The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 324 Harry wants to learn the Patronus Charm

"Stop studying, take a break, and go play something casually..." Tom slumped on the chair in the library, his eyes dull.

After returning from Siberia, Hermione seemed to be full of electricity and ignited a high enthusiasm for learning, while Tom was not so energetic. He didn't sleep well those few nights on the train - the aisle was too narrow, and his sense of smell was a little too sensitive...

It’s really too much to study hard after coming back. It feels like playing a game for three hours and then writing a four-thousand-word essay.

"Yeah, okay," Hermione agreed, but her eyes never left the book in her hand. The crown speeded up her thinking and made her think more quickly. This feeling that set off a storm in her brain made Hermione unable to stop. Now, she doesn't want to stop and rest at all, she just wants to read for a while.

Tom couldn't stand it anymore, so he closed his notebook and put it away together with the fragment of Riddle's diary that served as a draft notebook. But he was not idle either, but took out a piece of parchment and stared at it.

This parchment was redeemed from the guild by Tom and Hermione using points. It has a very special function: as long as a person's blood is dropped on it, this paper will "mark" him forever. . No matter where the person goes, the paper can find the marked person.

This was the prize that Tom had spotted before setting off, and the target of it was Peter Pettigrew. Tom knew that this mouse had a keen sense of smell and would be able to find Voldemort. And he will stay with Voldemort for a long time, so mastering Peter's position is equivalent to mastering Voldemort's position. The maneuverable space here is relatively large.

Tom put the palm-sized parchment away. Turned his head and looked at the blue sky outside the window. The world outside can best be described with the words "Bright and clear autumn air". Thinking of this, Tom felt a little sleepy. Just when he was about to lean on the chair and rest for a while, a man came to their table.

"Sorry to bother you, Yodel and Granger." The person who came was Harry. The look on his face was a little awkward at this time, as if he was struggling with something in his heart.

Finally, he pursed his lips as if he had made up his mind and looked at Hermione: "Hermione, I heard that you successfully summoned a physical three-headed dog Patronus in Hogsmeade Village before?"

Hermione's previous feats in Hogsmeade have already reached Hogwarts. But many people don't believe it. After all, it's too bizarre for a third-year wizard to be able to cast a physical magical animal-like patron saint. What about Hermione Granger? Who is this guy? Those who have heard of her know that she is a book-loving know-it-all, while others have never heard of her at all. She is neither a descendant of a pure-blood family nor a famous savior, so is there any justice for her to do such a thing? In addition, there is no real evidence, so many people think that it is either a rumor or that everyone got the name wrong.

But Harry believed it. The experience on the Hogwarts Express told him that Hermione was most likely to have actually summoned the three-headed dog Patronus.

After receiving a positive answer, Harry cheered up.

"Then can you teach me how to cast the Patronus Charm?" Harry asked expectantly. Ever since he fainted on the train, Dementors had become Harry's obsession. He always felt that he was a coward for being "scared" and fainted by the dementors on the train - Yoder also fainted, but he was choked by the dementors, so could it be the same? Maybe he was suffocating?

The direct reason that prompted him to come to Hermione for help was Professor Lupine's Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Professor Lupine found a Boggart and asked the students to fight against it one by one, but Harry was the only one left behind. From Harry's perspective, Professor Lupine must have done this because the professor felt that he was not capable of dealing with Boggarts. This is too bad.

At this juncture, he heard about Hermione's deeds. At first, he didn't know the value of this, he just thought it was another routine operation of Granger's top student. But after Percy's popular science, he found out that Hermione actually used powerful magic that could repel dementors!

"I'm sure there's something wrong," Percy said confidently, "I admit that Hermione Granger is very good, but she is still not ready to release the physical Patronus, let alone the three-headed dog Patronus. , this is too outrageous - I am more inclined to believe that it was done by a wizard with powerful magic, the scene was in chaos, and the senior did not disdain his reputation..."

Although Percy's explanation was the most common sense, Harry didn't think so and came over with a glimmer of hope. He hoped that Hermione could teach him this spell that could fight the dementors. In his opinion, the chance of success was very high - Hermione had always been a kind girl and was usually very helpful. If he asked for help, she would not stand idly by.

"Hey, me?" Harry's request surprised Hermione. She never expected that someone would come to her to learn the Patronus Charm.

Hermione wanted to say something, but she swallowed it back. She thought seriously for a while and gave her answer: "I think I may not be able to help you... Of course, I am very willing to combine this spell with What you shared is that the Patronus Charm cannot be cast by knowing the spells and gestures - it needs to be based on happy and happy memories."

Hermione told Harry several key points of the Patronus Charm very seriously, but in the end she sighed, "That's the principle, and it's not too difficult, but in practice it's not that different..."

Harry stared, listening to Hermione's teachings intently, for fear of missing a word. When he heard "happy memories", his heart skipped a beat: Where did he get his happy memories?

Of course, there is no need to mention the childhood life with the Dursleys, there are only negative emotions, but what about the life at Hogwarts?

Although life here is good, but if he suddenly finds a happy point to talk about it, he really can't say it. Everything here is happy, but there seems to be nothing representative.

Is this your first time sleeping on a dormitory bed? Attending a dinner party for the first time? Or... the feeling of flying in the sky for the first time?

"That seems like a good idea," Harry thought as his memory turned to the first time he rode a broomstick, thinking it could be a happy moment.

"Invoke the Guardian!" Harry recited the spell several times in his mind while trying hard to focus on that pleasant memory.

He just tried in a low voice, whispering the spell over and over again. Suddenly, a ball of silver-white gas emerged from the tip of his staff.

"Look!" He couldn't help shouting, "Did you see it? There is a reaction!" However, his spell did not attract applause, but instead attracted the librarian Ms. Pince.

"The library is tense and noisy." She rushed over aggressively, holding a feather duster in her hand. "Also, if you want to experiment with magic, do you want to blow up this place?"

The feather duster hit the table so hard that Tom's water glass jumped.

Mrs. Pince is really not messing around +. Practicing spells is prohibited in the library of the magic school. It sounds like no one is allowed on the bed, no things on the table, and no garbage in the trash can. But if you think about it carefully, there is something else. Fair truth: Little wizards generally have difficulty controlling their own spells, and often cause huge damage unintentionally. Like a certain Gryffindor student who always makes ordinary spells have explosive effects. It would be a disaster for such students to practice spells in a library filled with books.

Harry, who broke two rules at once, was kicked out of the library by Mrs. Pince with a feather duster. Tom gave Hermione a wink, and the two quietly left together while Mrs. Pince chased Harry.

A common room or an empty classroom is a more suitable place for them to study.

They found a small classroom and walked in. This classroom is not big and can only accommodate a dozen people. However, although the classroom is small, it is quite complete with various things - such as a fireplace.

Hermione pulled out her wand and pointed it towards the fireplace, and a pleasant flame burst out in the fireplace.

"So do you know how to do it?" The two put their schoolbags on the table, and before Tom's butt even touched the stool, Hermione began to question him.


"You have to learn!" Hermione glanced at him with hatred, "You can't ask me to come to the rescue every time you encounter a dementor, right?"

"I can turn into a dementor and mediate with them." Tom said that he really knows the dementor language and can communicate with them.

This made Hermione so angry that she picked up the quill in her pencil case and hit him on the head.

"Call the Patronus!" Tom couldn't stop Hermione's entanglement and cast a Patronus Charm. He tried hard to recall his happiest and joyful time, and then a thick silver mist emerged from the tip of his staff.

"Not a bad start," Hermione gave him an encouraging look. But the next step was not so smooth. No matter how hard Tom tried, what he summoned was always a cloud of silver mist, but it was just thicker and more abundant than the first time.

After trying again and again, time passed like this, and Tom still had no physical guardian angel.

Hermione realized that urging him might not be effective, so she planned to give Tom a little sweetness, like a carrot in front of a donkey. She changed her seat from opposite Tom to next to him, and then whispered to him in a very low voice: "If one day, you release the formed Patronus, then I can grant you a small wish - for example I can wear whatever... clothes you want according to your ideas."


Tom perked up and looked at Hermione, "Really? It's really nothing-" Before he could finish his words, his lips were pressed by a cold finger.

Hermione shook her index finger and blinked, "Remember, it must have a real shape."

Hermione removed her fingers and distanced herself slightly from Tom, but the scent of her body and the warmth of her fingers still lingered in Tom's mind. Hermione was like a bullet that penetrated Tom's brain and lingered in his mind, making his heart skip a few beats and his breathing become heavier.

Seeing Tom's indulging look, Hermione was quite satisfied: This is how lovers should be! If you don't tie your boyfriend tightly, what will you do if someone kidnaps him one day? After getting along with each other for such a long time, she gradually figured out Tom's preferences, so she was able to be more comfortable...

"Okay, it's dinner time now," Hermione looked up at the clock on the wall, decided to end today's self-study, and took Tom to the auditorium.

While eating dinner, Tom remembered something and asked Hermione on the side, "Hermione, do you know anything about prisons? I mean Muggle prisons."

Hermione put the spoon back into her soup bowl, tilted her head and thought for a moment, "I really haven't paid attention to the news in this area - the people in prison are bad people who deserve their crimes, and I have no interest in them. , naturally there is no way to talk about knowing anything.”

Seeing that Hermione didn't know much about the situation in British prisons, Tom knew that he might have to collect information by himself. Tom wants to know about prisons, not because he is too idle, but because he has an extremely bold and rebellious idea - he wants to build a prison himself! A new era of Azkaban!

The special national conditions of Britain gave him such an opportunity.

"Prison?" At this moment, Justin Finch-Fletchley, who was sitting at the next table, heard the conversation between Tom and Hermione and subconsciously responded. Seeing both of them looking at him, he realized his recklessness and quickly apologized to Tom and Hermione.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation, but I still know something about prisons. If you want to hear it, I can talk to you." Justin Finch-Fletchley showed a confident smile . He was sure that no one in the entire Hogwarts understood Muggle prisons better than he did.

Because his family runs a prison.

It sounds very strange, but Britain has its own national conditions. Prisons can really be privately owned! And not only in the UK, but also in many European and American countries, prisons are privately owned.

The beheading business is done by some people, but the loss-making business is left unattended. If it was unprofitable to contract a prison, no one would do it. But private prisons all over Britain and the United States show that this thing can really make money!

Yes, in Britain and the United States, private contracting of prisons is as lucrative a business as running a casino. In 2011, the industry's total revenue in the United States exceeded $5 billion.

Therefore, the first question that Tom has to consider is actually: how to enter and how to join this carnival.


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