The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 269 The Magical Use of Quill Pen

"I can give you a hint. It is also the brightest star in Lyra - if you guess it, I will tell you a story about it." Tom thought for a while and gave an additional condition and reward.

"It's Vega!" Hermione said quickly, "You can also call it Alpha Lyra. The brightest star in the northern hemisphere is Arcturus. Like Arcturus and Sirius, Alpha Lyra is one of the brightest stars near the sun - the wanted one. The criminal is named after the star, it’s a very simple question to give points, now it’s your turn to tell the story.”

Hermione was very proud. She not only answered the questions, but also talked about several knowledge points - these can be used as test points!


He actually forgot that the person he was holding in his arms was a college student with almost perfect marks in astronomy! In that kind of plan, the scene where the little girl can't figure out the answer and begs him to tell a story is simply impossible...

The star Tom is referring to is the legendary Vega.

"Actually, I'm more accustomed to calling it Vega." Tom said slowly.

"Textile Girl Star?" Hermione was a little surprised. The name of this star was very strange. How could it be related to textiles? The galaxy it's in is obviously more like a lyre, isn't it?

"Listen to me and tell you slowly," Tom put his nose to Hermione's hair, took a deep breath, and then whispered softly in her ear, telling her an ancient story.

"Legend has it that in ancient times, the Weaver Girl, the granddaughter of the Emperor of Heaven, was good at weaving. But she was tired of the boring life of weaving every day, so she secretly descended to the mortal world and married the Cowherd. How could a mortal marry a fairy? So the Emperor of Heaven took the Weaver Girl to After being captured by the Heavenly Palace, they were only allowed to meet once a year on July 7th of the lunar calendar. Their faithful love moved the magpies, so every July 7th, countless magpies would use their bodies to build a magpie bridge across the Tianhe River. Let the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meet on the Tianhe River."

"Is that so..." Hermione looked at Vega in the night sky and fell into deep thought. This story touched her a little, and she was a little lucky that her father was not the Emperor of Heaven, but just a relatively wealthy dentist.

She suddenly thought of two questions, "Tom, how did the Cowherd catch up with the Weaver Girl? Also, why does the Emperor of Heaven hate the Cowherd, but allows the Weaver Girl to meet the Cowherd every year? Shouldn't they never be allowed to meet?"

Tom scratched his head. He felt that if he told how the Cowherd chased the Weaver Girl, the fairy tale would become adult-oriented. As for the Emperor of Heaven allowing the Weaver Girl to meet once a year, it is normal - one day in the sky and one year under the earth! If calculated according to the timeline of this human world, then the Cowherd meets once a year and the Weaver Girl once a day, which is not a hardship for the Weaver Girl. On the contrary, it is a test for the Cowherd: in a long-distance relationship, you can meet once a year, but you are not allowed to make phone calls. , sending text messages, this is definitely an unforgettable test. In a few days, the Cowherd will be old. It is another question what the Weaver Girl will think at that time!

If it is a year in heaven, it will be even more terrible. One year in the sky, more than three hundred years have passed on the earth. More than three hundred years have passed since the Cowherd has not been buried in the earth. He is still a young man. Then this person is a proper immortal cultivator. If his cultivation is not bad, then he is worthy of the Weaver Girl. .

Hermione giggled when she heard Tom's strange remarks.

"Then if you were the Cowherd, what would you do?" She opened her bright eyes and looked at Tom.

"If I were the Cowherd, then I would go to heaven and fight until the Emperor agrees to betroth the Weaver Girl to me!" Tom gave a Weaver-like ending.

"Speaking of Altair, look at the star opposite Vega." Tom pointed to the three stars in the constellation Aquila. Their line is pointing to Vega. "It's called Altair."

Of course, the West calls it "Altair", which is the abbreviation of "Flying Eagle" in Arabic.

"The reason why Vega is named Vega is because there are four connected diamond-shaped stars in front of it, which look like a shuttle for weaving, so we named this star Vega. It happened that there were three stars opposite it. The ancients I used my imagination and thought that it was an Altair carrying a pair of children, so the star was named Altair." Tom further explained the origin of the names of Altair and Vega.

"That's it." Hermione's doubts were answered by Tom.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Hermione was suddenly startled and pulled out her wand: "Calling the Guardian!"

A bright little three-headed dog jumped out from the tip of the staff. It formed into a silver ball in Hermione's arms, and three dog heads rushed to lick Hermione's neck and face.

"Go!" Hermione threw it to the ground, and it ran out happily on its four short legs. The fleshy look was completely lacking in the ferocity of when expelling the dementors.


"Filch." Hermione's Patronus Charm was still used to defend against Filch. Although she didn't want to go back to the lounge for the time being, it didn't mean that she wanted to be caught by Filch, so she released a little guy in advance.

Patronus has many wonderful uses, and Hermione has developed a new use: letting loose puppies.

"Does your little guardian angel have a name?"

"How can anyone give a name to a patron saint?"

"Now that we have it, is it called Winter Solstice? Or pomegranate?"

"Why not call it Winter Solstice Pomegranate?" Hermione rolled her eyes at Tom, thinking that he was so boring that he would even name the patron saint.

While the two were arguing about the name of the little patron saint, the silver little dumpling ran back quickly.

"It's broken! Filch is really here!" Hermione's expression changed, she jumped up and ran to the lounge. She didn't expect that Filch would actually patrol on the first night of school, and he would patrol Ravenclaw Tower - even if it was patrolling, it should be at Gryffindor House! Hermione was confused.

She dragged Tom and ran quickly to the door knocker and knocked on the door.

The Eagle Head Knocker asked the question as usual: "6.07×9.19=?"

Tom \u0026 Hermione:!

Are you deliberately looking for trouble? Filch is right behind! They could all hear Filch's footsteps!

"55.7833!" Tom had an idea, took out his five-star quill, and wrote on the broken page of Riddle's diary: 6.07×9.19=1, and that 1 directly became 55.7833 - this one The quill can correct errors within the user's knowledge. Tom certainly knows the answer to 6.07×9.19, so when he deliberately made a mistake, the quill helped him correct the wrong answer.

They quickly stepped behind the door and closed the door. The next second, Filch appeared from the corner of the stairs. He almost saw the door to the lounge closing, but he just couldn't see clearly who was closing the door.

The angry Filch could only stamp his feet, turned around and left.

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