The Creator of the Second Dimension

Chapter 527 Chapter 524. Chain of Suspicion

Like some people in the forum thought.

People began to appear who felt that the plot of "Once Upon a Time on Earth" had reached a dead end, and that the earth civilization in the animation had no way to break through.

When the Wallfacer project was just announced, there were still many viewers guessing what kind of plan those Wallfacers would use to fight back against the Trisolarans.

However, with the appearance of several wall-breakers, the wall-facing plans failed one by one, and the audience's emotions were suppressed step by step and hit.

All kinds of plans that are amazing to most people were ridiculed by the wall-breakers as "the Lord doesn't care", and the plans that the audience came up with were overturned one by one during the discussion.

Now, the earth fleet is completely destroyed by just a trisolaran probe.

The road to break the situation seems to be completely blocked.

Only Luo Ji and his cosmic sociology.

But what's the use?

After Luo Ji figured it out, the only thing he did was to send out the position information of a star.

But no response.

At a time when everyone's sense of expectation was heightened, looking forward to Luo Ji being able to turn defeat into victory and reverse the future.

Some people began to question.

They feel that "Once Upon a Time on Earth" portrays the Trisolarans too strongly, and locks up the technology of the earth. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to make a comeback.

It's like a speculative novel, all possible criminals have been proved impossible to commit the crime, and the incident has entered a dead end.

Usually, works such as TV dramas that are produced and broadcast at the same time will throw out something that has not been prepared before, and then give an answer based on this.

This is the so-called mechanical descendant.

The development of the plot here is basically unfinished.

Especially a series filmed in a big country.

At first glance, all kinds of suspense are complicated, and finally a superman comes and defeats all ghosts and snakes.

It makes people feel like eating a chocolate-flavored [beep——].

Some people think that "Once Upon a Time on Earth" was full of suspense at the beginning, and even until now, there is no specific image of Trisolaran, which makes people look forward to it.

However, because the animation portrays all aspects of the Three-Body Problem too mysteriously, with two-dimensional sophons and water droplets, the Three-Body Problem has left the human world far behind, both technically and theoretically.

In this desperate situation, some viewers began to feel that maybe Xu Rui hadn't thought about how to defeat the Three-Body Civilization at all. This animation is a work that records the destruction of the earth.

That's okay, although such an ending is unacceptable, it's better than Luo Ji suddenly awakening superpowers, becoming a superman, and blowing up the Trisolaran fleet with one punch.

Just like the audience in real life are arguing endlessly, the humans in the animation are in despair.

The human beings on the ground are completely in chaos, but the main perspective of the thirty-third episode is placed in outer space.

Zhang Beihai's "Natural Selection" and several warships chasing him had already learned what had happened to the Earth fleet remaining in the solar system.

At this time, Zhang Beihai's original defection left the last seedling for the Earth Fleet.

These fleets can no longer return to Earth because there are water droplets waiting to destroy them.

Zhang Beihai said that this is the true sense of human beings entering space. In the past, human voyages were destined to return to the earth, but now, these fleets have completely cut off the idea of ​​returning to the earth.

Be the first humans to truly go into space.

They formed Starship Earth and started discussing it like a nation.

But problems soon arose.


When the "Natural Selection" left, it was not filled with fuel. Although the other battleships had fuel, they did not have enough fuel to find the nearest galaxy to replenish.

Five battleships, if calculated conservatively, all the fuel added up is only enough for one battleship.

At this time, Zhang Beihai had already let go of his heavy responsibilities. He no longer cared about those things, and just visited the battleship like a child.

But Dongfang Yanxu, the captain of the "Natural Selection", was lost in thought.

She communicated with her deputy captain.

They identified the fuel problem and, at the same time, thought of a solution.

A very cruel plan.

That is to use infrasonic hydrogen bombs to destroy the humans on other warships and take away their fuel.

Dongfang continued to hesitate.

She thought maybe there might be a chance.

But she wondered if other warships had the same idea.

It is impossible for other warships to know her thoughts.

They can only suspect each other, forming an unsolvable chain.

This is the chain of suspicion.

Just when Dongfang Continuation and others made a decision to attack other warships.

But Zhang Beihai had already made the first move.

He has the authority to execute the captain and can launch an attack in the shortest time.

Even so, however, the warship beeped its siren.

Attacks from other warships have arrived.

They were a few seconds ahead of Zhang Beihai.

Dongfang Yanxuan finally showed a relieved smile when he saw Zhang Beihai.

"It's all right, kid, it's all the same."

He said so.

Then, the entire crew of the "Natural Selection" was reduced to a puddle of flesh under the attack of the infrasonic hydrogen bomb.

This kind of thing also happened on the other two warships that narrowly escaped from the Battle of Doomsday.

Gao Yingqi saw this.

The shock in my heart is unparalleled.

"Black, so fucking black."

Gao Yingqi, who was still looking forward to Luo Ji's reversal, had only this feeling in her heart at this moment.

This is completely different from the space travel he knows.

The space journey in Gao Yingqi's mind should be a huge fortress city, a city full of mechanical sense, and a comfortable life.

But after watching this episode, he realized that this might be the real gesture of space travel in that situation.

Episode thirty-fourth, the point of view finally returned to Luo Ji. He learned about the fleet and further confirmed his inner guess.

He and Shi Qiang moved between cities together. In this entire episode, most of the shots were given to the chaotic city.

It's like the world before the end.

Some people's beliefs have collapsed, some people have committed crimes recklessly, and some people, such as Luo Ji, are maintaining their last sanity.

He thinks the water droplets are here to destroy him.

So, Luo Ji asked Shi Qiang to send himself to a wilderness, and in the afterglow of the setting sun, he waited for the drops of water to fall.

Yet death did not come.

The water droplets swept across the ground, passing through the sky above his head as if mocking Luo Ji, and then came near the sun.

From the inside of the water droplets, high-frequency electromagnetic waves are emitted, completely shielding the sun's signal amplification ability.

Human beings can no longer use the sun to amplify signals and transmit information.

Luo Ji sat down effortlessly.

It seems that all hope has been lost.

He didn't answer Shi Qiang's question, but let him take him back to the city.

As soon as he got out of the car, Luo Ji received an extremely warm welcome.

People looked at Luo Ji as if they were a savior, hoping that he could preside over the current situation.

He didn't quite understand it at first.

But soon, Luo Ji knew the reason.

Before hibernating, he once sent the coordinates of a star.

Many years later, when the Earth fleet was completely destroyed and the world government was desperate, they found relevant information about the Wallfacer project.

Now, Luo Ji knew.

That star was observed to have been destroyed.

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