The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 308 Transformation and then meeting the real Dementor

Tom climbed out of the Three Broomsticks through a side window when no one was looking. This is thanks to Menis. His wine made up for the shortcomings in his soul, so that he did not become so unbearable when facing the dementors this time. If he fainted after just one encounter, Tom's subsequent actions would also be It's nonsense.

After landing on the ground, he realized something unusual outside: the entire Hogsmeade village seemed to be shrouded in mist. The Dementors who came to Hogsmeade were not the only ones who broke into the Three Broomsticks Tavern. Tom conservatively estimated that the number of Dementors involved in this operation should be close to one hundred.

This is not a small amount!

Seeing so many Dementors floating around the streets of Hogsmeade, Tom wondered if there were really any Dementors guarding Hogwarts now? When Fudge gave such an order, he was acting too much like a traitor. If Sirius wanted to sneak into Hogwarts, now would be the perfect time.

In fact, Tom misunderstood Minister Fudge. His abacus was very shrewd. In theory, this was a "wonderful move." The direct reason for today's search was Hogsmeade Day. Fudge felt that Sirius was very likely to appear in Hogsmeade to guard the village today to wait for Potter - after all, Sirius would not know that Harry had not obtained a ticket to go to Hogsmeade. Germany's permission. In order to catch Sirius, it was necessary to organize a search.

The deeper reasons are very dark and cannot be discussed on the table at all. As the Minister of Magic, Fudge certainly knew that the Dementors on duty outside Hogwarts had resentments, and this resentment was about to turn into resentment, so he decided to put half of the Dementors in Hogsmeade for search , as for whether the dementors over-enforced the law during the search and took the opportunity to suck some "happy", Fudge planned to turn a blind eye.

But the problem lies in execution.

He planned to let half of the dementors out, but when he actually carried out the plan, all the dementors left their posts and entered Hogsmeade to feast. The people sent by the Ministry of Magic were unable to stop him.

As a result, Hogwarts became an undefended area, and Hogsmeade was more like a ghost.

Tom exhaled two breaths of cold air. The cold air passed through his lungs and became warmer when it came out. It brought with it a large white mist and quickly lost the heat it contained. From Tom's perspective, he felt that what he had just inhaled was not air, but two lumps of ice.

The arrival of the Dementors caused the temperature of the entire Hogsmeade to drop.

Those Dementors had already run away, but the movement here attracted more Dementors. Feeling the increasingly cold environment, Tom quickly transformed and turned himself into a dementor.

After becoming a dementor, everything looked different.

The magic power surged in his body, and his body twisted like a reflection on the water, and his whole body seemed to turn into a ball of smoke. The next moment, the smoke gradually dissipated, and a shadow was revealed, a tattered black robe, a body as pale as a corpse...

A dementor appeared on the spot.

It's just that this Dementor is a little different from other dementors in details: there is a ring on his rotten and scabbed finger, and if you pull down his hood, you will see a pale human face—— Ordinary dementors only have one mouth, and the other facial features are sealed with scabs.

After Tom switched forms, the first thing he felt was that the surroundings were no longer cold, but instead felt very comfortable. In fact, this statement is a bit inaccurate, because if the temperature of the cold finger is low, the surrounding area is still very cold. But Dementors and ordinary humans cannot be generalized. For them, a cold, humid, and gloomy environment is the most comfortable environment, so the ambient air temperature is very low, but Tom is still very comfortable.

Therefore, the cold wind that can make people shiver, blowing on him, is as comfortable as the breeze coming from under the shade of the mountains and trees in midsummer.

Dementors have no vision, and Tom can feel an extra layer of calluses on his eyes. It felt a bit like the time he suffered from conjunctivitis as a child, when he woke up in the morning and found that his eyes were blocked by a large amount of eye secretions. This cocoon made him almost as if he had lost his eyesight, but dementors did not need eyesight. They could sense everything around them through various emotions without eyes.

He could feel that there were a large number of live people in the house around him, and they were generating steaming emotions - joy, encouragement, excitement, love... all positive emotions. He also noticed that the mood of the entire Hogsmeade was changing. There were fewer and fewer positive emotions floating in the streets and alleys, but negative emotions were slowly increasing - this was all caused by the dementors eating. .

The patrons at the Three Broomsticks were really excited because they had just successfully fought off the Dementors. Emotions are like springs. The tighter they were suppressed just now, the stronger they will rebound now.

And Tom, who was separated by a wall, was almost crying: this emotion smells so good!

For dementors, positive emotions are their food. The entire Hogsmeade is like a cafeteria, and popular shops such as the Three Broomsticks Bar and Zuko's Joke Shop are like the seafood counter of the cafeteria. striking.

Tom tried hard to suppress his desire to rush into the bar and have a good meal. But he could restrain himself, but the other dementors couldn't. The dementors that entered before left, just like the customers queuing up in front of the seafood counter, and immediately new dementors floated over.

Tom thought for a moment and floated toward them. The way Dementors move is also very unique. They have no legs and can only float around in the air like a piece of poplar catkins. Everywhere he passed, there was a sense of decay. Every dementor is like a negative emotion release machine, spreading negative energy wherever it goes. Together, we can even change the sky.

Soon, the new dementors met Tom on a narrow road. They fell from the sky and stopped in front of Tom, studying him and looking at this strange-looking fellow.

Tom's body tensed up. He could feel that he was surrounded by dementors, and they were looking at him. If they were discovered, a fierce battle would be inevitable. However, he was confident that he could definitely handle these dementors. Although he doesn't know the Patronus Charm, he can transform into a unicorn form and fight the Dementors. Even if he loses, he can go to Hermione for support and easily defeat these Dementors.

After "looking" at Tom for a few seconds, the Dementor directly in front of Tom spoke. Its voice was very hoarse, as if their vocal organs were rotten and rusty.

Just listen to it say slowly: "You... are so short..."

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