The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 269 I'm So Good!

Dumbledore was an observant, and he was also a prophet. As long as it is magic that the wizarding world can name, he is involved.

Of course, he has also studied things that cannot be named, such as those black magic.

Therefore, he is learned; therefore, he is called the great Dumbledore by many wizards in the wizarding world.

He can see the future of Harry Potter very clearly, and he has long known where Potter's destination is.

It can be said that every student he has met can more or less perceive their direction and achievements when they grow up.

However, the Rey Fastie in front of him now made his mind appear confused.

I don't know what kind of career he can achieve when he grows up, let alone whether he will be black or white in a few years. Or, how many more years could he stay at Hogwarts?

The things in the school, Rey Fastie in front of him has finished learning. He seems to have both courses that are not available in school.

The Hogwarts school, for the current Ray, was limited to the magical ceremony grounds for resurrecting Helena. If it weren't for this reason, he might have left Hogwarts.

The thoughts in his mind turned thousands of times, and the calm Rey and Dumbledore looked at each other.

It doesn't make any sense, and the ending that both sides can't see through each other is really meaningless. Dumbledore looked away first, then moved his right hand towards the bookshelf again.

An old yellow book flew over smoothly, and then floated in front of Rey.

"It's just this book, and there's only one sentence in it."

Dumbledore pointed to the floating old book and said with a tone of disappointment.

"Thank you, Professor."

Rey took the book in the air and started flipping through it in front of Dumbledore.


The books in Dumbledore's office are either the essence of profound magic, or secret records. Rey naturally didn't take it away, but looked at it face to face.

Just a few pages of literature, it doesn't take much time to read it at a time. Not taking it away is an act of respect.

The twenty-page book was read by Rey in less than three minutes. Especially on the fourteenth page, Rey took close to two minutes.

The record on the fourteenth page is the elves who own the moon well, but in this whole page, as Dumbledore said, there is only one sentence.

'The elves who were favored by the gods and possessed the moon well and a tree of life moved out of the mainland and went to the overseas immortal island before the wizarding era began. ’

There is only such a paragraph on the entire page. Then, the rest is all blank.

Rey read this sentence ten times. At the same time, the blank space is also looked at for a long enough time.

He originally thought that there should be more written records in the blanks of the pages, but some kind of magic was cast so that people could not see it. But after careful study, he had to accept another fact.

In this fourteenth page, as Dumbledore said, there is only such a solitary sentence.


Really unable to see the mystery, Rey raised his head and asked Dumbledore.

"Don't look at me, there is no magic on this page, and this book has not been enchanted. Even if it has been enchanted, it is a kind of magic that I cannot see."

Dumbledore knew very well what Rey wanted to ask, so he explained it before he could ask.

For the sake of the great Dumbledore, Rey had to close the book too.

"It seems that there is only another way to go." Rey sighed and muttered a little discouraged.

"Which way do you want to go?" Dumbledore asked.

"Don't worry, Professor. No matter which way I go, I'm still who I am, and I won't be an evil Dark Lord."

As a professor, Dumbledore was naturally worried about the future of his students. And Rey heard the worries in Dumbledore's heart, and now he said his heart in one sentence, which really made Dumbledore relieved.


Which way to go, to be honest, Rey didn't have a good idea; but the only way to do it was to start with Martin Stamp.

Starting from Martin, he had to use dark magic to probe his deep memory, and Rey didn't want to do it unless it was a last resort.

After walking out of the principal's office, Rey still felt that he would continue to search for information about the elves before talking about it. For the learning and use of black magic, he is still somewhat disgusted, especially now he has a vague feeling.

If you continue on the road of black magic, it seems that you will fall into a trap designed by someone.

No one can explain the feeling in the dark.

Walking in the corridor in the night sky, the feeling of silence is a little annoying. Rey Apparated, left the corridor in an instant, and came to the top of Gryffindor Tower.

The whole person was lying on the slope of the top of the tower, looking at the starry night sky. Rey is not worried about falling at all. As a dragon's body, at this height, even if Rey does not take any protective measures, he will not die if he falls.

Gryffindor, the knight wizard with a prominent dress and a sword in his hand. I had seen him a thousand years ago and got his advice.

If it was that guy, what would he do in the face of all this?

A little helpless, but a little more curious, wondering how the great people in history would choose these things.

In the previous life, Rey would think like this when he was confused.

First engrave the personality and appearance of the person you are thinking of in your mind, and then think about how this person will react to the same thing.

In this way, more or less you will get some inspiration, and these inspirations are basically your own subconscious logical analysis. Having said that, the effect is very good. Occasional sudden thoughts can always give you unexpected directions.

However, after thinking about it, even from Gryffindor's point of view, there was only one answer in the end.

As long as it's what you want to do, whether it's black magic or white magic, it doesn't matter.

Think, act. Regret seems to have nothing to do with Gryffindor. Otherwise, the little lions of Harry Potter will not be brewed.


The evening breeze was slow, and Rey, as a dragon, didn't pay much attention to the weather changes. But in such a night, there was a trace of coldness around him.

The cold feeling is refreshing and refreshing. Rey looked thoughtfully to the place where the coolness came from the right.

A transparent and familiar figure lay beside Rey. A slender figure, a beautiful face, and a familiar atmosphere; Helena, who possesses all these, is lying beside Rey at the moment.

She did not speak to Rey first, but lay beside Rey and looked at the dark night sky. Rey looked in that direction, and she looked in that direction until Rey turned to look at her, and she had no intention of looking back.

Look at Helena, look at her eyes looking at the night sky, look at her face, look at her high nose...

As if he hadn't seen the person he liked for a long time, Rey just kept looking at Helena without saying a word.

Rey didn't speak for a while, Helena finally felt Rey's sight, turned her head to look back, the eyes of the two finally met and saw each other.

"Don't hide?" After looking at each other for a long time, Helena was the first to break the silence.

"Don't hide."

Rey turned his head with a guilty conscience and continued to look at the night sky.

Back at Hogwarts, the first person Rey should look for is not Dumbledore, but Helena.

Helena knew what Rey was doing, so she waited for him to see her. There is hope for success in my heart, and there is also the idea of ​​not wanting Rey to take risks.

Contradictory, she can't change anything.

"Actually, I look pretty good now, really."

Helena said this sentence with a smile on her face, but when Rey heard this sentence, her heart was really uncomfortable.

Very good, what is good. In order to comfort herself, this silly woman actually said such a thing against her heart. Going against his will to be resurrected.

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