The Dark Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 254 Fierce Fight

Without blood, the tissue inside looks like rotting foam, which is the true structure of the eternal life of vampires.

Without even looking at the corpse in his hand, Ryan Evos threw his head and body aside casually. He was calm and calm, as if he had killed a small ant casually, and there was a trace of disgust on his face for getting his hands dirty.

From the casual grab just now, to the ripping off of the head at the back. Whether it is the display of speed or strength, it has reached an incredible level.

"Maybe I can achieve such a combination of speed and strength." Rey couldn't help but think in his heart, assessing whether he could reach this level.

While thinking so in his heart, Rey's legs and feet have secretly changed a little.

In order to cope with Ryan Evos' elusive speed and unparalleled strength, his legs and feet began to partially dragonize, and small black scales had emerged on the surface of his body under his clothes.

"I want to try."

The calm Rey was not frightened by Ryan Eworth's shot just now. On the contrary, his heart was boiling with enthusiasm, just like the meaning of the words, he wanted to try. Try to beat the confident Ryan Evers.

Having said that, there is no room for turning around. There was a trace of regret on Ryan Eworth's face. Until now, Rey should really be defined by him as a special food that can gain strength.

"catch him."

Ryan Evos gave a light drink, and then the two vampires who came in with the coffin finally moved.

Vampires move very fast, and it's still the kind of fast that goes against common sense. To catch Rey, one is definitely not enough, so the two carrying the coffin started at the same time.

As soon as the figure flickered, multiple afterimages appeared in the air, and the two appeared to the left and right of Rey. They grabbed Rey's left and right hands at the same time, presumably preparing to firmly control Rey.

However, at the moment when Rey was about to be caught. The man on the right was caught in the air, while the man on the left was pinched by Rey's neck at some point, and raised one hand into the air.

This scene is so familiar, it's the same scene as Ryan Evos arresting a white social worker just now. The people who were arrested did not know how they were arrested, and the only bystanders next to them could not see clearly.

In the eyes of the empty vampire, Rey didn't move, but he was empty, and then the companion opposite him was suddenly lifted into the air by Rey with one hand.


A crisp sound.

The captured vampire's head was tilted, and his neck had been twisted off by Rey with one hand. What will happen next must be all too familiar.

Seeing that the companion was about to stage a familiar scene, the remaining vampires naturally spun and punched Rey in the chest.

The power of vampires is not small, and although the two vampires carrying the coffin have not yet reached the rank of viscount, they have at least passed the stage of baron. With their punch, even the strongest person will be knocked out.

Death may not, but at most it will only leave a breath.

They've got Ryan Evers' acquiescence, and they've seen how much Rey is valued. With this punch, he really wanted to pierce Rey's body and let blood flow out.

This would allow him to see how special Rey, who was so valued by Ryan Evers, was really special.



A loud bang.

The vampire who punched Rey's chest with his fist suddenly found that Rey moved away from his fist at an incredible speed, and at the same time he was holding up his partner whose neck had been twisted in his left hand.

It was not until the sound of rumbling sounded that the vampire who punched could feel the tremendous force coming from his body. At this time, he realized that it was not Rey's strange movement speed, but Rey's quick kick that kicked him out.

And this bang was the sound of his body passing through the wall.

The body structure of vampires is basically the same as that of human beings, and their legs are cut off, and they can only crawl on the ground.

Rey's kick directly shattered the vampire's bones, and he could not stand up again in a short time.

Raising his right hand, Rey tore off the head of the vampire in his hand and threw it aside at will. The whole process is also understated, and there is no trace of chaos in the breath.

What Ryan Evers can do, Rey can do. However, there are only a few more auxiliary changes in the dark. There is also the instant child of the eyes has changed from the original black to the dark gold of the dragon family.

"This small step you took back is very good." Ryan Evers praised faintly.

"Thank you, the moment you leaned back was also very good." Rey smiled lightly and responded without fear.

The words of the two seem to be praised, but they are pointed at Maimang, and they will not give in to each other. No matter how fast the other party was, both of them understood.

Ryan Eworth was suddenly attacked by a white social worker. Although he did not move in place, his entire body leaned back a little. After dodging a surprise blow from the white social worker, he also grabbed the opponent's neck when he was incredulous.

Facing the two vampires attacking at the same time, Rey also took a small step back at an incredible speed. It was this small step that made the two vampires attacking at the same time empty.

In the same way of dodging, they all counterattack at the same time as the opponent is slightly stunned. Rey can be said to be learning and selling now, and it is not worse than the master Ryan Evos.

After Rey's confrontational answer, the indifference on Ryan Evos' face no longer exists, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is frosty at this moment. Because the chess piece that he had been allowed to handle in his eyes has now become as powerful as himself.

There is a more important point, Ryan Evos does not like anyone to speak to him in an equal manner, not even the red-clothed hierarch of the Holy See.

Because the red-clothed sect leader at that time didn't get his approval at all, even if the other party was arrogant, but from the bottom of his heart, he still looked down on him.


In the face of a vampire of the level of Ryan Evos, perhaps magic is of little use.

Unless it is a curse class, defense class in advance. If the opposite two shot at the same time, the wizard's wand may be thrown away before he can swing it. Or, the neck has been twisted by Ryan Evers.

There are not many things in the study, but there is not much space. In addition to the wall that was knocked out of the hole just now, the entire study was already in a mess.

Ryan Evers leaned forward suddenly, and then he saw dust stirred up in a short straight line in the study.

His people came to Rey in an instant, the fingers with the sun ring were straight, and the sharp fingernails on it were drawn towards Rey's neck like a sharp sword.

Before his hand could even reach it, Rey could feel its sharpness. If it was slashed, maybe the whole head would be cut off.

Rey can naturally keep up with Ryan Evers' speed, and even if there is a gap, it should be very small.

Rey fell back, dodging Evos's hand knife and jumping with both feet, his whole body immediately lay in the air and spun up.

At the same time, he kicked hard on Evos, who was already close.

If the opponent continues to pursue, Rey believes that he can kick him. With such a fast attack and defense speed, I believe that Evos may not be able to completely control his body at will.

However, Rey's idea is not wrong. However, he miscalculated the current state of Evos.

Evos is in a rage at the moment.

Rey is the child he brought up, and now this child dares to defy him openly. So he was angry, and no matter what, he wanted to kill this person who dared to rebel, even if he was injured.

Rey, who was spinning, kicked Evos with both feet almost at the same time, but after the first foot, the second foot felt a side slip.

The power of a person spinning and kicking in the air is not large. Such a kick is not hurting people, but kicking Evos away a certain distance, allowing Rey to adjust his passive posture.

But Evos didn't care, and took Rey's feet under one side of his body. He moved to the center of Rey's body, and at the same time the hand knife that was cut in the air turned into a fist, and punched Rey's back with a fierce punch.

This punch is very powerful.

Rey saw that Evos was going to kill himself regardless of the injury, so he instantly increased the dragon scales in the place where his fist would hit. In desperation, he could only choose to fight the punch of Evos.


A loud bang came out.

Rey, who was spinning, was punched by Evos and slammed to the floor while his body hurt. The loud noise was the sound of smashing through the floor.

The positions where Evos and Ray were standing were very close. Rey was punched through the floor, and the two fell off the floor together while the dust stirred.

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