The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 389: Taboos in training centers

Therefore, the old man simply asked the unit's car to make a circle, connected to the good seedling he strongly recommended, and hauled it to the training center.

On the way, Gu Zheng, as a rural person in the city, was quite excited.

He has been dangling in this three-acre land in Hongmen Village since he was a child.

To make a living, worry about school work.

As soon as he looked up, he realized that he was already twenty years old. At this time, he was worried about his life.

There is no leisure time to travel and enjoy life.

To put it bluntly, this is the first time he has come to a suburban county like Beijing, or Huairou with mountains, waters, fishing, and wooden houses. The people of the capital will choose a place when they travel in the suburbs. His There was still a little excitement in my heart.

But after arriving at the place, Gu Zheng looked at the ultra-modern buildings in front of him, and realized that this place is definitely not a primitive place to play, but a completely enclosed one that can't get out as soon as one enters.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng also understood that the one-week closed training before the game was definitely not the kind of training he started thinking about.

Now that he was pulled into the black car, Gu Zheng, who was at the door, wanted to go.

He carried his shoulders in this way, and was led into the dormitory building with the help of Director Tie.

As soon as I entered the building, there was a standard room for two people. The mattresses were all distributed by the logistics of the General Administration of Sports Management Center.

All athletes, without exception, wear uniform training uniforms according to their classification.

As for the professional clothing used in the competition, after entering the training venue, the team leaders will let the athletes change according to the type of sport they belong to.

At that time, whether you use the sponsor's clothing or buy it yourself, they can't care about it.

This move is to prevent athletes from being dealt with separately in this area.

Some athletes cannot enjoy special treatment just because they are famous.

In this regard, what the training center does is fairly fair.

Gu Zheng didn't care. After he took the traditional red, white and yellow sportswear, he put it on at will.

As for the dormitory he was assigned to, the roommate inside had already moved in before him because of his late check-in time.

At this point in time, it should be a training camp, so after Gu Zheng had probably read the layout in the room, he put his backpack on the empty bed and began to organize his luggage.

As a newcomer who participated in the training camp for the first time, Gu Zheng was still inexperienced in this regard. The change of clothes he brought over seemed to be basically useless.

The toiletries and washbasin towels here are also hand-issued.

The treatment of the athletes is really good, at least when they are not in a recession, even the trivial matters of life do not have to worry about themselves.

When Gu Zheng returned all the luggage and plugged the phone into the charger, the door behind him suddenly rang.

It's Director Tie.

He waved to Gu Zheng, motioned him to come out of the dormitory, then pointed to a young man behind him and introduced: "Gu Zheng, this is Jiang Lang. Our team's logistics supervisor."

"Jiang Lang, this is Gu Zheng, the newcomer is a good Miaozi, I have already told you his basic situation."

"This morning you will take him to familiarize yourself with the general situation of the training center."

"After he has figured out the functions here according to the training schedule, we will make tentative training adjustments in the afternoon."

"How? Are you two okay?"

"no problem."

The two young men answered simply.

"That's good, I have other squad work to go down and arrange, there is nothing to do, I will leave first."

"You young people have a lot of topics, Jiang Lang, Gu Zheng's study and life this week, I will leave it to you."

"Don't worry, Director, promise to complete the task."

Hey, Director Tie takes me very seriously. Is this a life assistant sent out?

However, below he knew that he was amorous again.

Because this very talkative guy, when he gave a brief introduction to Gu Zheng, he said that he is an assistant to a group of people, basically the whole of the capital city sports committee, the clerical personnel in this big category of the subordinate track and field classification, All work related to logistics falls within his responsibility.

Because Gu Zheng was the last to report, he needs special care.

But it's not bad, because when the afternoon training starts, Jiang Lang will follow the logistics team and continue to serve Gu Zheng and the other athletes in the training arena.

Hearing this, Gu Zheng was very moved: "You basic staff, it's really not easy."

Jiang Lang, who led Gu Zheng to visit the athletes’ canteen, didn't notice anything. Instead, he returned with a little bit of fortune.

"I think I am lucky."

"Gu Zheng, depending on your age, you're the player just selected by the sports school, right?"

"How many students who graduated from sports universities like us can find a decent job?"

"For this job that you seem to be exhausting, it's how many people my father has tossed around before I found it."

"This kind of professional counterpart, as long as it is a job that can produce results if you work hard, where can you find it now?"

"I am so content."

Seeing this newly graduated student with a look of satisfaction, Gu Zheng really felt that he had no brains, and it was a wise choice to be fooled into the sports system by Director Tie.

But now, why is his surroundings so fragrant?

Subconsciously, Gu Zheng sniffed and sniffed it twice. Jiang Lang on the side looked at Gu Zheng's performance, and he was instantly happy.

He pointed to the corridor not far in front and said, "Did you smell this scent too?"

"Yes, we are in the canteen dedicated to our athletes."

"This semi-open canteen is for your athletes and coaches."

"As for us? Just eat in the normal cafeteria of the staff nearby."

"This country has approved so much funding. Of course, more funds have to be invested in you."

It’s so stressful. Eat well and sleep well. The only task is to train and get results. If you don’t work hard, isn’t this kind of captivity a waste of taxpayers’ money?

Gu Zheng, who was only planning to come and wander around twice, felt the unwarranted pressure.

When the two walked to the door, Jiang Lang raised his hand and looked at his watch.

"Our cafeteria has ample meal time. From 11:30-13:30 noon, it is all lunch time."

"Even if it is due to a delay in training, it will not affect it."

"It's almost time now, and I will no longer lead you alone to the track team and gather other players before coming over for dinner."

"Here, this is your athlete's pass. This is your meal card. There is no amount. It is only billed according to the number of times."

"Finally, the settlement center of the sports center will settle with the logistics of our sports committee."

"So, just let go and eat."

"But there is one thing to be aware of. There is a special window for national athletes, which is prepared for the national training team members who are currently training in the training center."

"It is not open on weekdays. When there is a particularly important international competition, it will be loaned to teams of various categories that come to the training camp."

"Most of the nutritious meals there are made according to the physical parameters of some athletes on weekdays, and are proportioned by specialized nutritionists."

"So, don't go over and fight for the meal at that window."

"After all, we are just renting the venue here. Some things should be notified in advance to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Gu Zheng heard this explanation and was very strange: "What's the trouble? What? There really is a trainer next to me, I ate the meal at this window by mistake?"

"It's just a meal, is there any trouble?"

When Gu Zheng asked about this, Jiang Lang couldn't help but feel funny. He looked around, and there was no one around before the meal, so he quietly shared the gossip with a new friend of his age.

"Isn't the Olympic trial players of the national weightlifting been training here for a while?"

"This group of people's meals are basically all high-calorie and protein meat."

"Not only that, their dietitian also specializes in beef, black-bone chicken, soft-shelled turtle, and Shanghai ginseng and abalone. This kind of tonic medicinal material starts to boil the soup from the morning, and at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, a person will start the supplement. ."

"This kind of tonic soup can only be carried by athletes who train very heavily and consume physical fitness."

"But you said it was a coincidence? The young players who went abroad to participate in the Go tournament returned to the sports center on that day. After a brief post-match summary, you can go back to each to relax."

"This group of people are also newcomers. They ran sheep when they first came here. Unluckily, they didn't hear the leader's request clearly, so they just rushed for something delicious."

"You have to know that our cafeteria window is self-explanatory, and you will know it after you go over it for a while."

"These little youngsters, each holding a small cup, and Gululu filled it all in."

"When it comes to summing up after the afternoon game, the nosebleeds are all one by one."

"It may not be that exaggerated, but I think about dry mouth, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and want to give vent to my mind, there must be some."

"Just the small physique of those Go players?"

Jiang Lang pointed out a three-finger: "Without so many days, they can't help it."

"So, Gu Zheng, let's be more careful. I heard Director Tie say that you are involved in marathon running events, so you have to be more careful."

Yes, that's fun.

Gu Zheng took the employee card and meal card that Jiang Lang handed over, and hung them to his chest to show that he knew it.

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