The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 219 Heading to Egypt

"This tent is a bit expensive..." Tom squeezed out this sentence through his teeth.

Of course it is expensive, this tent is almost as good as the Triwizard Tournament championship prize, but considering its functions in the desert, the price is very reasonable.

The clerk could see Tom's hesitation, so he recommended several cheaper tents to him. The main difference was in the interior decoration and size of the tents.

Tom tried to bargain, but the clerk was very tight-lipped and refused to give in. Perhaps he could only ask for a gift from him.

Tom came up with a bold idea: he could put the box with the invisible expansion spell in the tent, and then fold the tent and carry it on his back to realize the matryoshka doll.

However, there is a drawback to this: it costs money. Items cast with the Traceless Expansion Charm are ridiculously expensive - on the one hand, the spell is more difficult, and on the other hand, every item cast with this spell must be reported to the Ministry of Magic.

The clerk saw Tom's thoughts, and out of professional ethics, he coughed dryly: "Every item that is cast with a traceless expansion spell has a limited volume and weight that can be carried inside. If the weight exceeds the limit, it may cause damage to the body." Damage to tent…”


No more nesting dolls.

The Invisible Expansion Charm is an advanced enchantment that can increase the internal space of a container, allowing "a hundred wizards to squeeze into a toilet cubicle", and better yet, the weight of the container itself with this spell There won't be any drastic changes. A small handbag that has been cast a traceless expansion spell, even if it is filled with books and clothes, will not be as heavy as a student's suitcase when returning from home to school.

But this spell has its limits. There are two limits: volume and weight. The volume is easy to understand. If you expand the internal space to five cubic meters, then six cubic meters of things cannot be accommodated. The weight can be understood as the load. If the tent Tom wants to buy can carry one thousand kilograms of items, and Tom stuffs a magic suitcase containing five hundred kilograms of items, then the remaining load of the tent will only be five hundred kilograms, because the essence of the item is still one piece. A suitcase containing five hundred kilograms of items.

After some haggling, Tom finally bought the tent at the original price, but he succeeded in getting the store clerk to give him two cloth bags with a traceless expansion charm - there was not much space, and he could only hold a few kilograms of things. Fortunately, he had the wages and royalties from Lockhart's era, otherwise Tom would have really lost a lot of money if he wanted to buy this tent.

After paying, Tom carried the tent on his back - it was as light as a quilt. Since the tent package came with a very complete set of items, Tom felt that he had bought everything he needed to buy. Just as he was about to leave the Wieseek Magic Supplies Store, he caught a glimpse of something from the corner of his eye: a tent filled with smoke. crystal ball.

"How much does this cost?" he asked, pointing to the crystal ball.

"It's not worth anything, so I'll give it to you." The clerk, who had just completed a large order, gave the crystal ball to Tom with a wave of his hand. He also stuffed an old book for him: "Pull Through the Fog to See the Future."

"This book is a very useful guide for divination methods such as palm reading and crystal ball observation." The clerk blinked, obviously he was skeptical about this.

After completing the purchase, Tom returned to Granger's house. Hermione was still immersed in the ocean of knowledge, but her face was extremely poor: her face was pale and bloodless, and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat the size of rice grains, but Hermione didn't realize it, but she was still smiling. Even if she drowns in the ocean of knowledge, she is still happy at this moment.

Tom quickly grabbed her shoulders, shook her body vigorously, and at the same time took the crown off her head, and Hermione regained consciousness.

"Tom... I just learned a lot..." Hermione smiled weakly, and then snuggled weakly on Tom's shoulder.

"Rest first!" Faced with this situation, Tom did not dare to take any other action. He adopted the safest strategy: put Hermione on her bed and let her sleep for a while.

Hermione fell into a deep sleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow. Tom observed Hermione and saw that her breathing was even and long, and considering that Ravenclaw's reputation was quite normal, he felt relieved - if this was a relic of Slytherin, Tom would have gone to find Dumbledore .

Hermione didn't wake up until the afternoon. She couldn't help but feel a little palpitated when she recalled what happened today.

"Next time you wear a crown, remember to tell me that you can't use this crown indiscriminately without my supervision." Tom made a serious agreement with Hermione.

"Okay, let's pull the hook!" Hermione held out her little finger.

People are coming and going at London Heathrow Airport.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the day agreed to set off came.

Hermione and Tom arrived a little earlier than the others. They agreed to meet at 11 o'clock, and Tom arrived half an hour early. At this time, Hermione had her hair neatly tied back, wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, blue denim shorts, and a leopard print belt around her waist, looking very energetic. She carried very little, only a small leather bag.

Next to her, Tom was dressed similarly to her, except that he wore an extra straw hat and his shirt was changed into a camouflage vest. He also carried an extra backpack with a rolled-up tent attached to it.

"You're so early!" Hal Hunter appeared. He and his students were all dressed in the same outfit: a sturdy sportswear, a jacket and a hat to protect them from the wind and sun. There were sunglasses hanging on his front and a scarf wrapped around his neck. They look like four adventurers.

Despite the hot weather in Egypt, this kind of dressing can effectively prevent sunburn. Of course, it is definitely hot...

Will frowned when he saw how Tom and Hermione were dressed, as if they were very dissatisfied with their unprofessional appearance, but Hal spoke before him.

"Little Granger, you are dressed very smartly today, but you can't go to the desert wearing such clothes, the sun there will burn your skin."

"Uncle, it doesn't matter. We have prepared local burqas, which are very suitable for the local environment," Hermione replied with a smile, "But which flight should we take?"

Hermione just checked that there are currently no flights with a suitable time at the airport.

"Let's go on a charter flight. Mr. Yuri has already arranged it for us," Hal snapped his fingers and lowered his voice slightly: "After all, we have to bring so many munitions there!"

Tom also brought his revolver, but he had no worries about security. The contents hidden in the magical suitcase would not be detected by Muggles.

After Alyosha's people arrived, the adventure team immediately set off for Egypt. According to the plan, they will take a charter flight to Cairo, and then spend two days in Cairo to recuperate and adapt to the local climate. After finding a suitable guide, they will set off into the desert.

Asking for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month~

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