The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 295 Bedtime Story

Tom caught up with Hermione.

"Where have you been? What took you so long?" Hermione pretended to complain, but there was no hint of complaint in her tone.

"Having done a little chore," Tom showed an honest smile, "I just thought of one thing, that is, the time converter that the Pharaoh gave us, the length of time it stays in the past is related to the flow rate of the sand, then if I How about blocking it completely?"

Hermione froze. When the sands of time run out and return to the original time and space, if the passage is closed midway, wouldn't it be possible to stay in the past forever?

"Would you like to go back in time, take a short break, and give yourself a vacation?" Tom made a very tempting suggestion to Hermione.

"Language communication is a big problem. We are not sure which era we will travel back to. We will become deaf and blind when we travel back." Hermione was moved by Tom's suggestion. The time turner lent to them by the Ministry of Magic has a big drawback, that is, it can only go back in time for five hours, and even the location where you appear will change. There is no way to relax yourself through time and space backtracking.

What Pharaoh Menes gave is very different. If you use it well, you can completely cut out a vacation from the long river of time, and Hermione just needs a vacation.

As for communication issues, Hermione and Tom looked at each other and couldn't help but recall someone...

"Let's go see Pharaoh Menes again," Hermione said excitedly. "It would be nice to just chat with him for a while longer."

"Of course," Tom agreed, and took out the crystal ball Dumbledore gave them from his arms, "I have the impression that the guild has a task related to him, and we did it easily - we have to hurry up and upgrade. If If you haven’t been promoted by the end of September, you will lose one month of benefits!”

"What mission?" Hermione was a little curious.

Tom held the crystal ball in his hand and smiled without saying anything. Hermione suddenly understood, and sat under a tree with Tom. Tom leaned against the tree, and Hermione leaned against him, and the two tried to fall asleep together.

After a while, Hermione's ears twitched.

"Tom, are you asleep?"


"I do not have either."


Tom wanted to roll his eyes: Why don't you leave it here with me? But that's normal. The two of them had been tossing around for so long all morning, but they were sober. Many times, when I wake up early in the morning, if I glance at my phone, I don’t want to go back to sleep. In addition, under the tree is not a good place to sleep, so it is strange that Hermione can fall asleep.

"Kiss me and I'll fall asleep." Hermione pouted.


The two of them couldn't sleep anymore.

"Tom, tell me a story. When I couldn't sleep when I was a child, my mother would always tell me stories. I would fall asleep after listening to the story."


Tom thought for a while, and countless stories flashed through his mind, but his own stories were either too long or not suitable for listening to before going to bed. Finally, he found a good bedtime story.

[Once upon a time, there was a little kitten who lived carefree in the forest. She had never been in love before, and she longed to know what it felt like to be in love.

She likes reading. The book said that if you meet someone you like, even if it just glances at you, you will be nervous, excited, and distracted. However, the book also says that if you fall out of love, it's like being stung by a bee. It won't be a big problem, but it will hurt. It hurts for a long time.

So the little cat packed his luggage and was ready to set off to explore the taste of love.

She first met Miss Seagull, who said: "Love is not good at all, it is as bitter as medicine."

The kitten left thoughtfully.

Then she met the little fox, who told her that love is like a snowman in winter. No matter how much you pay, as soon as the sun comes out, there will be nothing left.

The little cat was a little frustrated.

Then she met Little Fat Bear, who told her that love is like vanilla cake, extremely sweet.

The little kitten was completely confused. She didn't understand what love was at all.

At this time, she felt something licking her head. She looked up and saw that it was a little native dog. The little native dog patted her head. Love is like the little story I tell you every day. As long as you like it, I will tell it to you forever. 】

Tom gently stroked Hermione's slightly messy hair and felt relieved. Hermione hummed and changed her position in his arms.

"Little native dog..."

The story failed to put her to sleep, so she hugged Tom and told him a story too.

[Miss Rabbit is a well-known elf in the forest. Her hair is as white and flawless as the snow in early winter. But God seems not to want a creature to be too perfect. She was born blind, unable to see colorful flowers, and has never seen bright white flowers. moonlight and blue sea.

How strange a world without light is! Loneliness is the greatest source of fear.

Fortunately, Xiao Hui is with her. Xiao Hui is her best friend. Xiao Hui said that he is a super big gray rabbit. With Xiao Hui's company, Miss Rabbit's world has light, and she is no longer lonely and has no fear.

They have been through a lot together, taking risks and telling each other's secrets, and there seems to be no secrets between them.

Until one day, Miss Rabbit went to Grandma Sheep's shop to buy carrots.

"Why do you buy so much every time?" Grandma Yang smiled kindly.

"Because I want to eat with Xiao Hui."

"Xiao Hui? Do you mean the big bad wolf? How could he like to eat carrots? His favorite food is a little white rabbit like you!"

"How could he be a wolf..."

"I saw it with my own eyes that day, Miss Rabbit, please be more careful!"

Miss Rabbit left with a large bag of carrots.

No wonder Xiao Hui hides every time there are outsiders present. No wonder Xiao Hui has such a long big tail. No wonder Xiao Hui always knows so many weird things...

Mr. Wolf heard and witnessed all this and was heartbroken.

Miss Rabbit opened the door and walked in, still carrying the bag of carrots.

" already know it...actually...I am not a big gray rabbit, I am..."

"I'll make you your favorite carrot soup." Miss Rabbit interrupted Mr. Wolf, and walked to the kitchen, murmuring softly: I don't care whether you are a big gray rabbit or a big bad wolf. All I know is that I like you.

This is enough...]

As the story progressed, Hermione's voice became softer and softer, and finally, when the story came to an end, she fell asleep.

Tom hugged her silently, a tear falling from the corner of his eye. Soon, he fell asleep too.


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