The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 257 Accident on the Knight Bus (2-in-1)

Compared to Tom's life, Harry's holiday was much more miserable. The Dursley family's attitude towards magic is still stuck in the Middle Ages. In their family, magic is absolutely forbidden. In order to cover up the truth, in Uncle Vernon's mouth, Harry became a hopeless gangster in the St. Bruce Security Center School for Young Offenders, with an extremely bad reputation in the area - only slightly better than Dally.

Uncle Vernon even locked up Harry's spellbook, wand, cauldron, and broomstick at the beginning of the summer vacation, and Harry was severely reprimanded for even saying a word to his neighbors. Why don’t you do your summer homework because your guardian prohibits it? Stop dreaming, Snape was dying for an excuse to punish Harry with a month of confinement. However, Harry seized an opportunity at the beginning of the summer vacation. When the Vernon family was showing off the new car assigned to him by the company to the neighbors, he secretly took out the locked books.

But getting the textbooks is just the beginning.

In the days that followed, Harry and the Vernon family launched a protracted guerrilla war.

Harry had no chance to do homework during the day. He could only study under the covers with a flashlight in the dead of night. He also had to be careful about the sounds in his house when the Dursleys got up to go to the toilet at night. The level of tension and excitement is comparable to that of a student secretly playing with his mobile phone at night.

What's even worse is that if Harry wants to go to Hogsmeade, he needs Uncle Vernon's signature. Think about it with your toes, this is an impossible event. Even Harry felt that Uncle Vernon would only sign the application form if he was under the Dementor Curse.

But there are always opportunities. He successfully made a deal with Uncle Vernon: he would pretend to Aunt Marge that he attended the St. Bruce Security Center School for Young Offenders, and in return Uncle Vernon would sign for him. This Aunt Maggie is also one of the sources of Harry's painful memories... Although she is called "Aunt", she is actually Uncle Vernon's sister and has no blood relationship with Harry.

This "heavyweight" guest will stay at the Dursley's house for a full week.

For Harry, the process was too painful. The Vernon family treated Harry as if he were nothing, but Aunt Maggie was different. Harry had to be under her nose at all times so that she could find fault.

Harry endured it for the sake of the autograph.

Today was Aunt Maggie's last day at the Dursleys'. Aunt Petunia prepared a fine meal, and Uncle Vernon opened his own bottle of wine - the only problem was that it was a few bottles of wine. Aunt Maggie was drunk. The conversation took a dangerous turn.

"Some dogs are born to be short and thin! This is all due to bad bloodlines, and bad bloodlines will show up. I'm not talking bad about your family, Petunia -"

Harry took a deep breath and began to recall the rules for caring for his broomstick.

Aunt Maggie took Petunia's hand and began to humiliate Harry's father, James Potter.

Uncle Vernon's face had turned pale. He was all too aware of the sensitivity of the topic, and it was like they were dancing in a minefield. He lets Harry go upstairs to bed, but is stopped by Aunt Maggie.

She wanted to continue saying something, but her whole body began to swell, and eventually turned into the shape of a rubber ball, screaming and floating in the air.

Harry rushed out of the room, took all the things he valued as quickly as possible: books, brooms, birthday gifts from friends, and rushed out of the door without looking back.

Night falls. Hermione took off her crown and stretched a little tiredly. Tom also put down the quill in his hand and slumped down on the chair.

After a day of study, the progress of their paper is extremely gratifying. They will be able to write the conclusion and appendix tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

"Take a bath and go to sleep~" Hermione was in a great mood as she looked at her long paper. After Tom made him a cup of hot cocoa, she felt even better.

"Try to write the first draft tomorrow, and then we..." Her words were interrupted by a blue-silver creature floating in from the window. She recognized it as a phoenix patronus.

In today's wizarding world, Phoenix and Dumbledore are equals.

"Professor Dumbledore?" she said in surprise.

"Pack your bags and head to Diagon Alley." Phoenix spoke. It was Dumbledore's voice, but it was not as kind and kind as usual, but a little more firm.

Tom jumped out of his chair and ran up to the second floor.

"You leave a message for Mr. Granger and I'll pack your bags."

Ten minutes later, Tom and Hermione were standing outside the Granger's garden. The fact that I was able to pack my luggage so quickly was all thanks to the suitcase that was cast under the Traceless Expansion Charm. Tom just needs to throw everything he wants to bring into the box, and they can pack it up slowly when they have time.

The Invisible Expansion Charm is a great invention. Even though Hermione's wardrobe and shoe cabinet were emptied, she still couldn't fill this small suitcase.

"Shall I make a phone call? Call a taxi?" Although it is still summer, the average temperature in London is only ten degrees after the sun sets. In the night wind, Hermione feels a little cold: she is only wearing a pleated skirt. A shirt and a short skirt, and a pair of ultra-thin stockings on her legs. Of course, with White Rose's legs wrapped around her, the legs were not very cold, but the upper body was cold.

She stood outside the house and realized that it was still difficult for the two of them to go to Diagon Alley in the middle of the night: her home was in a wealthy area on the outskirts of London. The characteristic of the wealthy area was that there were no subways or buses, so as much as possible Physically isolate homeless people and socially idle people from entering - Tom slipped in by taking the "No. 11" bus, and he was still a child, so no one cared about him.

Generally speaking, people who live near here travel by car, and there are no taxis coming here at all. Hermione knew that the quickest way to Diagon Alley was to call the taxi company and hail a cab.

"No need," Tom took two steps towards the wind and blocked the night wind for Hermione, "You keep an eye on it."

Tom raised his wand high above his head. Whispered: "Fluorescence!"

Before he finished speaking, two lights appeared in the distance. The next moment, with a loud noise, a huge object appeared in front of Tom, and the place where they stood was also shrouded in a sudden strong light.

The sources of glare and noise are a pair of headlights and a pair of tires as tall as a person. However, although to the ears of Tom and Hermione, the sound was the same as the sound of a cannon, the surrounding small villas were quiet, and it seemed that no Muggles heard the sound of the car.

Hermione squinted her eyes and built a shelter with her hands. She raised her head and saw clearly the true identity of the huge thing in front of her. It was a three-story bus. It emerged from the void like a ghost and came to them. There was a line of golden characters on the windshield of the car: Knight Bus.

With a creak, the bus door opened, and a small slope with patterned patterns stretched out in front of Tom.

"Welcome aboard the Knight Bus - the emergency transport used to transport wizards in distress. All you have to do is stick out your wand, climb aboard and we'll take you wherever you want to go. My name is Stan Sampac, I'm your conductor tonight."

A young man who was less than twenty years old, with a pair of protruding ears and a few pimples leaned out of the car.

"Hurry up and get in the car, sir and pretty lady!" He took the initiative to reach out his hand, as if he wanted to help Tom carry the luggage, but his eyes turned around Hermione a few times.

[Task: Wandering in the world. Goal: Explore the magical world

Five stages of progress: 8/16 Knight bus unlocked]

The moment Tom stepped onto the Knight Bus, this message popped up.

After the two of them got in the car, Stan took the initiative and asked: "Where do you want to go?"

Hermione stood behind Tom and asked, "Can I go to Diagon Alley?"

"Of course, you can go anywhere you want - as long as it's on land," Stan said proudly, winking at Hermione, "Of course, it can't be driven underwater or in other people's hearts..."

Can I go as long as I'm on land? Tom tilted his head, feeling a little unhappy: "Since you can go anywhere, can you drive to Nurmengard?"

Stan was stunned for a moment. The name Nurmengard was unfamiliar to him, but he seemed to have heard it somewhere before.

"Okay." A deep voice came from the driver's seat. It was the driver of this car, Ern Plan. He was an elderly wizard wearing a pair of thick glasses. "The fare is very expensive. Next year It will be cheaper for Muggles if the Channel Tunnel is connected, but..."

He raised his head and glanced at Tom with cloudy eyes, "You can't pay this high price."

Stan was confused by what he heard, and he laughed, "Hey, it turns out it's a place on the European continent. No wonder I haven't heard of it, but I have some impression - you are going to Diagon Alley, right? Haha. , there was a young man who wanted to go to Diagon Alley just now, you guys are on his way."

At this time, a person emerged from the shadows behind him, and it was Tom's mission target: Harry Potter.

"Harry! I didn't expect you to be here?" Hermione was a little surprised: What a coincidence!

Harry opened his mouth when Hermione spoke, but failed to stop her. When the word "Harry" came out, he could only smile bitterly in return.

"Harry?!" Stan opened his mouth in surprise, "You just said your name is Neville Longbottom! Wait!"

He saw the scar on Harry's head, "You are, Harry Potter -" His voice could be heard throughout the car, and Tom could feel that several people were lifting up from the beds in the carriage. Headed.

Harry smiled awkwardly.

"That's enough, how much is the fare to Diagon Alley?" Tom didn't want to continue to pester. He instinctively felt that something was wrong. Their top priority was to go to Diagon Alley instead of continuing to cause trouble here.

"Three Sickles, everyone." Obviously, Stan was in a bad mood after being interrupted like this, but as a conductor, he still had basic professional ethics.

"If you add three squid, you'll get free chocolates, and if you add four more, you'll get a hot water bottle and a toothbrush of any color." He added.

Tom didn't bother to pay attention to him. He didn't have a lot of money and had nowhere to spend it, so why did he waste it? Besides, he was furious when he saw Stan now. He walked straight to the back of the carriage.

Beside the bed behind the driver, Tom saw a birdcage and a somewhat familiar suitcase.

"I'll sleep here." Harry patted the bed that Tom was looking at, so Tom chose the bed opposite him, and Hermione sat down next to him.

The vehicle started. With a deafening "bang", the car almost flew out. It ran wildly among sidewalks, roads, and vehicles, but those obstacles actively avoided the speeding bus.

However, the car did not drive directly to Diagon Alley, but continued to speed through the wild, throwing away a few passengers from time to time. Eventually, it came to a stop outside a dilapidated landfill.

Five hooded and cloaked men stepped onto the bus.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus..." Stan enthusiastically went up to pick up the passengers. The hooded man in the lead mumbled a few words, handed Stan a money bag, and they walked to the back of the bus together.

Tom felt a chill, which reached its peak when the hooded man passed in front of him. Tom found that the hands of these people were all covered by their robes, and it was completely impossible to see what their hands were doing from the outside.

"Bad feeling..." Tom's intuition told him that there was something wrong with these people, but he had no evidence. Finally, at this critical moment, Tom remembered the famous saying of the American police: It is better to go to court standing than to go to the hospital lying down.

So he took action. While drawing out his wand, he punched the hooded man in the ribs who passed him. The distance was too close, and Tom's attack was too sudden. The hooded man was caught off guard and was hit by a blow. He lay on the ground clutching his ribs. The stun spell that Tom fired was dodged by the man behind him and hit a hooded man at the back of the team.

Tom's intuition was right. At the same moment that Tom took action, a hooded man also took out his wand and directed an Avada Kedavra at Harry. If he hadn't bent down slightly to avoid the coma spell, Harry would have been killed. He was about to go through the test of the Killing Curse again.

He stood firm, and just as he was about to fight back, he saw a snake pupil. He paused, and in the next second, a blood flower bloomed on his chest - while Tom was using telekinesis, he split it into pieces. It hit him and blood splattered.

As soon as they fought, three of the five hooded men fell. The remaining two shook their robes, and two scaly arms stretched out from the bottom of the robes. Instead of using their wands, they just pounced on me and tried to engage in hand-to-hand combat.

Facing the menacing two men, Tom remained calm. He had a translucent shield in front of him and raised his wand:


Two red lights shot out from Tom and Hermione's wands, hitting one of them on the chest and knocking him away. The other person failed to threaten them: he hit Hermione's defensive bracelet and instantly The iron armor curse was placed on him, and before he could recover, his body froze.

"Everyone is petrified!" Driver Ern Plan put away his wand, "Diagon Alley is here."

Boom! Stan threw a hot water bottle, knocking out a hooded man who was struggling to stand up.

Book promotion!

[Conan fan, funeral in black, garden mistress, falling in love]

Ke Xue Undertaker

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