The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 252 Menes’ Gift

Tom let out a deep breath. The name that came out of the young man's mouth was shocking enough.

"I am Tom Yoder, and she is Hermione Granger." Tom's voice was calmer than he imagined.

"Welcome," Menis nodded to the two of them, and at the same time glanced at the black cat at his feet. The black cat stretched out and turned into a naked woman. The woman's skin was a healthy wheat color. , has a graceful figure and exceptionally slender limbs. The only jewelry on her body is the gold anklets on her feet.

Catwoman took catwalks and swung her butt, and brought two animal skin cushions to Tom and Hermione, and also brought a table over, with several small plates filled with seasonal fruits placed on it.

When she placed the cushion in front of Tom, she deliberately came up to him, rubbed him very charmingly, and tried to press the two round balls against Tom. Tom raised his head high and raised his eyebrows at the roof of the palace. He was so interested that he didn't dare to look away, for fear of having unwanted thoughts.

Of course, when he looked up, he had already lost.

Catwoman looked very proud. After rubbing against Tom repeatedly, she glanced provocatively at Hermione, whose face was deformed with anger. She puffed up her chest and left with a twisting catwalk.

Menis smiled happily and said that if Tom wanted, the Catwoman could be "lent" to Tom for two days. Tom refused without thinking: if he agreed, he wouldn't have to think about returning to his own world.

"Looking at your expression, you must have heard of my name." After teasing Tom, Menis took out a fig still stained with dew from the plate in front of him, peeled off the skin and put it in Chewing heavily in his mouth, "Tell me about what will happen in the future, traveler."

Tom was a little surprised now.

Menis was a little hesitant after getting rid of the fig. He was a little confused about what to eat next. Seeing Tom's surprised look, he was even more proud, "Yes, I know you come from the future - because you are a fish." Brought you here." He pointed to the goldfish swimming slowly in the pool.

"Okay, hurry up and tell me what's going on outside!" Menis said impatiently.

But Tom didn't know where to start. There was a five thousand year gap between the times he and Menis lived! He had no clue.

"Are you a living person? Or a memory?" In the end, he answered the Pharaoh's question with a question.

"Don't reply to questions with questions!" Menes curled his lips, but still told Tom that he was the real Pharaoh Menes, not a remnant of memory.


"Been bitten to death by a hippopotamus?" Menis guessed what Tom wanted to ask, "That was a cover created by myself. I have mastered the mystery of time and am immortal. The hippopotamus was just a way for me to retreat behind the scenes. "

It turns out that for Menes, he has achieved "immortality" through time magic.

Menis used the Sands of Time and the Golden Fish to construct a closed time loop. He "cut off" a day to come out, and then connected this period of time end to end to form a closed loop, and entered this closed loop himself. In this closed loop, he and the city he is in will be trapped in a non-stop cycle of one day, thus gaining eternal life in disguise.

Although he achieved eternal life, he did not give up contact with the outside world. Menis, who is in a closed loop of time, needs the power of the golden fish if he wants to interact with the outside world. This special fish can travel through time, bringing people from the outside into Menes' time loop and listen to his guidance.

If the time point when Menis chooses to start the infinite reincarnation is point A on the normal timeline, then Menis has constructed a line whose starting point and end point are both point A. His time never stops flowing, but always moves in circles with the help of the golden fish, completely stagnant in the normal timeline.

Others act on the normal timeline. If they want to see Menes, they will use the golden fish. The golden fish will take them from point B in the normal timeline back to point A where Menes is.

This plan was perfect in theory, and it was executed smoothly at first. However, the frequency of envoys coming became less and less, and eventually they stopped coming at all. Menes' contact with the outside world was also cut off - the messengers of the First Dynasty The pharaohs did not want to add another dictating person above their heads, so they consciously lowered the frequency of communication. With the fall of the first dynasty, the method of communicating with Menes was lost.

Of course, even if you gain eternal life, you still have the necessary cards. Menes, like other kings, built himself a gorgeous tomb. As the first pharaoh to unify Upper and Lower Egypt, Menes extravagantly built a one-to-one replica of the city where he lived most, hiding the city under the real city with magic to serve as his own. The mausoleum, a golden fish was also symbolically left in the mausoleum. Unexpectedly, in the end, the golden fish in the mausoleum became the last golden fish left in the outside world, and became the only way to enter the Menes timeline.

After listening to Perfection's explanation, Tom finally understood it all.

Now, it's his turn to tell a story.

Since he had not seen outsiders for too long, Menes was in a high mood today. He summoned his servants to remove all kinds of fruits and prepare to hold a grand banquet.

While the fruits were being removed, a maid brought a small jar with a large piece of balsam burning in it - when lit, it would emit a rich aroma that would drive away mosquitoes in the hall. Soon, with the dancing of beautiful female dancers and the music of musicians, the banquet began. Menis provides roasted whole beef, roasted duck, roasted goose, roasted pigeon and various fresh fish, as well as fruits and dried fruits.

During the banquet, Tom briefly talked about the changes in world history. Menis was speechless when he heard this: The dynasty he founded perished, the civilization of ancient Egypt also perished, and even the beliefs and races of the people on this land were destroyed. changed!

Menis could only pick up beer that was as thick as porridge to drown his sorrows. Fortunately, he was only depressed for a short while, then he adjusted his mood and started chatting with Tom again.

I don’t know how long I kept talking, but Menis finally got tired of hearing it. He stood up and walked over to Tom.

"Since you told me so many novel stories, I have to repay you well."

However, Menis was in a dilemma when it came to choosing a gift to give. He found that Tom seemed to lack everything! He thought about it over and over, but in the end he had no idea. He could only ask Tom: "Traveller, do you have any wish? I can help you realize it."

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