The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 169 Vulcan opens the way

Although Tom and the others were on the first floor, it was very bizarre to see a rabbit jumping in the window. The rabbit that jumped in was not like an ordinary rabbit, with its ears standing up and jumping so cutely. Instead, it was a little stiff and sluggish, and its fur was covered in dirt. After jumping in, it turned its head towards Tom and the others.

After turning their heads, Tom and the others could see clearly the appearance of the rabbit: the rabbit's eye sockets were no longer red eyes, but a pair of cloudy and lifeless eyes, and there was even yellow pus flowing out of the corners of the eyes. .

"Hiss—" Tom took a breath. He now knew that the dog outside was eaten by some animal.

"Tear to pieces!" The rabbit was torn into several pieces by his spell. Unlike the skeleton, this time it did not return to its original shape.

System improvements also jumped out in time.

【Slay the Demons on Horseback (Prologue)·Final Opening

Mission description: The eroded animals at Burnham Manor have become a huge hidden danger in Bristol and must be cleared away. If any are missed, it will bring huge disaster to the world.

Mission goal: Find the source of the disaster and clean up all monsters.

Mission reward: Anniversary (this weekend will be the fifth year of your awakening system, and the system has prepared a grand fifth anniversary celebration for you)

Punishment for mission failure: Anniversary celebration cancelled, anniversary reward changed to 1,600 magic stones]


He counted the days and found that it had indeed been five years since he got the system. He became very interested in the "grand fifth anniversary celebration" described in the description, because based on his experience, any anniversary celebration must have many rewards or activities - especially this kind of advance publicity. It’s cool to get it, and there may be limited items. But these can only be obtained by completing tasks yourself. If the mission fails, then my fifth anniversary celebration will become ten draws in a row, which is too shabby!

Even the anniversary celebration of a gold-for-skin mobile game can’t be this shabby.

No, no? There really isn’t any system where the anniversary celebration rewards ten draws in a row! If this system can make money, will there be a first deposit reset?

Fortunately, whether it is a celebration or a tenth company, the decision lies with Tom himself.

The task is not difficult, just clean up the monsters near the mansion.

"Come on, let's patrol the area one more time before returning to Hogwarts to report back to Dumbledore." Tom led Harry and Ron back to the living room and prepared to leave through the front door. Tom opened the door and was dazzled by a sliver of white: the lawn of the manor was crowded with identical rabbits.

Tom backed away slowly and closed the door as quickly as he could.

There must be something wrong with the way he opened the door. But Tom didn't have the courage to open the door and verify again. Now, his two doubts were answered: first, how did the rabbit kill a hound, and second, what was the reason for the rustling sound outside just now.

He also understood a truth: all gifts given by fate have already been marked with a secret price.

It has been five years, and I still haven’t seen through the true nature of this system! For a moment, he even thought about leading the tenth company: anyway, he could control [Senior Sister] and lead Harry and the others out.

The rabbits outside were already attacking, and Tom could hear raindrops on the walls and doors, as well as the sound of glass breaking. The situation was already very urgent. Tom glanced at Harry and Ron. The current difficulty was beyond the scope of the trial.

"Wingardim Leviosa!" Tom cast a levitating spell on a piece of tapestry. "Go up quickly!" He hugged Harry and Ron up. "Go to Professor Dumbledore. Leave this to me first." I'll handle it."

"Professor Lockhart—"

"Go!" Tom waved his wand, and the tapestry carried the two people to the third floor, and then flew out of a window. The third floor is nearly ten meters above the ground. Even if the rabbit mutates, it cannot jump up. It is very safe.

Ron and Harry could only watch helplessly as Professor Lockhart sent them out of the mansion, leaving behind him. At that moment, Lockhart's image in their hearts grew taller.

After flying in the air and a little distance from the ground, they saw the situation outside more intuitively: the garden of the mansion had turned white, and a steady stream of white water was rushing out from the back mountain.

"Merlin, why are there so many rabbits!" Ron exclaimed, "What do they eat? There are probably tens of thousands of them just in front of you!"

"Go find Professor Dumbledore!" This was Harry's idea.

The tapestry took them to the car outside the mansion, and then fell to the ground with a clatter, turning into an ordinary tapestry again.

Most of the rabbits were attracted by Tom, but a small number ran towards Harry and the others, but the number was very small, less than a hundred.

"Harry, get in the car quickly!" Ron opened the driver's door and jumped in. But Harry didn't get in the car. He thought about it and took out his wand.

"Ron, have you ever thought about what would happen if these rabbits ran out of the manor?" Harry asked such a question. He didn't wait for Ron's answer, and started talking to himself: "Crazy Rabbits will run into other residents’ homes and turn the city into a hell.”

Harry had already figured out that the rabbits in front of him were obviously not the result of a wave of mutations - the number of rabbits in the entire Bristol combined would not be so many. It's obvious then that a rabbit was cursed, infecting all the rabbits in its tribe. Of course, it could also be infected by the source of the curse.

Next, this group of infected rabbits multiplied wildly and grew to its current size.

This is the scariest part: they reproduce so fast!

How long did it take from the time the train bombing occurred to when Tom and the others arrived? Tens of thousands of rabbits appeared. If they were allowed to breed uncontrollably, Harry couldn't imagine what would happen.

It was impossible to annihilate them all, but Harry could deal with those who escaped.

"Ron, it's time to practice the splitting spell - split it into four pieces!" Harry tore the rabbit at the front into pieces.

The two relied on this Renault car to compete with the menacing rabbits. The Renault car used as a bunker also fulfilled its original function: a weapon of war.

The long-established car companies in Western European countries all have a common characteristic: they all started out selling arms. In 1898, Renault Motor Company was founded. Producing guns, ammunition, aircraft and light tanks in the First World War, resuming traditional production activities after the war, and returning to manufacturing weapons and munitions for the Germans during the Second World War - this led to Renault's After the war, it remained one of the most popular vehicle types exported to Germany.

BMW and Mercedes-Benz next door, and Mitsubishi across the Eurasian continent are all such companies. Sell ​​cars in peacetime and tanks in wartime.

But there are limits to a wizard's power.

Harry and Ron's splitting spells obviously couldn't keep up with the speed of the rabbits, and the rabbit tide was approaching little by little. Harry set his sights on the Renault car that was used as a bunker...

"Auto mode, turn on." Tom turned on [Senior]'s automatic combat mode with loud crashes. This is also a new ability added by Dumbledore, which allows [Senior] to fight automatically, just like the stone pier at Hogwarts. At the same time, as long as it is set up in advance, the senior sister can cast magic spells in a certain order.

"The Explosion Curse... doesn't seem to need any other spells." Looking at the rabbits pouring in, Tom felt that the most effective spell currently was the Explosion Curse.

"Thunderbolt explosion!" Under the cover of [Senior Sister], Tom fought and retreated, and walked upstairs little by little. Attracted by the explosion, rabbits also poured into the house from all directions.

"There are many obstacles! Thunderbolt explosion!" Tom was responsible for using the obstacle spell, and [Senior] used the explosion spell. The explosion spell was very effective. It could blow up a large group of rabbits every time and clear out a few square meters of space, but the next moment It was filled up by the rabbits behind. As for the barrier charm, Tom always felt that it was completely ineffective: it couldn't stop the rabbit tide at all.

Tom backed away little by little, from the living room to the stairs on the first floor, and then followed the stairs to the balcony on the third floor. He didn't know how many rabbits he killed along the way, but the broken limbs they left behind were eaten by his companions in the next second.

After retreating to the balcony, Tom had no retreat. Looking at the rabbits coming like a rising tide, he took a deep breath: now he has two options, and he will use option one first.

Tom prayed to Merlin, hoping that the rabbits' eyes would still see.

"Hiss-ha!" A huge green snake appeared in the house. Its huge body crushed several rabbits to death at once, but more rabbits took the opportunity to jump on Tom. Tom stared at these rabbits, but there was no any effect.

"Sure enough! They are blind!" Tom felt a little dizzy. The basilisk's direct gaze looked very powerful, but in fact it was very limited. As long as you don't use your eyes, it can't kill you through eye contact.

This operation put Tom directly at a disadvantage. More and more rabbits were jumping towards Tom. Although their small fangs would not be able to chew through the scales of the basilisk for a while, it was only a matter of time. When the scales are chewed through, what awaits Tom is the same as Ling Chi's death.

Everything is done in advance. Failure to do so will result in failure. It is best to prepare an escape route in advance.

Tom's plan failed, but he had a backup plan, and in fact, he had a backup plan to the backup plan.

He threw the rabbits away with all his strength and transformed into a phoenix. He flapped his wings and flew out of the mansion while grabbing [Senior Sister]. Tom flew to the top of the building and returned to his human form.

He turned all three wheels to the seventh gear, and inscribed a corresponding magic spell on this special position.

The command was issued, the spell began to operate, and the core of [Senior Sister] began to supply energy at maximum efficiency. Tom also put his hand on it as a backup energy source.

A tongue of fire emerged from the tip of [Senior Sister]'s wand, soaring in the wind, swallowing up the wand and [Senior Sister]'s arm. There was a banging sound on her body. This was when her body began to crack, and even more fire began to erupt from her core. With bursts of white smoke, the energy stored inside was also consumed, and then it began to extract the magic power from Tom's body.

Tom's face turned pale rapidly, as if he had lost a lot of blood.

[Senior Sister] raised her arm, with the wand pointing down. Her raised arm shook greatly, and the tongues of fire spread quickly, turning into an extremely bright ring of fire. The white clouds in the sky also began to rotate slowly, forming A funnel-shaped vortex formed. Following [Senior Sister]'s movements, the vortex formed by the clouds was also slowly rotating. The ring of fire was like a huge whip, sweeping towards the group of rabbits downstairs. Wherever it went, there were no traces. Unable to burn, a sea of ​​​​fire soon formed, covering the entire Burnham Manor.

Ron stopped the car outside the manor, and both of them were breathing heavily. Although they were just driving the car to crush the Warcraft rabbits that were running towards them, it was as if they had finished a marathon.

At this time, the Renault car looked like it had been driven out of Stalingrad. The car body was covered with blood stains and grooves left by the impact, and there were still the remaining flesh and blood of rabbits in the gaps in the tires. The street they were on also showed a scene of blood and flesh like a car accident scene.

Harry threw his wand in front of the dashboard. The wand collided with the countertop, causing a stream of sparks to appear.

"Click!" A pistol fell out of his pocket - this was what they had found in the mansion before, and Tom handed it to him conveniently. The situation became tense afterwards, and Harry forgot about the incident. As a result, the battle was over and it fell out.

"What is this?" Ron was a little curious.

Harry casually stuffed the pistol into a small drawer, "If there were unlimited bullets, this thing would be much easier to use than the wand." Harry commented on the gun to Ron: within seven rounds, the gun is fast, seven rounds After that, wand fast.

Harry slapped his head. They had just been obsessed with fighting monsters.

"Go, go quickly -" Harry was stuck: he didn't know how to contact Dumbledore in this situation.

"We can use the wand to cast magic! Then the Ministry of Magic will send an owl to deliver the message, and the owl will naturally be able to contact Dumbledore!" Ron suddenly had an idea and thought of a solution.

Harry looked at the wand in front of him and felt something was wrong.


"Wait! We have just been performing magic! According to you, the Ministry of Magic should already know about it, right?" Harry finally figured it out. The spell he and Ron had just continued had not stopped. If the spell was cast once, the Ministry of Magic would receive a notification, and the office might have been flooded with notifications by now...

At this time, in distant London, a tall dark-skinned wizard walked into an office and threw a pile of reports accumulated inside into the fireplace.

"Professor Dumbledore, why did you give such an order?" He was a little confused.

The final monthly ticket is 1045 votes, plus two updates, each update contains 3000 words.

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