The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 265 Get the Fruit

"Wizard of the Nether, do you have something ready in exchange for it?"

Gui Luling's words with a smile on his face were very casual. But at this time, when Rey heard it, it was like thunder.

A strong sense of crisis rose in Rey's heart.

The sense of urgency that must be answered, and the sense of crisis after the answer, the two feelings clashed strongly in my heart.

The sense of urgency existed immediately after the guiding spirit asked, and Rey couldn't help thinking about this question. Imagine what you have that is worthy of the fruit of life in front of you.

The magic in the body, the soul, or the precious memory, etc. After thinking about it, it seems that only those things that cannot be given up can be worthy of the exchange of the fruit of life.

I couldn't help thinking of this, and I couldn't help but want to open my mouth to answer this question from Lu Ling.

However, just moments before answering, the sudden sense of crisis jumped into my heart.

Rey reacted immediately, frowning slightly and staring at the guiding spirit who kept a smile in front of him.


Together with the sense of crisis, Rey's whole person seems to be a lot clearer.

Lu Ling kept a smile, and after staring at him twice, Rey resisted the urge to answer in his heart. He stretched out his hand to pick the nearest fruit of life in front of him.

"Have you figured out what the price will be? Wizard."

Just when Rey's right hand was about to touch the Fruit of Life, the inquiring voice of the guiding spirit rang again.

The guiding spirit's voice was gentle, but it seemed to have an unparalleled attraction; Rey's hand that was about to touch the fruit of life suddenly froze in the air, and the urge to answer the other party's question was even stronger than before.

A strong urge to answer the question has happened twice.

By now, Rey naturally knew what was going on, and the question raised by the guiding spirit was very instructive. If people with weak mental strength or willpower will follow this question and answer it logically.

Asking twice, this indirectly proves that the other party wants to exchange the fruit of life in this way.

Although the fruit of life is precious, the answers in his heart are naturally extremely precious, and none of them can be exchanged.

He quickly figured out why the guiding spirit asked himself. Rey did not look at the guiding spirit again, but suppressed the impulse in his heart and plucked the fruit of life directly at the tip of his finger.

"Have you thought about the price?"

Rey continued to pick fruit unmoved, and led Luling to drink.

He seems to be in a hurry!

Ignoring Lu Ling's explosive drink, Rey touched the fruit of life exuding red light.

The fruit is not big, only half a fist, but it is like a warm jade, as if it is alive.

Pinch the end of the fruit, pull it gently, and the fruit falls into your hand.

The red light disappeared, and the fruit in Rey's hand was a ripe peach. However, this small peach exudes bursts of life fluctuations.

Rey has a feeling that if he consumes the fruit of life now, he seems to be able to give up the body, regenerate the body on the basis of only the soul, and resurrect in this kingdom of heaven.

After getting the fruit of life, the guiding spirit glared at Rey. But no matter how angry he was, he didn't ask any more questions.

Holding the fruit in his hand, Rey breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned around indifferently; as for the guide spirit, he never took another look.

At this time, Rey knew very clearly in his heart that as long as he went back the same way and ignored anything that happened in this world, he would naturally be able to bring this fruit back safely.


A fruit of life can resurrect a person.

But just as Rey turned around, he thought of Repel's voice.

"I also want to live, and I also want to be a real person."

Reper once confided to Rey in a weeping voice.

For this female demon who lived in her own spiritual space and helped her many times, Rey listened to her words deeply.

Because of this, Rey remembered what he had promised Repert.

"If I can, I will try my best to get one more fruit of life."

It's a promise, and Rey is a big promise too. So he stopped when he turned around, turned his body, and once again faced the fruit of life within reach.

Just as Rey turned around, the angrily Guilu Ling froze for a moment, and then saw Rey who turned around. So he laughed.

Rey didn't look at the guiding spirit, but switched the fruit of life in his right hand to his left, and then his right hand reached out to the fruit of life within reach again, ready to pick another one.

In this process, Lu Ling was completely aware of it. His smile became stronger and stronger, but he didn't mean to ask again, but just looked at it like this.

It was as if Rey could get what he wanted without asking, as long as he dared to pick the second fruit of life. Perhaps in his eyes, if Rey wanted to pick the second fruit of life, the price he had to pay was definitely much higher than the first one.


Everything went smoothly, and the guiding spirit didn't ask any more questions, and Rey didn't stop halfway.

His right hand held the Fruit of Life that glowed red in front of him.

The warm jade-like feel is no different from the first contact with the Fruit of Life. In this way, as long as you ignore the guiding spirit and concentrate on picking the fruit, there will be no more trouble.

However, just as Rey held the Fruit of Life and felt slightly relieved, there was a sudden explosion in his mind: "...Exchange!"

The words that exploded in his mind were not long, but Rey only heard the word exchange.

Now he froze in place, maintaining the last action of picking the fruit of life. The sense of crisis that he was about to lose everything was all over his body, but at the same time, it was as if he had been casted on a body-fixing spell, and he couldn't move at all.

"Oops, dangerous!"

Rey was anxious, but there was nothing he could do. At this time, Lu Ling, who was beside him, was already smiling and blooming.


Just when Rey had nothing to do and felt that he was about to be deprived of everything, he opened his mouth and let out a loud roar.

This sound was not a final struggle, but an involuntary roar.

Roar is the roar of a dragon.

While roaring, the phantom of a black dragon emanated from Rey's body. In an instant, Longwei descended, and the guiding spirit on the side gave a snort, and the whole face turned pale.

The sound of the dragon's roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and it was like an exploding thunder in this quiet world of the kingdom of God.

There was only one thunderbolt, but under this thunderbolt, Rey's body was finally able to move. He quickly put down the fruit of life that had not yet been picked, and when the dragon's phantom was fluttering, the whole person used the magic of apparition reflexively.

"Do not!!!"

Rey, who was able to move in an instant, suddenly disappeared, and the stunned Gui Luling screamed wildly.

He was startled by the dragon howl just now, but in just this moment, Rey actually resumed his action and disappeared from his eyes in an instant.

Such a result was unacceptable to him, because when he saw Rey picking the second fruit, he would definitely get what he wanted, but it disappeared in an instant.

The fruit of life was picked by the mortal wizards of the lower world, which is not allowed.

But now, it seems that he, as the guiding spirit, even if it is not allowed, there is no way to restore this result.

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