The Cursed Ship

Chapter 43 Meditation Practice

Other extraordinary people generally have methods of cultivation, but Zheng Yang's power originates from the spiritual ship through the transformation of blood, so he has no method of cultivation, and he doesn't even know how to meditate.

From this point of view, Zheng Yang's situation is actually more like those lunatics of the Holy Spirit Society.

If you don't know how to meditate, you will naturally be unable to practice the teleportation seal.

"The Special Affairs Bureau can use contribution points to exchange for practice methods, but it will take at least a month for me to become a regular and open the exchange module. I can't wait. I haven't been to the clinic for two days. I will ask Alima tomorrow for advice!"


Zheng Yang didn't expect to enter the ghost ship dream, and in fact he didn't. Zheng Yang slept until dawn.

Zheng Yang still hasn't figured out what prompted him to enter that dream. According to his previous experience, it seems that his hitting evil in reality is the inducement, but it's not absolute.

For example, before boarding the ghost ship for the first time, he summoned the scaled devil insect, hammered and killed the devil insect to perform the transformation ceremony of the spirit ship; Only water ghosts.

During this period, there were also times of killing other evil spirits without entering the dream state, such as slaying the magic dog and bombarding three giant mosquitoes with an enchanted pistol this time.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Zheng Yang left the pier and went to the clinic with the big grouper that had been raised for several days.

Zheng Yang discovered another advantage of the spirit boat. The fish on the boat don’t need any feed. The fish in the fish room may have acquired spiritual energy, and they can live very nourishingly without eating. This may be the reason why their meat quality has become better. Delicious for a reason.

Arima's private clinic implements an appointment system, and she cannot see a doctor without an appointment. As for Alima herself, she is a superhero of the secret medicine department. The epidemic prevention doctor is just a professional title she cooperates with the official, but it is not the only skill. Her main identity is still a doctor, and she is well-known for her comprehensive medical skills.

When Zheng Yang entered the clinic, Alima had just finished diagnosing a patient, and there were two people waiting at the front desk.

"Weiya, let's date after get off work!"

Zheng Yang, as always, teased the girl in pink uniform at the front desk.

Wei Ya gave him a big white eye: "Are you here for a follow-up visit, I remember you didn't make an appointment!"

"My follow-up consultation is fixed for five consecutive days. No appointment is required. Have you forgotten? Today is the last day."

When Wei Ya thought about it, it seemed to be true, but Zheng Yang only came for the checkup on the first day, and didn't do it afterward.

With a smile in her eyes, Alima looked at the fish in Zheng Yang's hand and said, "Is this the one you caught last time? It looks more energetic."

"Yes, I'll go up and pre-process it first?"

Zheng Yang asked for Alima's opinion. Although he had already come to eat twice, it would be impolite to rush to the second floor without her consent.

Alima nodded and took the next patient to the medical room.

Zheng Yang went to the kitchen on the second floor, cleaned up the fish kill, and marinated it with salt and seasonings. Alima likes frying fish very much, so she marinates it with salt, cooking wine, scallions, etc., and she also adds sesame oil and lemon juice when frying, which is very oriental.

After finishing the fish, Zheng Yang sat on the sofa in the living room and waited for Alima to finish her morning work. Seeing this posture, he has settled down for lunch again.

At 11:30, Alima finished work on time and went upstairs. Wei Ya was usually still sorting out and entering the patient's health files at this time, and she didn't come up until lunch was served at twelve o'clock.

Zheng Yang followed Alima into the kitchen, and Alima said in the first sentence: "How does it feel to join Luo Funi and the others?"

"Very good, I performed very well!" Zheng Yang praised himself without hesitation.

Thinking of Luo Funi's ferocious violence, Zheng Yang couldn't help asking: "Alima, can you swing a staff like Luo Funi and smash people around?"

Alima let out a chuckle, and said: "The psionic energy she cultivates belongs to the power of the earth, and the power is very powerful when she is down to earth.

And my psionic attributes are different from hers, being compatible with plants. "

Zheng Yang took the opportunity to raise his own question: "Is the way of cultivation all meditation?"

Alima turned her head to look at Zheng Yang in amazement: "You are the extraordinary power obtained by awakening the bloodline, no wonder you are unwilling to test the genes. However, those who have and successfully awaken the extraordinary bloodline often have an ancient family behind them, and you did not get it after awakening." Is there a corresponding practice method?"

"Actually, I haven't returned to my family since I awakened!"

Zheng Yang thought about the extraordinary power related to flames in the original bloodline inheritance, whether it was inherited from the paternal line or the matrilineal line, his words were not false.

"Meditation is the main way of practice after entering the realm of the extraordinary, including the ancient knight system that focused on body forging in the early stage. After becoming an extraordinary, meditation is also required to cooperate with practice. The extraordinary power inherited by the blood must have a matching practice method, and the degree of fit is high , and the practice efficiency is also high. These are the common sense of practice on the mysterious side."

Alima educates Zheng Yang while cooking.

"The method of meditation practice is actually very simple to put it bluntly. After entering the meditation state, try to evolve the structure that represents the source of power in the sea of ​​consciousness, accumulate power and strengthen the source during the evolution process, and finally achieve evolution. The difference is evolution. The process and result, and the practice effect obtained are also different."

"Of course, the evolution process does not mean that you can change whatever you want. Firstly, it must conform to the logic of evolution, and secondly, it must conform to the body."

"For example, when your source of power belongs to the forest, maybe your structure will be a plant seed at the beginning. At this time, you can evolve into a small grass, or you can evolve into a towering tree. But if you grow into a towering tree If the logic of evolution is too low for your body, you may not even be able to grow a sapling; on the contrary, if you evolve towards the grass, you may quickly gain great power."

"Awakened bloodlines don't necessarily fit the family's practice method. There are a small number of mutants, mainly reflected in the initial structure or gene mutation. Even if they are awakened, they don't fit the family's practice method."

Zheng Yang was thoughtful, and then asked doubtfully: "But the two different evolution logics have different potentials. Can the achievements of the person who transforms the grass be compared with the person who transforms the towering tree?"

"Hehe! You have argued with Luo Funi when we were very young."

"What's the conclusion?" Zheng Yang asked.

Alima took a deep breath and said: "Our teacher told us: a blade of grass can split the starry sky, and the key to success lies in your heart!"

Zheng Yang stared at her in a daze, and after talking about it, he began to pursue his ideals!

He also took a deep breath. In this case, there is only one problem left.

How to get into a meditative state?

This is what he really wanted to ask today. If he figured out how to enter the meditation state, he could start practicing the teleportation spell. As for the evolution, just leave it to Lingchuan. The transformation logic of Lingchuan is the most suitable practice method for him.

Of course, when you have time, you can also think about it yourself. Even if your own method doesn't fit, you can just wait for the spirit ship to transform faster if you practice hard.

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