The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 286 Newt’s plan to protect magical animals

After Newt leaned out, he seemed to have remembered something and added: "Everyone, follow my footsteps and don't make too much noise when you see something...Forget it, just don't come in."

He thought carefully for a while and gave up the idea of ​​taking the children to visit the rainforest, mainly because there was a poisonous leopard living in this tropical rainforest. This is a super dangerous magical animal, classified as five stars by the Ministry of Magic. Its breath can cause fatal diseases and can easily destroy an entire village. Newt didn't dare to lead a group of sloppy little wizards into its territory.

He walked out of the rain forest and led everyone a few steps away. After changing the angle, a naked boulder was exposed.

"We wait here for a while. If we are lucky, we can see the most dangerous animal in the world." Newt still wants these children to see more magical animals. So he decided to wait here for a few more minutes.

Tom and the others were lucky. After waiting for less than a minute, they heard a leopard roar. A huge leopard jumped onto the boulder. It looked the same as a normal leopard, just much bigger, until it let out a leopard roar - its neck swelled up like a puffer fish.

The leopard's appearance had nothing to do with luck, it only appeared because it smelled Newt's scent. Usually these big guys can always hide themselves tightly.

Newt showed a satisfied smile and made a "shh" gesture to the little wizards, instructing them not to make any noise and disturb the sensitive leopard.

However, the leopard was soon upstaged by several ball escapers. These free-range chickens originating from Mauritius are round and round, like blue balls. They cannot fly, but they are naturally capable of apparating and can teleport for short periods of time. In the Muggle world, Muggles call them dodos and consider them extinct. Actually no, they are just protected by wizards.

What happened to the ball escape bird is not unique.

Before the promulgation of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, Muggles coexisted with magical animals such as fire dragons and phoenixes. After the promulgation of the International Statute of Secrecy, wizards made great determination and made unimaginable efforts to combine all magic with magic. The relevant magical animals were controlled, keeping them away from Muggles' sight, and gradually became legendary creatures.

The Nangdu leopard lazily pawed at one of them, but as soon as its claws reached in front of the bird, it disappeared. The next moment, it appeared on the flat ground a few feet away, proudly facing Nangdu. The leopard wagged its tail.

In addition to the rainforest area and the vacated plain desert, there are more than ten other habitats in Newt's suitcase. After watching the Poison Leopard, Newt also took the students to watch the Moonstruck Beast, Grindylow, and the Poison Horned Beast...

Finally, he came to the back of the shack, where there was a stretch of sand illuminated by moonlight. After everyone arrived here, the earth trembled slightly, and several huge creatures sprang out from the mist. Their skin was grey-purple, their bodies were like saber-toothed tigers, their backs were bulging, and they had long tentacles growing from their mouths.

"The Horned Camel," Newt proudly introduced after calming the frightened little wizard, "is powerful, but endangered."

The leading horned camel came up to Newt, put the tentacles on his face on Newt's shoulders, and greeted him cordially. At this time, several young horned camel beasts also ran up to the little wizards and greeted them with their big heads.

Newt looked back at the little wizards with a melancholy look on his face: "These may be the last horned camels on the earth. Their ancestors are the last breeding pair I found in the wild. Horned Camelback, if not protected, this species is likely to have disappeared... The significance of protecting magical animals lies in this..."

After decades of careful care by Newt, the number of this horned camel group has just reached double digits. If they were allowed to survive in the mountains of Europe, they may have become extinct by now.

Tom coughed twice: "Senior, if you think any animal is about to become extinct, why not go around the Forbidden Forest twice, maybe you can make new discoveries..."

Newt paused and nodded. There are many species in the Forbidden Forest. If you look carefully, you might find something surprising. He was about to say something more, but his words were interrupted by a dragon roar.

Newt covered his face.

A huge black shadow fell from the sky, and the ground trembled twice. The uninvited guest who arrived turned out to be a fire dragon covered with black scales and with a long protrusion on its back. The dragon appeared to be underage, but was over fifteen feet long. It stood in front of the little wizard very arrogantly, showing its domineering attitude. It raised its head and spit out a ball of flame in the air. At the same time, a black figure slowly stood up on the dragon's back. It turned out to be a giant dog with three heads.

Hermione couldn't help but glance at Tom. The two people in front of her were familiar "people"! It was Norbert, the Norwegian Ridgeback, and Louie, the three-headed dog.

Newt hurriedly took out his wand and cast a freezing spell to freeze the dragon's breath to prevent the flames from burning where they shouldn't and causing conflicts. Regardless of whether the troublemaker is a fire dragon, if it offends the magical animals in the box, even the fire dragon will suffer. Of course, Norbert is not a fool. After being taught a few times by the "big brothers" in the box, he also learned to be smart: he only set fire to the house when Newt was around. Anyway, what's the point of having this old man take care of everything? Why not?

After a ball of flames sprayed out, Norbert flapped his wings and flew away quickly, leaving no chance for Newt to scold him.

"Alas...a dragon that doesn't grow very big..." Newt felt his head hurt.

Tom stood watching the show and suddenly felt a chill. He turned around to find the source of the chill, and finally found a small gap blocked by a curtain in a corner. Norbert's arrival just now accidentally blew the curtain open. Tom gently lifted the curtain, took a look inside, and took a breath of cold air - it was really cold air, because it was a land of ice and snow inside. In that snow scene, there is an Obscurus floating quietly there, like a ball of ink dripping into the water.

A snowy scene with a floating Obscurus inside. This habitat is blocked by a curtain and is generally not easily discovered.

"Ahem!" Before Tom could take a closer look, he was pulled back by a hand. He turned around and saw that it was Newt. Newt shook his head at him, motioning for him to be quiet, then closed the curtain and took Tom away from this place.


Please forgive me for the lack of updates in the past two days. The emperor is working hard to adjust the status. Your chapter said that monthly votes and recommendation votes will become my motivation.

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