
From the outside, the Shaw Building was only shaking slightly, but ordinary employees inside the building felt as if a major earthquake had occurred and ran out of the building one after another.

"What are you doing!" The people from Bihai Branch were suddenly attacked by their companions and were in a panic.

His ability is similar to that of a gecko, which allows him to climb on walls. When he is attacked, he is so frightened that he quickly climbs onto the wall, using his hands and feet.

"Kill you!" The members of the Ability Cult stopped pretending and started fighting against the people in the Bihai Branch.

"As someone who joined the Bihai Branch at the same time, I didn't expect you to be an undercover agent of the Ability Cult!" The people in the Bihai Branch suddenly woke up and couldn't believe that people who had known each other for several years were actually enemies.

"No, I was originally from the Bihai Branch, but the Bihai Branch treated me cruelly and forced me to join the Superpower Cult."

"Before I can use my powers, I need to get approval from my boss. It requires a series of procedures. Others don't have this trouble. Why should I be subject to so many restrictions! I don't accept it!"

The members of the Ability Sect showed resentment and had a huge hatred for the people in the Bihai Branch. He was persuaded to join the Ability Sect.

The people at the Bihai Branch were in a dilemma: "But your power is clairvoyance, and you are lustful. If you don't restrict who can you restrict?"

The members of the Superpower Cult were furious: "If I don't peep, wouldn't my superpower be blinded in vain?"

After the people from the Bihai Branch calmed down, they remembered that their companion's clairvoyant eyes had no offensive power.

"I'm afraid of what you might do, and you can't beat me." He relaxed.

The member of the Superpower Cult slowly took out his pistol.

The people from Bihai Branch were so frightened that they continued to climb the wall to escape.

"This is Shao Sen's office. According to reliable information, he is inside."

Shao Sen is Shao Junyi's father.

Several powerful members of the supernatural cult came here secretly, preparing to capture the thief first and capture the king first.

Before entering the office, one of them looked solemn: "Shao Sen is a fourth-level superpower with unfathomable strength. Although no one has seen him take action, he can become the president of Bihai City's leading company, a world-famous jewelry tycoon, and Bihai Branch. Director, there is no doubt about his power.”

"The fact that the remaining rebellious fourth-level superpowers recognize him as their leader is enough to illustrate his strength."

"Everyone, as members of the sect, everyone should have the consciousness to devote themselves to the gods."

"Captain, don't worry, we have long had the consciousness to dedicate ourselves to the gods!" The members of the Superpower Cult had wild eyes.

Captain Shengsheng comforted everyone: "The Ability Cult will not treat you badly. The church has bought personal accident insurance for all of us. If we are injured, we can get a large and generous reward."

"Dedicate yourself to the gods!"

"Dedicate yourself to the gods!"

The captain touched the alloy door, and a thick layer of ice quickly formed. When the captain shook his hand, the ice on the door squeezed inward, squeezing the alloy door a few times smaller and breaking away from the door frame.

The captain pushed open the door, condensed an ice pick in his hand, and pointed it at Shao Sen.

Several other superpowers also used their methods, such as hardening their skin, controlling space, releasing lasers from their eyes, and standing on all fours like a tiger...

The captain sneered: "Director Shao, you have been surrounded by us. Quickly surrender and use the radio to notify your people to put down their weapons. We, the Superpower Cult, promise not to kill anyone."

Facing the unfathomable Director Shao, the captain forced a sneer, hoping that Director Shao would do as he said.

The unknown enemy is the most terrifying.

Director Shao looked out the window with his hands behind his back, sighed leisurely, and turned to face the people from the supernatural cult.

Director Shao is a middle-aged man with mature charm, well-dressed, shiny leather shoes, and meticulously combed hair: "I will pay you twenty times the amount of money the superpower teacher will give you for a year."

"Do you think I will believe you?" The captain said disdainfully.

Director Shao said calmly: "Do you know what my superpower is?"

He took out a pencil, pulled out the refill, and exerted a slight force.

An incredible thing happened, the pen refill turned into gold.

"My special power is to turn stone into gold."

The captain shouted: "Don't try to corrupt my faith in gods with money!"

Then he turned to the team members and shouted: "You guys, are you right?"

The team members all aimed their attacks at the captain.

The captain surrendered.

Director Shao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He seemed calm, but in fact he was panicking inside, which could be seen from the way he looked out the window with his hands behind his back.

This is underground, there are no windows.

Although Director Shao can fight, he can't fight so many people.

His current status and recognition by other fourth-level superpowers are all due to his ability to turn stone into gold.

"The supernatural cult is coming with such force that others may not be able to resist it."

Faced with the siege of two fourth-level superpowers from the superpower sect, Hong Ming, a third-level superpower from Bihai Branch, did not panic at all: "You want to kill me?"

"Oh, how dare a little third-level superpower be so arrogant."

"Do you know what my superpower is?"


"Control life and death."

The two members of the Supernatural Cult took a breath of air.

Controlling life and death is a power that makes people’s hair stand on end just by hearing its name.

They immediately became confused. According to the intelligence provided by the insider, the superpower named Hong Ming was not on the dangerous list.

The two looked at each other and understood. They got the lottery, and this Hong Ming might be the trump card of Bihai Branch.


Hong Ming shouted loudly, activated his superpower, fell straight to the ground, and died immediately.


The two of them approached to check the situation, but Hong Ming's body smelled disgusting. They didn't think much and left.

After a long time, Hong Ming woke up and looked like he was surviving a disaster.

"Fortunately, I have upgraded my power to the third level, which can quickly spread the corpse odor."

His power can only control his own life and death.

"Hahaha, let's see who can stop me today!" The members of the Ability Cult laughed loudly, and the people in the Bihai Branch hid after seeing this.

"Damn it, his power is to follow his words, and it has reached the third level!"

"I am infinitely powerful." After the member of the Ability Cult said these words, his muscles bulged and he punched through the wall with ease.

"I am invulnerable." The member of the supernatural cult rushed forward like a rhinoceros, and no object could stop his charge.

One of the people from the Bihai Branch stood up and shook his finger at the members of the Ability Cult: "Shut up."

The members of the Ability Cult suddenly found themselves unable to open their mouths.

His companions asked him one after another: "Does your superpower also follow your words?"

"I didn't know you were so strong."

"I knew you were lying when you said you were a first-level superpower."

"No, I am really a first-level superpower. My superpower is to shut people up." This man was proud that his small transparent superpower finally worked.

There is a restraint relationship between superpowers. As long as they are used properly, even first-level superpowers can defeat third-level superpowers.

"Isn't it too early for us to be excited?" Someone suddenly asked.

"How do you say this?"

"His power is to shut people up, but the effect of his previous words is still there."

Only then did everyone wake up and turned around to find members of the Superpower Cult with red eyes flying towards them.

"Run away quickly."

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