The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 271 That woman is here! (Please vote for me, please subscribe!)

"Nine o'clock in the morning, Divination, Muggle Studies, Arithmancy." Tom glanced at the class schedule. There were three classes in the nine o'clock column, which were very crowded. "It's such a busy Monday."

He looked at Hermione who was getting sausages and fried tomatoes, "Which class do you want to take first?"

"Whatever, I'll do it," Hermione gave an answer that made her blood pressure rise rapidly. But as soon as she rolled her eyes, she had a new idea, "I remember you said before that you were quite good at divination. How about we take a divination class first?"

"Okay," Tom naturally had no objection. He was now also very interested in this course.

"Get me the jam," Hermione said.

Tom watched in horror as Hermione put a sausage on her bread, two slices of roasted tomatoes, and then spread thick strawberry jam on the tomatoes.

"Ah this..." Tom was completely speechless as he watched Hermione happily tasting the sausage, jam and tomato sandwich she had just made.

Hermione also noticed that Tom was staring at the sandwich in her hand.

"It's delicious. Do you want one? I'll make it for you."

Tom shook his head like a rattle, quickly picked up a piece of bread, spread a layer of peanut butter on it, and then took a few sausages from the big plate. Feeling the soft aroma of peanut butter and toast, Tom determined that he was a "kingly person" and Hermione's way of eating was really too evil.

The divination classroom is on the roof of the north tower, some distance from the auditorium. So Tom and Hermione quickly finished the breakfast in front of them and left for the Divination classroom in advance. Looking at Tom's leaving figure, Dumbledore showed a tired smile - he and the previous big figures in the wizarding world had not slept all day and night, and they were quarreling over their respective methods of cooperation. After breakfast, Dumbledore had to go back to continue the meeting.

Although Tom and Hermione have been at Hogwarts for two years, this is their first time going to the North Tower. Arranging the divination class classroom in the north tower, which is inaccessible to people, can give this class and its professor a mysterious veil.

But for Tom, Professor Trelawney, who teaches divination class, is too familiar!

There must be some strange fate between him and her... You know, at the beginning, his divination talent was zero! But now he has been piled up to seven forcibly. Although it is not only the credit of that woman, it is also inseparable from her.

Professor Trelawney and Tom Yoder must be called "the most familiar strangers."

Tom and Hermione wandered around on the eighth floor of the castle, seemingly disoriented, until they found the stairs leading to the north tower in front of a group of portraits of women in hoop skirts.

The stairs were narrow and winding, and the surrounding portraits were mostly of sinister-looking monks. Finally, the two of them came to a small platform. There is no normal door on the platform, but there is a circular trap door on the ceiling. There is a bronze plaque on the door, which reads: [Sybill Trelawney, Divination teacher]

After a while, the students also arrived one after another.

"Madman..." Tom heard Ron's voice from a distance, and then, a red-haired head popped up, and Ron and Harry also came outside the Divination classroom with unhappy expressions.

Tom asked and found out that the two were lost in the castle, and it turned out that a crazy knight who called himself "Cadogan" brought them here.

Harry and Ron seemed to be the last students to arrive, and behind them, no one appeared again.

Just as Ron was complaining about the Cadogan Knight, the circular trap door opened, and a silver ladder was lowered from above, landing right at Tom's feet, so he climbed the ladder first and entered the Divination classroom.

As soon as he entered the classroom, a strong and nauseating aroma hit his face. Coupled with the hazy red light in the classroom, Tom felt like vomiting due to motion sickness.

The structure of this classroom is extremely weird. It doesn't look like a classroom but more like an old-fashioned teahouse opened in the attic. It was packed with more than twenty round small tables, and there were printed armchairs and small futons beside the tables. Tom saw a large copper kettle sitting on the fireplace, which was the source of the smell. As for the red light that filled the room, there was nothing unusual about it: all the lamps were covered with red cloth, so the light they emitted was naturally red.

There is a row of shelves next to the circular wall, which are crowded with divination props, but from Tom's perspective, they are just a pile of junk.

After all the students climbed into the classroom, a soft, inarticulate voice suddenly sounded from the shadows of the room. It felt as if he deliberately did not open his mouth when speaking.

"Welcome, it's great to see you in the material world. The arrival of one of you makes me uncontrollably happy..." Along with a jingling sound, a thin figure walked from the corner. out.

It's Professor Trelawney.

Her dress is a little too unusual even among wizards, like an African high priest: she wears a pair of glasses that can magnify her eyes several times, and wears a shawl made of light material but decorated with many metal sequins. , there are countless chains, beads, and bracelets hanging on her hands, arms and neck.

She motioned for the students to sit down. Her eyes turned around among the students, showing a hint of disappointment: she had vaguely thought that something good would happen today, and that there might be guys who were very attracted to her among the students who came to school, but just after she looked around, she found that I haven't found a guy with a face that is suitable for being a fortune teller.

When Tom saw Professor Trelawney for the first time, he felt that the professor in front of him was extraordinary. He could feel that this professor seemed to be a little different from others: she was related to some mysterious and mysterious existence in the dark. There are thousands of connections, but most of these connections are entangled with other worldly things from all directions, completely covering most of the connections.

"I am Professor Trelawney. I think you have probably never seen me before, because I don't often go down to live in a chaotic and noisy campus, which will make my third eye blurred."

These words were completely bizarre to the ears of the young wizards. They could not understand what the Third Eye was, nor could they understand why living in Hogwarts Castle would make the Third Eye blurry.

However, Tom suddenly realized it and nodded in agreement. In his opinion, the secular life had indeed obscured Professor Trelawney's "inspiration" and made her not so sharp.

What she said makes sense! Tom thought.

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