Underground classroom.

The host prepared it so thoughtfully, and the guests also brought such a wonderful show. It can be said that the guests and the host had a great time, and everyone present had a great time - except for the three Harrys, the joys and sorrows of humans and ghosts are not the same. They just think they are noisy.

When the hunters were exhausted and the guests danced to their heart's content, Nick clapped his hands, the band stopped playing, and all the ghosts turned their attention to Nick, who was almost headless.

He straightened his collar and said in a sad and gentle tone: "My late lords, ladies and gentlemen, I am filled with great sorrow..."

Nick slightly adjusted the content of his speech to make it more like a thank-you speech at the end of a banquet. He wanted to wait for the guests to arrive before reciting the words, but the arrival of the Headless Hunters disrupted his plan. He could only adapt to the situation and seize the opportunity to get all the guests excited first - he knew the Headless Hunters style, the ghosts are literally a bunch of ADHD kids. Asking them to listen to him quietly before venting their energy is tan90° and does not exist. They are just like furnaces that make nests for bastards - turtles cannot live in them.

So Nick simply let them dance first, and then he went on stage to speak when they were tired. Sure enough, the effect is good. The undead patiently listened to his speech and the poem he carefully prepared.

After he concluded with a bow, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

The party was over, and the ghosts left the underground classroom in twos and threes. Nick walked off the stage contentedly, and Mr. Patrick hadn't left yet. He let out a hearty laugh and patted Nick's shoulder so hard that their heads and necks were separated.

It's just that Nick's head and neck are still connected a little bit, so it's not like Mr. Patrick's head is missing.

"Okay, Nick, I had a lot of fun at the party today!"

As if he hadn't heard anything, Nick turned to Harry and the three of them, "How about it, did you have a good time tonight?"

"Have fun."

There is no answer more duplicitous than this.

Obviously, no one would believe this answer. Mr. Patrick put his head back on his neck and slapped his horse on the butt. The horse immediately started running. Mr. Patrick chased after it hard, and he managed to catch up. He grabbed his horse's mane, flew onto the horse, and controlled the bridle, causing the ghost horse's hind legs to stand upright. The whole process was so smooth that Harry wanted to applaud, but when he saw Nick's livid face - generally speaking, ghosts couldn't see their faces - he stopped thinking about it.

By this time, Harry could no longer bear the cold. After the ghost dissipated, his digestive system seemed to have resumed operation. Only when it started to function did he realize that his stomach was as empty as a college student's brain in an exam room. Then his stomach growled.

The three of them said goodbye to Nick. A minute later they were in the same aisle.

"Maybe the dessert session isn't over yet?" Ron had a hint of unrealistic fantasy and walked towards the auditorium at the lead.

"Where do you think our leftover food will be sent?" Harry was so hungry that he even had the idea of ​​having leftovers from the Hogwarts party.

"Are you crazy? Why would you eat other people's leftovers? There won't be any leftover food. It's just some sausages, uneaten ribs, steak and lamb, various stews, roast chicken and duck. ...Neville, do you know how the leftovers at Hogwarts are disposed of?"

Unfortunately, Neville didn't know where the leftover food went.

"I heard that there is a kind of food in some places, which is to put all kinds of leftover stews from restaurants together to make a pot of random stew. Everyone gathers around the pot, scoops out the pot with big spoons, and finally presses Pay per spoon." Harry began to recall the news he saw on TV.

The three of them imagined it and became even more hungry. They quickened their pace.

However, when they walked up the stairs, they found that the outside of the auditorium was surrounded by water. Harry and the others squeezed through hard, and finally saw the two lines of writing on the wall. At this time, the writing was shining under the light of the torch. With emblem light.

"All the enemies of the Successor will be buried!" Malfoy became more energetic after seeing these words, and his face flushed with excitement. He glanced at the crowd and found Ron Weasley, whom he hated the most. He looked at Looking at Ron, a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

"You might be next, a pure-blood traitor like you!"

"It's hard to say whether Mr. Weasley will be buried, but Mr. Malfoy, you will definitely be fined. Ten points will be deducted from Slytherin." Professor McGonagall's voice came from behind the crowd. She was attracted by the little wizards gathered together, but as soon as she arrived at the scene of the incident, she heard Malfoy's arrogant remarks.

The little wizards suddenly became quiet and automatically made way for Professor McGonagall.

Professor McGonagall frowned when she saw the writing on the wall.

"Prefects of each house, lead the students of their own houses back to the common room." She decided to evacuate the students first and then discuss it with Principal Dumbledore. She had already guessed why Professor Dumbledore had left in a hurry during the banquet.

At this time, the three deans, Flitwick, Sprout, and Snape, also arrived. Under their silent urging, the little wizards returned to the lounge obediently. When the students dispersed, Dumbledore's Patronus also appeared in front of the four deans and took them to the school hospital.

In the school hospital, Dumbledore had already placed Victoria on a bed. Madam Pomfrey is preparing a potion to replenish Victoria's energy. Tom and Hermione stood aside, doing nothing.

Hermione's eyes turned to the bed at the end of the ward, which was blocked by a white curtain, but Hermione knew that the real Professor Lockhart was lying there.

While they were in a daze, Professor McGonagall pushed open the door and walked in, followed by the other three deans.

"Albus..." She glanced at Victoria on the bed with some concern.

"Fortunately, it's nothing serious." Dumbledore thought that Victorique had just consumed some of his life force, which could be replenished through potions. He turned his attention to Tom, "Professor Lockhart, tell me what happened. .”

Tom came back to his senses and began to tell Dumbledore the story he had made up: He was invited to the 500th anniversary party of Nearly Headless Nick, but midway he received an early warning that the office was broken into by an unknown creature - Snape When I heard this, the temperature around my body dropped by one degree.

Since there were papers in the office that would be used for next week's exam, he hurriedly left the underground classroom, only to see this line of writing on the way to the office. His life was at stake, so he immediately went to the secret room——

"Wait, how do you know where the Chamber of Secrets is?" Snape interrupted Tom.

"Looking up information and library documents, there are actually hints of the location of the Chamber of Secrets in the notes of predecessors. The Gaunt family guarded it from generation to generation until the end of the line. According to my investigation, the Chamber of Secrets was opened when Hogwarts was being renovated. It was built under a washroom and required a Parseltongue to open it.”

"Then how did you open the Chamber of Secrets?" Snape always felt that the Lockhart in front of him was very suspicious, so he pressed forward step by step. Unfortunately, Lockhart didn't look panicked at all.

Tom said unhurriedly: "It was open when I went there. Miss Granger and I entered the secret room together and found that Miss Brown was already there - she seemed to be possessed by something strange, and later Professor Dumbledore also knows everything about it.”

Professor McGonagall sensed the problem.

"So you failed to destroy the monster that possessed Miss Brown, did you?"

Tom shook his head.

Several people fell into silence.

"Professor Dumbledore, what happened to Miss Brown may be that she accidentally took some dark magic item. I suggest that her belongings and luggage in the dormitory be searched immediately. When she wakes up, we should also ask her about the ins and outs of the matter." Snape immediately realized that this matter must be related to a very evil dark magic item.

"We must hurry up, otherwise there may be a second victim." Professor Flitwick also expressed his attitude.

Just when Dumbledore and the four deans were about to leave the campus hospital ward, Tom asked a question that concerned him more.

"Professor Dumbledore, this incident must have caused great psychological damage to Miss Brown. Do you want to use the Forgetting Curse..." Tom meant to simply use the Forgetting Curse to make Victoria forget this painful memory.

"Or you can use the diluted venom of the Winged Demon to erase people's memories." Snape gave a new idea.

"Memory is a person's most precious asset. We have no right to change it without authorization," Dumbledore adjusted his glasses and said seriously, "Go to Ravenclaw Tower first."

While Dumbledore and the others were discussing how to face Victoria in the school hospital, Peggy walked out of the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor of the castle. Riddle's diary gave her the task of hiding herself in the Room of Requirement when she received her signal. In the middle of the Halloween dinner, Peggy received a signal from Riddle's diary, so she sneaked into the Room of Requirement without anyone noticing.

The door to the Room of Requirement slowly closed behind her, hiding the mountain of debris inside. After the door was closed, a dense black air suddenly emerged from a diary in the pile of debris.

The black air floated slowly, finally stopping in front of a worn-out crown...

Peggy ran all the way and saw a large group of seniors in front of her. She followed them silently and stayed behind them. Listening to their conversation, Peggy learned that an attack had occurred in the school: the legendary secret room was opened again, and a student became a "sacrifice."

Peggy instinctively felt that this matter had something to do with the diary.

Shortly after she returned to the common room, her suspicions were confirmed.

The young wizards of Ravenclaw, led by their prefects, returned to the Ravenclaw common room. As soon as everyone entered the door, they couldn't suppress their curiosity and started discussing the secret room attack that happened today. Because of the attack that occurred at the beginning of the school year, there was a strong interest in the secret room in the warning.

During that time, "Hogwarts: A School History" became the most popular book. All the inventory in the library was borrowed, and reservations were even queued up to two weeks later. Everyone wants to find clues about the secret room from the book, but no little wizard has found any records about the secret room. The story of the secret room seems to have been erased by someone, and no information or legends about it can be found at all.

Perhaps, among all the little wizards at Hogwarts, Malfoy was the only one who knew a little bit about the Chamber of Secrets. Other young wizards, even pure-bloods, know very little about the Chamber of Secrets. After all, the Chamber of Secrets was a myth to their parents and even their grandparents. Riddle opened the Chamber of Secrets in 1943, nearly fifty years ago. Even those who witnessed it back then may not necessarily know the truth, because the official version of the case that year was that one student illegally raised acromantic spiders, which led to the death of another student.

After a while, the rumors gradually passed, and the young wizards even thought that the secret room was a complete fabrication. So many strange conjectures emerged. The core argument of all conjectures is the same: Tom offended someone, was attacked, and took revenge.

Some people think that the culprit is Marcus, who hopes to gain an advantage by getting rid of Ravenclaw's most powerful chaser; some people think that it is Professor Snape, who must be conducting some evil experiment, and Tom happens to be There is also a very outrageous theory that Professor Lockhart is the murderer. He fell in love with Hermione Granger, a second-year Ravenclaw student, but Tom Yoder and Hermione left. Very close, so Professor Lockhart took advantage of Tom to get rid of his competitor...

This statement has always been regarded as a joke by young wizards. It is true that Granger often goes to Professor Lockhart's office, but that is because she is a teaching assistant. Professor Lockhart's recruitment of teaching assistants was open, so how could there be any behind-the-scenes operations? Other candidates are not eligible!

The young wizards would rather believe that their headmaster Dumbledore was defeated by Grindelwald because of his beauty than accept this outrageous statement. They even made up many similar jokes, which can be said to be very imaginative.

As a result, there was another secret room attack today! If it happens once, it can be said that someone made up a noun, but what about the second time? Even if the secret room is a fiction, there really is a criminal in the school who is constantly attacking students. He is lurking among the students, licking his fangs, looking for the next prey...

The little wizards were scared.

Now they are discussing in the lounge in full swing, just to relieve the fear in their hearts. There are two questions they are most concerned about: First, what is the secret room? Does it really exist? Second, which classmate became the sacrifice for the opening of the secret room?

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