Hearing Tom say this, Hermione's eyes became misty again and her eyes became blurred. This day has finally come. The two people's eyes met, and they looked at each other lovingly. The air is also full of love.

At this time, the hair of the two people moved strangely: Tom and Hermione's hair separated from their ears and began to move uncontrollably. They moved in the air, as if they were attracted to each other. The strands of hair attracted each other and intertwined, forming a thin braid.

Tom felt that his magic power surged up, flowed out of his body along the strand of hair, and flowed into Hermione's body. At the same time, a warm magic power also flowed from Hermione's hair. The magic has a lively feeling, and at the same time, Tom can't help but think of the library, making him feel as if he is not in an ancient desert city, but in a library in the afternoon.

After this magic power circulated in his body, it flowed back along his hair, and his magic power also returned to his body.

The magic power came and went like a tide, and there seemed to be something in Tom's body, and a connection was born between him and Hermione.

Two strands of hair fell from their heads and automatically formed two thin ropes. Tom took one of the ropes and wrapped it around Hermione's hand, forming a bracelet. Hermione followed suit and tied the rope around Tom's wrist.

Everything that just happened was very mysterious and completely in the realm of magic. Tom and Hermione had never heard of it, but they didn't care. At this moment, they only have the figure in front of them in their hearts, and they only have deep love. After the rope was tied, the two looked at each other, smiled, and then kissed like a dragonfly.

"I love you too." Hermione looked at Tom lovingly, "I hope we will never be separated."

"Okay, we will never be separated."

"In this life, there is also the next life and the next life!"

OK, I will be with you for the rest of my life. "

An invisible light flashed on their bracelets.

It would be nice if there were just the two of them here, but it's a pity that there is an entire adventure team.

At this time, the remaining ten people in the team had cleared a clean open space not far from Tom, spread blankets on it, and lit a bonfire on the edge of the open space. What happened between Hermione and Tom just now was seen by them, but no one stood up to disturb this scene.

This is a world that belongs only to these two people.

Moreover, being interrupted by Tom and Hermione, the atmosphere became much more relaxed. Alyosha made a decision, and he, Yegor, Peter, and Allen took turns keeping watch to ensure that no accidents would happen at night. The next morning, they got up again to explore the ancient city.

According to Will's analysis, this ancient city is most likely the city they are looking for.

In order to recharge their batteries, the remaining people lay on the carpet and raced against time to fall asleep. Tom and Hermione were on the other side of the campfire, wrapped in blankets and sleeping in each other's arms.

Soon, the whole room fell silent, except for the occasional crackling sound of the campfire.

Yegor and Allen were on the first night shift. In the second half of the night, they would wake up Alyosha and Peter and take over their vigil. Alyosha naturally had his reasons for this arrangement: Allen and Yegor were the two youngest guys in the group, and the two most energetic ones made it easier to watch the night. Of course, these two were inexperienced, so they were given a slightly easier first half of the night.

In the second half of the night, the reliable Captain Alyosha and the elite of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were on duty personally to ensure that nothing went wrong. As for Will, his specialty is archaeology, and Alyosha hopes he can maintain high energy the next day.

The seemingly simple night watch also has a lot of problems.

Night vigils are boring. Allen was exhausted physically and mentally after running around for a day. Although he kept warning himself not to fall asleep, he still felt that his body was awake and his soul was dormant. Allen hadn't moved his eyes for a long time. Although he still had his eyes open, he had already entered a state of sleeping with his eyes open.

At this time, an invisible black shadow "flowed" in from the edge of the blocked window. It looked like a black cloak, about half an inch thick, but extremely large. Its tail was not seen after it flowed by the window for a long time. It slid against the ground and made a slight rustling sound. But the sound was masked by the burning sound of the bonfire.

No one knows that a special magical animal is approaching them. At this moment, everyone was sleeping soundly, and the people watching the night were also distracted.

Shadow found his target. It swam over Tom like a fluttering black cloak...

Tom felt a cold and greasy feeling in his sleep. He woke up in an instant and saw that half of his body was wrapped in a black curtain-like substance. Hermione in his arms was also entangled in the black substance. When he saw Tom wake up Come, it accelerated suddenly and slid onto Tom's face, trying to suffocate Tom.

Tom recognized the black cloak-like creature as the Voldemort bat.

What happened to the previous expedition team was also obvious - they were attacked by Voldemort bats in their sleep, and everyone was swallowed up silently. The crocodile bat doesn't eat anything else, so things like backpacks and sleeping bags are kept intact.

Tom subconsciously pushed Hermione out, and the next moment he was completely wrapped up. He tried to transform, but no matter what creature he turned into, Tom was still tightly wrapped after the transformation, and the Voldemort Bat was like a Like a rubber membrane, Tom was tightly restrained.

Tom felt that Voldemort was tightening his body. Pressure was coming from all directions, forcing the last bit of air out of his body. He was about to lose consciousness.

Before he fainted, Hermione's figure appeared in his mind.

"Unfortunately, it's too late..." he thought.

Before he fell into darkness, light lit up before his eyes.

Hermione was awakened when she was pushed out. She saw that Tom was wrapped in a black cloak and was completely unable to break free. She also recognized that the monster in front of her was the Voldemort Bat.

She felt as if someone had poured cold water over her head. She subconsciously took out her wand, but then remembered that Voldemort could only be driven away by the Patronus Charm.

She only knew a little bit about this spell before the summer vacation began - she passed it in the final exam, and she looked at it a few times afterwards, but she had never tried it...

Hermione felt a deep sense of despair: Obviously just now...why!

In a panic, she saw the crown in her backpack. She felt so blessed that she put the crown on her head and recalled the time she had spent with Tom just now...

She raised her wand—

"Call the gods to protect you!"

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