The Day of the Draw at Hogwarts

Chapter 143 The eloquent Lockhart (please subscribe)

"Professor Dumbledore, you are setting yourself up!" Severus Snape was furious at the moment, and he knocked on Dumbledore's desk hard.

"There is definitely something wrong with that Gerald Lockhart!" Snape said with an extremely certain tone, "He even knows Occlumency!"

"You will too."

"This is different!" Snape became increasingly angry at Dumbledore's leisurely attitude.

"Legilimency cannot solve all problems once and for all." Dumbledore said calmly, "I believe that our Professor Lockhart is a real Ravenclaw."

"Real Ravenclaw," Snape said with a sarcastic smile on his lips, "After so many years, you and I have known the details of the four founders! You don't really think that the legendary 'Raven Crow' Claw' is some kind of know-it-all who likes to hang out in the library, right?"

"Raven's Claw" is a metaphor for a greedy predator. But what Ms. Ravenclaw plundered was not wealth, but knowledge. If you have the knowledge that a Ravenclaw lady desires, you need to be careful.

Dumbledore smiled, "The entire Hogwarts library has been opened to this raven, and the knowledge inside is enough for him to plunder for a lifetime."

Dumbledore didn't have the slightest worry about Lockhart in school, even if he might have done something outrageous.

"He also taught the students the Killing Curse." Snape remembered Lockhart's other "crime", "Professor Dumbledore, we should act immediately and send him to where he belongs!"

"Where to go?"


Dumbledore smiled happily, "Okay, Severus, don't think too much, letting students understand the Killing Curse and teaching them the Killing Curse are two different things."

Finally, Snape strode out of Dumbledore's office.

He decided to keep a close eye on Lockhart, the dubious Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, just as he had on Quirrell last year. Snape was also a little frustrated: the Defense Against the Dark Arts professors in the past two years had not been a worry-free one, and he hoped that next year's professor would be more reliable.

Snape did not intend to quarrel with Dumbledore on the issue of Lockhart anymore. He had more important things to do today: the remaking of the Wolfsbane potion had reached a very critical stage, which required him to invest a lot. energy.

The process of dispensing the medicine this time was as smooth as the first one during the summer vacation, and all the performances were the same as described in the paper published by Damocles. But the more it went like this, the more uneasy Snape felt.

Because Snape's first experiment in preparing wolfsbane potion failed inexplicably during the summer vacation. This was already his third time preparing Wolfsbane potion, and Snape, who had already failed twice, did not want to do it a third time.

He has been thinking about the reasons, but has not yet found the root of the problem. Snape had an intuition that he was only a little bit away from success. As long as he figured out this key, he could become the first potions master in the wizarding world to successfully copy Wolfsbane potion.

He walked towards the basement without looking back. Anyway, he has fulfilled his obligation. Dumbledore knows Lockhart's identity. How Dumbledore deals with Lockhart next has nothing to do with him.

Tom sneezed.

"Who's talking about me?" He muttered, suddenly confused.

He was thinking, if someone really talked about someone behind their back and that person would sneeze, then was he sneezing just because someone was talking about Tom or because someone was talking about Lockhart?

But he quickly drove this ridiculous idea out of his head. Instead of being confused about this, he might as well find a way to learn the curse that Voldemort placed on his name. The effect of this spell is quite terrifying. Once someone says the words "Voldemort", it will cause a disturbance, allowing the Death Eaters to successfully locate it. Then the Death Eaters will apparate to the scene of the incident. Arrest and eliminate opponents.

This spell is quite powerful, but there are still a few loopholes: Can this spell be used to determine whether the sound is made by a real person? If the rebels prepare a lot of tape recorders and remotely play the words Voldemort, is that a waste of the Death Eaters' power? And using this idea in reverse, can you use this setting to counter-ambush Death Eaters?

You must learn to fight! The wizards in the British magical world still don't have enough combat experience.

Tom lost his mind as he thought about it.

At this time, his doll [Senior Sister] has been partially completed.

The core of [Senior Sister] has been firmly protected by armor, and the small cylinder that resonates with the core has also been wrapped in a handle-shaped shell by Tom. The handle is divided into two parts. The left half is a joystick, which can control the direction of [Senior Sister]'s walking. The right half is three rings nested inside each other. There are seven grids on each ring, and the rings are surrounded by The circle is divided into four equal parts.

Tom divided the curse on [Senior] into seven areas: hands, legs, torso, head and armor. The seven grids of the first ring correspond to these seven parts respectively. Then, Tom will divide the spells in each area into three levels according to the degree of danger: normal, dangerous, and fatal. Each level is followed by their unspells.

Of course, Professor Flitwick added almost no fatal spells. After all, the examiners of the practical examination will not let students try to break spells such as the Soul-Impering Curse and the Killing Curse. Spells like "Shatter to pieces" were the limit - Tom couldn't even cast them in class. Because it is really possible to break the students into pieces in one fell swoop.

The sixth gear is occupied by spells and unspells, and the seventh gear is reserved for that body part, and some fine movements can be set up. Each of these seven gears can correspond to seven actions or spells - this is the role of the third circle.

Through these three rings, Tom can use the limited space to control [Senior] to make 343 movements and spells. Of course, these 343 positions are not filled. For example, the spells on the armor are mainly protective, and there are only seven. As for the quartered circle, they were four small spells that Tom asked Professor Flitwick to add to the one-handed sword.

[Semi-automatic combat doll "Senior" (four stars): It is the brainchild of a transfiguration master, a spell master and an alchemy apprentice. It can achieve semi-automatic combat. It has many and complex functions and huge potential. It is currently only a semi-finished product. . After the work is completed, the creation may become a star]

[Achievement Alchemist Unlocked: Successfully create an alchemical creation with a four-star rating

Achievement reward: Alchemy advancement clue 2]

Tom suddenly remembered that the previous mission reward of [Elf in the Forest] was also a clue about helping him advance his alchemy. That thing was in Egypt and could improve alchemy without leveling up. It was simply a miracle.

The two clues each come with a note and a poem. Two notes, the first one tells Tom what the secret treasure does, and the second one tells Tom what the secret treasure is. The poem tells the specific location and how to get it.

However, the content of the poem confused Tom, and he couldn't understand the content for a while. At this time, he had been furious all night and his mind could hardly move. But even after working hard for a long time, [Senior Sister] only completed less than a third of the way. It was about to break at this time, so he quickly went to bed and rested for a while.

Under the same sky, different people are doing different things. But everyone in this castle has one thing in common: they have classes the next day.

The highlight of Tom's day was to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts to the sixth grade students. The previous class was the entrance exam, and in this class, he will bring some useful information.

Percy Weasley sat in his seat, waiting for Professor Lockhart to arrive. Next to him sat Oliver Wood, keeper and captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Other than that, there were only about a dozen students sitting sparsely in the classroom. This is also the current situation in senior grades: students in many subjects will lose a lot after fifth grade. Other students either failed to pass the minimum score set by the professor, or learned during the fifth-year career counseling that their future positions did not require a certificate from this course.

Since you don't need it, there's no need to go. If you take one extra course and your energy is low and your grades in other subjects are lowered, it will be more than worth the gain.

Today, Professor Lockhart came to the classroom five minutes early, uncharacteristically. It was also a rare thing for Tom to step into the classroom before the bell rang.

Today Tom's Lockhart costume didn't come alone, he also brought a huge package.

"Okay, kids." Facing a group of students who were at least four years older than himself, Tom called them kids without any psychological burden. "You must already know me, but I don't know you yet. So today Before class, we take a roll call. Students whose names are called remember to come up and get their materials."

As he spoke, Tom took out a thick stack of parchment and a roster.

"Brian Rocky!"

"Frances Baker!"

"Percy Weasley!"

The thin Percy stood up immediately, adjusted his glasses, and walked quickly to the podium. Tom looked at this "traitor" of the Weasley family. He had the standard fiery red hair of the Weasley family, a thin figure, slender limbs, and a handsome face. The robe on his body looked very simple, but Very clean and tidy.

"You are Molly's son, right? She often mentions you in her letters." Tom showed a very gentle smile. He did not hate this handsome boy, even though many people called him a traitor.

Percy bowed to Tom, or rather Lockhart, "Yes, Professor, that is my mother."

"She often praises you," Tom handed a stack of parchment to Percy, "I am a student of Ravenclaw, and I have always believed that knowledge changes destiny. I believe that you can also change your destiny through struggle."

"Sometimes family members don't like what you say, but deep down they still love you."

Percy took the parchment handed to him by Tom, bowed more respectfully, and then returned to his seat.

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