one.

Three of them were running around in Hogwarts Castle, and the remaining one ran directly out of the school and disappeared into the falling night. The three patron saints in the castle found the other three deans respectively, so when the little wizards of Gryffindor had not sat in the auditorium for a long time, the classmates of Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin They also came in with puzzled expressions.

The fourth Patronus ran all the way to Dumbledore. Before leaving Hogwarts, he told Professor McGonagall where he was going so that Professor McGonagall could contact him in case of an emergency.

Watching the Patronus slowly disappearing into the air, Dumbledore was still recalling the news he had just heard in his mind. Two figures were lying in front of him. Their heads were opened, revealing the brains with twisted roots inside.

During this period of time, Dumbledore has been dealing with the follow-up matters of Dreamflower. Although the main body of the Dream Flower has been eliminated, the people who were infected before are still there, and the flower seeds left in their minds are gradually sprouting, so Dumbledore is seizing the time to eliminate them to avoid causing greater damage.

Fortunately, after so many days of hard work, he and the wizard who called himself Evans had cleared out the infected people. The two people in front of him were the last remnants.

"Sirius Black..." A young, handsome and unruly face appeared in his mind. Dumbledore was deeply impressed by this student who was born in the Black family but entered Gryffindor House. Thinking of this student, his expression became complicated.

Dumbledore flicked his robe and appeared on the streets of Hogsmeade. Fortunately, it was already dusk, and no one noticed the headmaster of Hogwarts appearing here.

He quickened his pace and walked quickly towards Hogwarts Castle.

After the four deans settled the students in their respective houses, Dumbledore walked into the auditorium. As Dumbledore stood in front of the staff table, McGonagall and Professor Flitwick closed the door to the Great Hall together.

"The school teachers and I will conduct a comprehensive search of the castle," Dumbledore looked at all the students and gave his response, "I'm sorry, children, you need to stay here for the night."

With a wave of his wand, the four long tables flew to the edge of the auditorium, and hundreds of purple sleeping bags appeared on the ground.

"I hope that the prefects can guard the entrance to the auditorium. The presidents of the male and female student unions will manage on behalf of the professors. If there is any change, report to me immediately and send a ghost to deliver the message." He looked at Percy who was standing aside.

Normally, Percy, who was entrusted with an important task, would be very proud and show a serious look, but today he just nodded seriously, indicating that he had received the order.

He has been reflecting: Just now at the entrance of the college, why was his performance so stretched? It was actually completely overshadowed by the two junior students. He reviewed his performance and felt that he was simply a mediocre buffoon. He analyzed it further and found that even if the two juniors had not appeared, his response would never have been so appropriate.

You really should reflect on it! Since becoming the student council president, he has indeed been a little impetuous, Percy thought in his mind. After learning from the painful experience, he decided that during this vigil in the auditorium, he must cheer up and never let down Professor Dumbledore's expectations.

Dumbledore didn't know what was going on in Percy's heart, he just felt that the child seemed calmer today. He walked down from the faculty chair and led the professors out of the auditorium. As he passed the Ravenclaw house, he remembered something and stopped.

"Excellent way of coping, very good amplification spell, twenty points for Ravenclaw." He winked at Tom and Hermione, then left the auditorium and closed the door of the auditorium.

When the door closed, the auditorium immediately erupted in chatter. The little wizards of Gryffindor told their friends in other houses what they had just seen as quickly as possible - the little wizards of Slytherin listened attentively with their ears pricked up.

"Tom, tell me what happened." Several young wizards from Ravenclaw also gathered around. They didn't bother to hear the news that the Gryffindor group had changed hands countless times. They knew that it was Tom Yoder who stood up and successfully controlled the situation.

"I'm ashamed. I only made a small and insignificant contribution," Tom said modestly, and then told the surrounding students exactly what had just happened.

At this time, Percy's voice urging everyone to get into sleeping bags and sleep came from the staff table. Tom used an excuse to break away from the surrounding students, grabbed a sleeping bag and ran to the corner.

Looking at Hermione, who was also carrying a sleeping bag, Tom motioned for her to put the sleeping bag next to his sleeping bag.

"Tell me, is Black still in the castle? Can Professor Dumbledore and the others catch him?" Hermione had always been anxious, but it was difficult to show it. Now that the two of them had the opportunity to be alone, they quickly asked the two questions that concerned them most.

"I think he should have left the castle. I am not very optimistic about Professor Dumbledore's actions." Tom analyzed briefly and came to his conclusion.

After Sirius's plan to enter the Gryffindor common room failed, knowing that he was wanted, he would definitely evacuate quickly to avoid being captured by the professors who came after hearing the news - otherwise he would not be able to achieve revenge in his life. And as Sirius, who was able to escape from Azkaban, how could he be found by the professors?

Too much time had passed between the incident and the search. Sirius only needed to hide in the Forbidden Forest and no one would be able to find him.

Hermione became even more anxious after hearing Tom's answer.

"What can I do? I mean, it's lucky that he chose today's dinner time. There are no students in Gryffindor Tower. If - I mean, if he breaks in and meets students again, then it might be... It will lead to a tragedy. Someone will definitely die!" Hermione said in a low voice but speaking quickly.

Tom shook his head. "I think he picked this time when no one was around."

Tom knew that Sirius's mind must be clear. As a Gryffindor, how could he not know that a password was required to enter the Gryffindor common room? So his somewhat reckless and crazy move this time had only one purpose: to knock out the mountain vibrators.

Sirius was unwilling to settle his grudges in the little wizard's dormitory, so he could only find a way to force Peter out of the dormitory. He needed an action big enough to scare Peter Pettigrew and put him into fear. Let him know that he has infiltrated Hogwarts.

In this way, Peter Pettigrew would choose to escape - he knew that it would not be difficult for Sirius to get the password. Once Peter escaped from the dormitory, Sirius could take action.

However, due to the lack of information, even Hermione could not guess the truth of the matter. When she heard Tom's guess, her eyes widened in surprise, "But that doesn't make sense, he's not..." She reduced her already small voice again so that only Tom, who was very close, could hear it. , "...are you going to cause trouble for Harry?"

Although they don't know the root cause of the matter, most young wizards believe that Sirius escaped from prison in order to avenge his master Voldemort.

"No. If Sirius wanted to take revenge on Harry, he would have found a way to escape long ago. Why wait twelve years? There must be a hidden secret in this matter."

However, Hermione was not very accepting of Tom's statement. She felt it was too far-fetched and couldn't help but find an explanation casually: "Maybe he has been planning to escape from prison for twelve years."

At this time, a word floated not far away: "...I'm afraid he has no concept of time, otherwise he will definitely rush into the auditorium..."

Hermione shivered.

Tom sensed the fear in Hermione's heart, so he switched the positions of his and Hermione's sleeping bags, placing Hermione's sleeping bag against the wall.

"You can sleep inside."

Hermione was stunned for a moment, pursed her lips, intertwined the fingers of her hands, and moved restlessly. After some thought, she chose to accept Tom's kindness.

"Thank you." She took off her shoes, put them aside, got into the sleeping bag with her clothes on, and then tightened the zipper, leaving only her head outside.

At this time, the students nearby were also chatting with their friends. They were only curious about one thing: how did Blake get in.

The answers vary. Some said he apparated, some said he flew in, and some thought he was good at disguising himself. Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff decided that Sirius could turn into a bunch of bushes.

"I don't think many of them have read Hogwarts: A School History," Tom complained to Hermione across from him after getting into his sleeping bag. He turned sideways and slept opposite Hermione.

"Yes, Hogwarts cannot apparate, and the dementors at the entrance can see through all disguises. Filch has also sealed all the secret passages..."

The discussion around him became more and more lively. The enchanted ceiling was no different from the real sky, coupled with the breeze coming from nowhere, making this refuge in the auditorium feel like camping. It can be heard that this "team building" activity is very popular with the little wizards.

However, the discussion was ended by Percy. He shouted: "Get ready to sleep!" and ordered everyone to get into their sleeping bags and prepare to rest.

Hearing Percy say this, Hermione also closed her mouth. But she looked at Tom, who was less than thirty centimeters away from her, and pouted.

Tom arched his body vigorously, leaned in front of Hermione, and pecked Hermione's lips like a dragonfly.

"Good night~"

"Good night."

Tom looked at Hermione who had closed her eyes, and looked at her long and trembling eyelashes, her red lips, her face with fine downy hair, and her small nose. Tom's heartbeat was racing.

Suddenly, Hermione opened her eyes, "It's broken. Crookshanks is still in the lounge. I should have brought it down..."

"It can take care of itself. You don't always keep it with you, right?"

Hermione closed her eyes again. But this time, she stretched out a hand from the sleeping bag, and Tom also stretched out a hand from the sleeping bag, and their hands were held tightly together.

The little wizards' sleeping bags crowded the auditorium, but there was a large open space at the entrance of the auditorium. That was the most empty place in the entire auditorium. The other little wizards subconsciously kept their distance from here. Only Percy took the initiative to walk here carrying a sleeping bag.

"Lights out!" Percy shouted, placing his sleeping bag at the door of the auditorium, so that even if Sirius Black wanted to sneak in through the door and harm his classmates, he would be the first to give an early warning.

Percy felt that he was ready to wake up.

However, all his preparations were in vain. Tonight was Christmas Eve, and the students didn't even see the shadow of Sirius. When he woke up early in the morning, Percy, with his messy hair and two dark circles under his eyes, felt as if he had been punched in the air - he had almost no sleep last night, and only fell asleep in a daze at dawn. Two hours.

You can't blame him, because every hour, a teacher appears in the auditorium to make sure everything is okay here. It's damn good that Percy, who was blocking the door, could fall asleep under such a disturbance.

When he opened the door for the first time, he almost jumped up to warn him. If Snape hadn't acted quickly and was proficient in silent spells, all the students in the school would have been woken up by Percy.

After doing this several times, Percy simply stopped sleeping and sat at the door guarding the door.

What is certain is that countless people are sleepless tonight, and most of the little wizards don't fall asleep until after two o'clock in the morning. But Tom was not among them. He and Hermione slept deeply and soundly.

At three o'clock in the morning, Professor Dumbledore entered the Great Hall again, followed by Snape.

They began to patrol the auditorium. Percy moved a little, but in the end did not get up. He chose to continue guarding the door.


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