The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 276 Searching in Shock

Remember when you entered this dark world?

I remember when I started to feel my body and I could slowly start moving in the dark.

Now, after an inexplicable period of adaptation, Rey has been able to control the previous memory flipping freely.

Everything, just need a thought of your own, and your body will move to where you want to go.

I can clearly feel that I have moved, but in the endless darkness, no matter where I move, it seems like I haven't moved.

No matter how fast or how many times Rey moves, the world has only darkness. I can't see the sky above, and I can't see the ground below. I don't know if the dark world is wide enough, big enough, or Rey himself is too small.

Like a grain of sand, no matter how hard you try, it cannot float out of the entire desert.

A desert is formed from countless grains of sand. It's not that the amount of sand is innumerable, but that the two cannot be compared at all, and they are not the same order of magnitude at all.

If the conditions are not met, it is impossible to achieve.

However, there are two ways to do the impossible.

First, if a grain of sand wants to leave the desert and go to the outside world, it must first be attached to human shoes.

It's the easiest way to find someone to help you. However, it seems that in this darkness, there is no other person or consciousness except Rey.

The other is to make yourself crazy. Crazy here does not mean mental illness. Instead, they abandon their original concepts. New concepts, advanced concepts, from a certain point of view, is a kind of madness.

As the saying goes, there is only a fine line between genius and lunatic.

Rey stopped, he was about to drive himself crazy, or he was on the verge of going crazy.

I don't know how many years I have been flying in this dark world, and it's pretty good that Rey hasn't gone mad. If it were an ordinary person, he would have gone crazy long ago.

Looking at the darkness around him, Rey was at a loss for a while.

People have a natural fear of the dark, and Rey is no exception. The reason why he was afraid was because he didn't know what was in the dark.

If you don't know, you don't understand; and people always give something magical or fearful to things they don't understand.

After so many years in the dark, Rey has gone from the initial fear to the adaptation he is today. Even if some monsters really rushed out to eat him in the dark, Rey would like to see them.

All he needs to see is change, no matter whether the change is good or bad, that's fine.

There is change, and things move forward. So, what anyone actually fears the most is a layer of change.


"It would be nice if there was some light, even a little bit."

The opposite of darkness is light. After staying here for a long time, Rey has such a desire for the first time in his heart.

Then, God said there should be light, and the world had light.

When Rey's idea just flashed, the dark world finally had a ray of light.

A beam of light….

A large beam of light penetrated the sky and reached the zenith. Rey is like an ant in front of it.

This beam of light came suddenly and unexpectedly, and its appearance was not dazzling at all.

It seemed to be in sight, but Rey never saw it. After Rey had this idea, he saw the light as he should have.

Although the light beam is large, it is like fireflies and bright moons to the entire dark world. It illuminates to a limited extent, not even a thousandth of the darkness.

The light flickered like a giant lightning bolt that was out of reach. Rey just saw, but didn't hear the sound.

As soon as Rey noticed it, it changed, as if conscious, and the energy seemed to be accumulating and moving towards the middle.

The upper and lower ends became slender, and the middle became a long and narrow ellipse. At this time, the entire lightning seemed to have become an eye in the dark.

The giant eye formed by lightning is the only change in this dark world.

Rey didn't hesitate, and as soon as he thought about it, he came to the giant eye.

Intensive lightning, crackling noise. If you enter this lightning, maybe even the scum will not be left.

Looking at the lightning, Rey was stunned for a while, and then stepped directly into the giant eye. Because, standing in front of this giant lightning eye, Rey did not perceive any danger.


Humans are the spirit of all things, and they can often feel something when danger comes, but they are often ignored.

The wizard's sense of this kind is more sensitive, and the most outstanding of them is often the prophet.

Rey is not a prophet, but he is even better at this with his strong spiritual power.

Walking into the giant eyes of lightning, the world immediately changed dramatically again.

The world is finally normal, with sky, earth, light, and all kinds of elements that exist in the normal world.

The sun hangs high in the sky, an endless glacier, and a lonely mountain in the distance.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Rey felt a little familiar.


A loud bang sounded at the distant Lonely Mountain, where a huge mushroom cloud rose. The sound traveled through the layers, still deafening when Rey heard it.

"what happened?"

Rey hadn't fully reacted, and he was startled.

However, before he could think of Lonely Mountain to see what happened, there were a few more booms. Above the earth, mushroom clouds rose into the sky one by one.

"How is this going?"

Rey's thoughts moved slightly, and the whole person got closer to Lonely Mountain.

The sound was so shocking that Rey did not go directly to the place of the incident. However, after he got closer, he finally understood what was going on.

In the sky, countless meteorites ignited by the atmosphere began to fall.

The mushroom cloud was formed after the meteorite hit the ground.

On the ground are densely packed monsters, with hideous faces and terrifying howls, as if they came from the underworld.

These monsters emerge from the big hole at the bottom of the Lonely Mountain.

Like the tide, it is endless. If monsters are like ant colonies, then meteorites are like humans stomping on the feet of ant colonies.

However, no matter how many or large meteorites there are, they can't smash all the monsters on the ground.

The method of killing monsters is not just meteorites, meteorites are only the magic of human wizards. Glaciers, flames, magic beams and the resulting effects are equivalent to world-class wars.

Humans, giants, elves, dwarves, the forgotten races of various legends unite and fight against these monsters.

Of course, in this war, how can there be less dragons....


Ray woke up suddenly. Because he has seen the battle of the century now, that is the inexplicable battlefield that penetrated into the ghost valley thousands of years ago.

However, what I see now is the first half of the battlefield.


Rey just wanted to find more clues about the elves. He never imagined that he would see the battle between this ancient race and the underworld again.

In addition to being shocked, Rey was shocked by everything in front of him, and deeply felt his own insignificance.

When he saw it for the first time, he had never thought of the word tiny. Now that I feel small, perhaps it is because of the gradual increase in strength that I can correctly analyze the things I see in front of me.

Based on this analysis, I know the gap between myself and those wizards and elves who use forbidden magic.

Rey knew what he wanted and what to look for. He immediately entered the battlefield, and then flew across the battlefield, passing over the heads of the various races.

He didn't want to remember those magic spells, and he wasn't interested in how the dragons of his own race fought. He was looking for the elves.

He is blessed by God, looks handsome, has pointed ears, and is an elves with a natural affinity for magic.

There are many races on the ground, and there are also many handsome elves. But these Rey swayed at a glance, and his intuition told him that these elves were not the righteous master he was looking for.

When he saw the elf, Rey believed that he would know who the elf he was looking for was.

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