The Creator of the Second Dimension

Chapter 529 Chapter 526. Dark Forest

Just when Qi Zhengdao took the plane and lamented in the sky.

Mendel was at home and just started watching the thirty-fifth episode of "Once Upon a Time on Earth".

According to the preview, this is the penultimate episode of the second part.

Taking over from the previous episode, this episode will definitely be very exciting, at least, Mendel thinks, it should explain the meaning of cosmic sociology.

Meng De showered and changed his clothes, turned off all the chat software, and started watching this episode.

At the beginning of the plot, it was Luo Ji and Shi Qiang.

Luo Ji told everyone to go home to maintain order in the city, and then came to a desert with Shi Qiang.

"let us start."

Luo Ji said that he wanted to explain to Shi Qiang why that star was destroyed.

He told Shi Qiang two axioms of cosmic sociology.

[First, survival is the first need of civilization. 】

[Second, civilization continues to grow and expand, but the total amount of matter in the universe remains the same. 】

Although Shi Qiang could understand these two obvious words, he couldn't deduce anything from them.

"First of all, let's talk about the dark battle. If I say that Starship Earth is the epitome of cosmic civilization, do you believe it?"

"No, Starship Earth lacks resources such as fuel and accessories, but the universe does not lack, the universe is too big."

"You are wrong, the universe is very big, but life is bigger! This is what the second axiom shows. The total amount of matter in the universe is basically constant, but life is growing exponentially!"

Accompanied by the dialogue between the two, the picture also drifts from their backs to the starry sky, the stars are dotted, and the transition to the sea.

The bacteria in the sea are constantly dividing and growing exponentially. Without restraint, they quickly fill up the entire ocean of the earth.

Civilization, born from one planet, has grown so rapidly, lighting up countless galaxies.

Seeing all this, Mengde also began to think at the same time.

Soon, he thought of the theory of evolution.

The first stage of the theory of evolution is free reproduction, and organisms reproduce unrestricted in the environment, and gradually reach the limit of the environment's tolerance.

So the next step should be the competition for survival?

Mengde suddenly shuddered.

The struggle for survival in the environment of the earth, extending it to the universe.

Isn't that the war of civilizations?

A word appeared in Mende's mind. He couldn't remember which comment or analysis he saw in "Once Upon a Time on Earth". At first, he just thought the composition of this word was very interesting, but now, he felt that this word It is very appropriate to describe the current situation.

Survive dead end.

"Don't look at it in the long run, the entire universe is already a dead end."

Luo Ji said.

The universe is more than ten billion years old.

Even if the development of life is only a few billion years, it is enough to make it spread throughout the universe.

Even if the emergence of life itself is a small probability event, multiplied by the vastness of the universe, it is inevitable.

Judging from the current indications, there is a good chance that the universe is already crowded with life.

"Isn't that right? The universe looks empty, and apart from Trisolarans, you haven't seen any other alien life?"

Shi Qiang asked back.

Luo Ji lit a cigarette for each of them, and stood a little further away.

In the dark night, there are only sparks on the cigarette butts, emitting a faint light.

Luo Ji then defined the good and evil of civilization. A good civilization is a world that does not actively attack or destroy other civilizations, while an evil civilization is the opposite.

"Next, you already know the existence of my civilization in the universe. Think about it, what choice do you have for me."

Luo Ji asked.

"I choose to communicate with you?"

"If you do that, you're paying your own price, you're exposing yourself."

With each word, the two gradually sketched out a picture of the communication and exchange between the two civilizations on a cosmic scale.

Since it is impossible to confirm the good and evil of the other party's civilization, and at the same time, the other party cannot confirm the good and evil of our own, so communication does not hold.

This is the chain of suspicion, which has nothing to do with the good and evil of civilization, and is the inevitable result in the context of the universe, where survival is the first need.

At the same time, technological explosion is the ability contained in every civilization, especially after learning about other civilizations, this kind of explosion will be faster, so this also cuts off the communication with other weak civilizations when they are discovered. idea.

"Then I can only keep silent."

Shi Qiang said, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

"That doesn't work either. If you are stronger than me, since I can spot you, then you must be able to spot me. If you are weaker than me, but there is a possibility of technological explosion, then it becomes the first situation again. To sum it up , Whether it is letting you know of my existence or allowing you to exist, it is dangerous for me."

"Da Shi, you are really a clear-headed person."

"From here, my head can still keep up with you."

Hearing Shi Qiang's words, Luo Ji was silent for a while before speaking.

"Da Shi, it's not the beginning, our deduction is over."

Hearing this sentence, Mendel was taken aback.

He was still waiting for Luo Ji to continue to explain the civilization picture of cosmology, why did it end all of a sudden?

Meng De tried to understand, but when he saw Shi Qiang on the screen understood something, he cursed.

"Extrapolate your choice to billions of civilizations among hundreds of billions of stars, and the big picture will come out."

Luo Ji nodded.

"It's too dark."

"The real universe is just that dark."

Luo Ji extinguished his cigarette, and the world plunged into darkness.

"The universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is a hunter with a gun, sneaking in the forest like a ghost, gently pushing aside the branches blocking the way, trying not to let the footsteps make a sound, and even breathing carefully."

"He must be careful, because there are hunters like him everywhere in the forest. If he finds other life, no matter what the other life is, there is only one thing he can do: shoot and destroy it!"

"In this forest, other people are hell, an eternal threat, and any life that exposes its existence will be quickly wiped out."

"This is the picture of cosmic civilization, and this is the explanation of Fermi's paradox."

The picture is far away from the earth, and billions of stars are shining. This is a bright ocean of stars, but at this moment, in Luo Ji's mouth, the stars that radiate light are the darkest forest.

Shi Qiang lit another cigarette, which made the world a little brighter.

"But in the dark forest, there was a silly boy named human, who lit a fire and shouted beside him: I am here! I am here!"

Luo Ji said, unable to tell what kind of meaning there was in the tone.

Mendel heard it all.

The inner shock is unparalleled.

At this moment, it is rare for Jingping to have a sunny day.

Although there are no stars at night, the moon still shines on the earth.

Mendel looked out the window.

Suddenly felt a wave of fear.

Who knows, in this starry sky, how many hunters have seen the cry of the earth, and how many hunters are waiting to shoot?

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