The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 385: Playback of the 9th world (5)

In fact, the girl in red is not the most aggrieved. The most aggrieved girl should be the girl in Tsing Yi who appeared behind her, okay?

The mother on this stage is ready. If this lady is a little unsatisfactory, she will drive her off without any hesitation.

It stands to reason that a little lady of this age, under the pressure of the noise of a group of people and the failure of the previous lady, should have been a little panicked.

However, this little lady in Tsing Yi seemed to have nothing to do with her, just holding her own Tong Mu Zheng, looking at the direction of the small high platform that was clustered with flowers not far from the deck.

When the host envoy set up the desk and signaled that she was ready to play, the little lady bowed her head and said nothing, and slowly walked to the center of the stage.

She also didn't care about the audience on the stage, but instead set the kite in her hand in the direction facing Gu Zheng, and she sat down directly facing the independent high platform.

After taking a deep breath, he put his hands on the kite and dedicated this song. I don't know who played "Jackdaw Playing in the Water".

The sound of this sound dispelled the noise in the audience, and the performance of this song brought back the thoughts of the people on the stage.

Slender finger thirteenth string,

Spread the ghostly hatred,

When the feast is slow in autumn,

Yuzhu obliquely flying geese,

When it hits a broken bowel,

Chunshan has low eyebrows.

What kind of a picture of playing in the water with hundreds of thousands of times, and what kind of confidant of thoughts.

Only playing the sorrow and coldness, the lady in Tsing Yi, originally only had a somewhat delicate appearance, but because of the skill of the zither, she added six points of beauty.

After the tune was played, there was a lot of silence outside the court before bursts of exclamation erupted.


"This song is wonderful, and it has a lot of demeanor from everyone."

"I was a little bit sad after hearing it. Isn't this a joyous Oiran contest? How does it feel like a boudoir of sadness nowhere to tell?"

And this little lady, after the performance, did not say anything decent to the audience, such as canvassing for herself.

On the contrary, she stared at the little platform that she had been looking at as soon as she got on stage, and slowly stood up, with a little grievance, and screamed towards the stage with a little bit of sorrow.

"Gu Lang, do you remember me? I am Bai Susu from Kunshan."

Hehe, Gu Zheng on the stage shrank his neck when he heard the voice of the people in the audience.

"You told me that you would come to see me in the future. But I waited for you for a long time, but I couldn't find you again."

"My sister said, you are in Lin'an, a few rivers away from me."

"I waited and waited happily, but after that night, you never showed up again."

"I know I can't get into the eyes of a man, but this heart is always deviated by you."

"In those days, after hundreds of thousands of times, I couldn't sleep at night, and I just wanted to see Gu Langjun again."

Hearing the beautiful ladies on the stage with clear tears in their eyes, the benefactors in the stage have only one idea, that is: scum!

The **** who is in the blessing and not knowing the blessing, what charm is there to make such a brilliant lady miss in his heart?

But Gu Zheng on the stage was also very aggrieved. Okay, how can he take it seriously?

If he hadn't seen him again here, Gu Zheng would have forgotten that there was such a person.

Why are you so stubborn?

But now, he represents the official, under the gaze of so many people, naturally can't lose the face of the official, right?

After all, it is the slutty who is used to walking in the flowers, even if it is covered with the skin of six doors, it is also a business to deal with people on the underworld.

Gu Zheng, who was sitting at the top, laughed.

What kind of laughter is this, the deep voice of a mature man is mixed with unprovoked romantic sexiness, and the person who hears the nearest is numb all over.

And it was such a laugh that made the white lady behind Guzheng on the stage forget her tears.

Still that voice, still that kind of smell.

Bai Susu couldn't help being stunned by this sound.

As for the audience who originally wanted to booze, they couldn't hear Gu Zheng's laugh, but after seeing that the original suffering master stopped crying, they also knew that things had changed on this stage.

When watching the excitement, no one dislikes too much, one by one, they are holding their breath, poking their necks like a tortoise, and looking at the flower boat.

You are showing off, let us see what a man can be admired by such a little lady.

Our Yushu Linfeng, Lihua Haitang’s, there is no difference, how can we not see the famous little lady, just because we saw one side, we cried and ran after chasing.

Really envy and hate.

For various reasons, the Oiran Competition, which was supposed to be lively and extraordinary, has now become silent.

The person who everyone was looking forward to did not disappoint everyone. Instead, he muttered twice to the maid behind him, and then the old **** was still sitting on his seat, standing still.

After a short period of effort, the maid behind this one carried a basket on one side.

The basket is full of flowers sold outside the Oiran Contest.

It is colorful and very beautiful.

Although Gu Zheng's face was not visible at this time, the skin on his face was rustling.


This group of women was sincere and asked them to get some flowers, and they copied the backcourt of the organizing committee of the competition directly.

When Gu Zheng turned his head helplessly to look at the organizer's mother, facing the other's somewhat proud old face, what else did he not understand?

This is being tricked by someone.

Forget it, if it's pitted, it's pitted.

Who made him owe a romantic account?

Therefore, at this time, he just frustrated his shoulder a little helplessly.

But Bai Susu on the stage was different.

When she saw the bouquet of flowers being lifted up, her body shivered like rain hitting lotus leaves.

Don't worry, this is exciting, and the excited lips are trembling.

What's more, at this time, Gu Zheng actually stood up from the upper stage, randomly twisting out a bunch of lilies of the valley, dotted with white flowers, which is unreasonably arousing three points.

And this orchid is also an elegant thing, and it is the best match for Bai Susu's temperament.

Gu Zheng did not disappoint Bai Susu. Such a pity and cherishment figure walked towards her step by step, and stopped in front of her with a smile that made her addicted.

He spoke to Bai Susu, but also to the people below with a small voice, "Lang dare not forget the beautiful figure."

"There was a broken water that day. You played the music at Xitou, and I danced my sword at the end of the river, to cooperate with Wushuang."

"But the love in the world is still the same, love each other, don't miss it in the rivers and lakes."

"When you and I get old, there will be a confidant here."

Gu Zheng pointed to his chest with an extremely coquettish posture, and continued to say to the already obsessed Bai Susu: "At the very least, there will always be your place here."

"I don't have to endure the pain of the beauty's twilight, and keep your most beautiful moment in my memory forever."

"When the moon is empty and lonely and lonely, take out that scene and savor it carefully, and it will be endless."

"Is that good? Huh? Susu?"

That means, let's sleep all night, leave a thought, don't see it!

If it were in modern times, it would definitely go up with a big ear scraper, I'll go!

But in the age of the romantic and gentleman, this is the most beautiful love story.

Let a man with a high authority and an unparalleled reputation always remember it in his heart, not to mention anything else. After the prostitute has gotten her off, those who want to marry her home must be lined up to come to the door.

The last time, when you are old and declining, there will be big merchants who come here to redeem them, whether they are offering or raising, leaving only a little elegant name for themselves.

This is the case when it comes to publicity.

Do you know who my concubine is?

That is XXX, which is popular among XX**XX.

Then the people who listened to him bragging about B suddenly realized, with a look of envy.

How could this be? How could such a graceful woman follow such a rough person with no taste.

But that sour envy, but it can't stop Driven by the big trend, Gu Zheng said so, it simply gave Bai Susu the best way.

If she is smart enough not to be blinded by this ethereal love.

And this Bai Susu, who would choose to do such a trick with Gu Zheng at this time, would he be a stupid person?

Naturally not, so, at this time, Bai Susu, after appreciating the beauty of Gu Zheng in front of him, put away the greedy eyes that wanted to strip the other party naked immediately, replied in shame, and bowed down when he was full of excitement. Ended up.

"Gu Lang, concubine, knowing that you have me in your heart is enough."

After speaking, he quietly lowered his most elegant neck in front of Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng was originally tall and long, with a very handsome and elegant figure. Bai Susu's bowing of his head showed the collision of masculine beauty and delicate softness.

This original bitter and resentful feeling-seeking tone suddenly turned into a scene of acquaintance in a gentle and watery heart.

Let the audience under the stage have only one feeling, and that is beauty, and the good ones will bubble up.

With this bow of the other party's head, Gu Zheng also understood what the other party meant. Instead, he opened his smile wider, twisting the orchid stem in his hand, turning lightly in a circle, relaxing on the side of Bai Susu. Between the hanging buns.

This little white flower, matched with the pink and white pearl pendant on the hairpin on top, complements each other perfectly. It really adds three points of elegance to Bai Susu from the inside out.

Then, Gu Zheng smiled at Bai Susu: "Susu, take care, where my duty lies, Gu Lang can't be seen here anymore."

This Bai Susu's goal was achieved, without entanglement, instead, he bowed to Gu Zhengying and turned away ethereally.

This was a good one, and it instantly ignited the passion of the people in the audience.

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