The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 284 Substitute teacher for the Care of Magical Creatures class

Malfoy hasn't been seen since Monday afternoon, prompting rumors to spread. Some Slytherin students swore that they saw Malfoy's arm cut off by sharp claws like butter, and blood flowed all over the floor.

"He just had a cut on his arm!" the Gryffindor students present explained angrily.

"Then why hasn't Draco been discharged from the hospital?" When faced with this situation, the Slytherins always had good reasons to refute.

In this way, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students can watch a good show.

On a bright morning, after breakfast, Tom had his first Care of Magical Creatures lesson in his life. After what happened on Monday, Tom felt that Hagrid's teaching style would definitely tend to be conservative, but something unexpected happened to him.

Logically speaking, Tom and the others should have gathered in front of Hagrid's hut, but the group of little wizards were stopped halfway by the gatekeeper Filch. Filch took them off the road to Hagrid's hut and led them in the direction of the castle.

The little wizards were talking a lot, and some people asked Filch where their destination was and why they had to take this course in the castle. But Filch just grinned and didn't answer.

He enjoyed the current mood and the expressions of the little wizards asking for help.

"You'll find out soon," he said happily in a hoarse voice, urging the students to hurry upstairs. The students could only walk back to school through the auditorium with sad faces. In their minds, courses like Protecting Magical Creatures must be conducted outdoors—Professor Keltborn often took students to the edge of the Black Lake for a class in one sitting. If this kind of class were to be taught indoors, Care of Magical Creatures would most likely become as boring as History of Magic.

Filch led them to an empty classroom next to the library on the second floor, and then gently knocked on the classroom door three times. An old voice came from inside:

"Please come in!"

Filch opened the door, and a figure was standing in front of the classroom desk. Tom looked at this familiar figure and listened to the familiar voice. His brain stopped thinking and he just poured into the classroom with his classmates.

Filch watched the little wizards walk into the classroom. When the last student walked in, he showed a humble smile: "The students have been brought here, Professor Scamander." Then he bowed and closed the door. The classroom door.

In the classroom was none other than Tom's "old" acquaintance Newt Scamander. He was still wearing the same clothes as the last time they met. Tom even wondered if he had a wardrobe of the same clothes.

Newt adjusted his clothes a little and prepared to introduce himself to his classmates, but when he saw so many pairs of eyes staring directly at him, he suddenly got stuck.

"Hello everyone... My name is Newt... Newt Scamander. I am your substitute teacher for Care of Magical Creatures." He stammered after finishing his opening remarks, but the little wizards in front of him fell into confusion. There was silence.

Their first reaction was: this name sounds familiar, and then "fuck". This was the author of the textbook showing up at the castle as their temporary professor—Lockhart not counting!

Seeing the students' reactions, Newt forced a smile: "Ah, it seems you have all read my book, that's great——"

Bang! clang!

Suddenly there was a sound of Ding Ling banging from one side of the classroom. It turned out that Wayne Hopkins' textbook had fallen to the ground. Although it is not a big deal if the book falls on the floor, what is not good is that the textbook for the little wizards is "The Monster Book of Monsters"

This book has a special feature, that is, it can move and bite people.

When Wayne Hopkins was placing his schoolbag, he accidentally dropped the textbook in the schoolbag to the ground. The clip that was originally holding the book to prevent it from moving popped open. This book "The Monsters" "Book of Monsters" jumped up all of a sudden, venting his energy wantonly.

Newt saw this book and couldn't help laughing: "This is your textbook."

He walked up to the textbook that was tearing at the corner of the table. The textbook felt his approach and was about to turn around and give him a bite. However, Newt had quick eyesight and quick hands. He poked his index finger on the spine of the textbook and stroked it from top to bottom. , the textbook trembled for a moment and then lay quietly on the desk without moving.

"Sometimes, the author of the book will add some interesting little magic to the book to raise their reading threshold." When talking about his areas of expertise, Newt seemed to have changed into a different person and became very talkative. He is just not good at facing people and dealing with a lot of unfamiliar faces, so he is not dull and dull.

He put the textbook, which was as quiet as a textbook, back on Wayne Hopkins' desk. He watched the little wizards imitate the same example. After putting his own book in order, he walked to the podium and faced All the students placed an old suitcase on the podium in front of them.

"It's better to do one thing than to say a thousand words," Newt returned to his taciturn state. He didn't want to spend more time with these little wizards. He was an action man and would use actions to teach—— Commonly known as practice.

With two "clicks", the box popped open.

"Everyone, line up and come to me. Remember, don't move after entering. Everyone, follow my example -" Newt motioned to the little wizards to stand behind him, form a long queue, and then be the first to climb onto the podium. Stepped into his box.

However, in the blind spot of Newt's sight, a chubby black figure took advantage of Newt's attention and rummaged out of the box, and rushed into the drawer under the podium, huddled up and did not make a sound.

Then a magical scene happened. It was obviously just a medium-sized suitcase, but Newt's feet were completely submerged in it, and then his calves and thighs. It was like he was stepping on a ladder, bit by bit. Disappeared in front of everyone.

"Traceless Expansion Spell!" The little wizards were shocked. This spell is known to all the little wizards who are a little more knowledgeable, but Professor Scamander's suitcase is obviously not an ordinary thing - he wants the entire class of students to go in! And he couldn't let the students study in their suitcases when he went in, right? So there must be something special in it, and combined with the name of the course, the answer is already obvious.

So they lined up obediently and slowly walked into Newt's box. The box was very small, but fortunately none of the students were big, so no one got stuck.


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