The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 368: Alternate capture needs you soon!

Therefore, Gu Zheng, who was taken away from the food, just froze for a while, and immediately put on his nonchalant smile, instead he was entertaining the new guests.

"Oh, ladies, are you going to eat?"

"Although the small shop is not big, the dishes are quite complete, and Ertiao Street is a bit famous."

"What do you want to eat, there are water cards on both sides of the wall, think about it, just tell me."

At this time, Yan Catou had already immersed himself in eating. He endured the steaming soup while desperately trying to stuff the head into his mouth.

It's so spicy and fragrant, I can't stop talking.

When he finishes's not too late to talk about business.

As for other people, seeing their own heads react like this, and then smelling the rich and thick fragrance of the face in this small shop, they didn't care about being reserved, so they started to light up the same thing.

"A portion of the four-color fruit."

"A pot of fried tea soup."

"A plate of five kinds of chicken and duck delicacies."

"A plate of lo-mei of mixed meat and loin."

"Just give each brother a cup of glutinous rice."

"As for the staple food, just your noodles."

"Good!" Gu Zheng, who agreed, was too busy to work. Naturally, his old lady was more familiar with the friendship with officials.

So as he walked back to the kitchen, Gu Zheng didn't forget to shout into the small courtyard behind the wall: "My old lady. Here is a guest!"

Then he went to eat his noodles in peace.

As for the old lady who arrived later, it was not Gu Zheng's business how busy she was.

But he thought well. When he even finished the noodles for his two brothers, his old lady who was busy at the front desk called him out.

"My son, these servants want to talk to you, are you coming out?"

After hearing the sound, Gu Zheng and Gu Lao Niang looked at each other suspiciously, and didn't understand the reason why these servants were looking for him.

Seeing Gu Zheng's blank face, the swallowed Yan Catou had a better sense of Gu Zheng because of this meal, so when he inquired, he naturally looked a little bit more pleasant.

"Gu boy, don't worry, just relax, I just ask a few questions and leave."

"how old are you?"


"But in response to the government's obligation to transfer orders, went to the annual corvee?"

"No, I am an only child in our family, which meets the conditions for buying it at a discount. Therefore, my annual corvee is bought with money."

"Huh? There are a lot of promising jobs in this free job, so you won't be tempted?"

Hearing this, Gu Zheng shook his head resolutely: "Those guys, they spend too much money."

"It's easy to spend money by yourself, don't spread the work to do it."

"It's also to save trouble at home."

"If you spend all the money in your home for a illusory future, the poor master will also see the situation in my home."

"This widow and orphan is not enough to fill in."

"I can't let the old mother and younger sisters live a life where they can't eat or drink because of my own reasons."

"So that kind of work, I never think about it."

The mother and younger sister who came out to work behind Gu Zheng believed this.

He didn't believe it.

If this client has this consciousness, can he finally die?

However, if this life is replaced by him, he naturally has to live according to his Gu Zheng's wishes.

The opposite Yan catches the head, after hearing the truth from Gu Zheng, he called out: "Yes! There is love and righteousness, true and filial, and a little self-knowledge."

"Much better than someone who can't see the situation clearly."

"Since this is the case, I won't talk nonsense with you, Gu Zheng, I have a good job here, can you do it?"

"Can I ask what it is?"

"Naturally, that would be a month-long trial for the servants of our government office."

"In charge of our brothers, handling various chores in the yamen."

"Let us have no worries when we are looking for the street."

"Of course, my brothers won't let you wait in vain."

"If you can adapt to the rhythm of the government office, then I can recommend to the upper government lieutenant, and he will hire you to be our outside arrest officer."

"At that time, we will be a family."

"You are also different from those of us who are born in the arresting and servicing family. If you hire someone from outside, you will be able to read and hyphenate better."

"At that time, brother, do you think that the status of arrest is too laborious, you can also apply for transfer to a position like an arbitrator."

"At that time, I will be in charge of criminal proceedings and cooperate with my brothers without obstacles. Wouldn't it be another good story."

Haha, the future plans and scenes are so beautiful, who believes it!

But Gu Zheng's old lady believed it.

He looked at the shining eyes of Old Lady Gu and Little Sister Gu, and knew that these two deceivers had been fooled by Yan Tau's head.

But the officials are so bad for you. If you refuse, you will step on the faces of this group of people on the ground.

It seems that the small days of leisurely farming that I want are so difficult?

It is said that the use of food to conquer the entire Song Dynasty must let me conquer with all kinds of talents from all aspects and multiple angles.

Then... That's it.

Therefore, Gu Zheng also hurriedly showed a happy expression. In the enviable eyes of Wang Xiaowu and Qin Laozi, he arched his hands towards Yan Catu and asked, "Thank you for your recommendation."

"I don't know when you need a kid to report to the government office?"

"What else do you need to bring?"

Seeing the guy on the opposite side is very witty, Yan Catou will be a little more generous to the people under his hands in the future.

He touched his short beard, and was very satisfied with the notice: "Hurry up and not late, you will bring your household registration tomorrow, and go to the side door of the mansion to wait for me."

"At that time, let Fu Yun, pay the head, take you to the observation of the government office, and register and report."

"When the government office has distributed the costumes and assigned the job, you can officially take up the post."

"Gu boy, behave well, for one month, if you don't go on a business trip and an external head catcher, you can't run away!"

"Hey! Please don't worry if Yan catches the head, the young one must be conscientious and work hard to complete the task assigned by the court."

A satisfactory answer was obtained, and this group of people was also full of food and drink.

It's time to leave, they still have a lot of work to do.

When everyone left the small restaurant, Fu Yun, who stayed at the end, took out a large amount of money and was about to settle the bill.

Gu Zheng stopped him three or four times, saying that everyone is a good colleague. If he still cares about the meal, it will not give him the face of Gu Zheng.

Seeing Gu Zheng's righteousness, Fu Yun stopped arguing with him. He collected the copper coins and patted Gu Zheng's shoulder with comfort. Go to catch up with the steps of the companions who left before.

When everyone was gone, Gu Zheng let go of his smiling face.

I scream! There is at least 300 yuan for a meal. If you take out a three to fifty one, you want to say that you paid the bill?

How big a face is.

But the old lady behind him is not surprising.

This group of poor masters, whether to give money or not, all have to smile to greet them.

For the emperor Lao'er above, the people of Xiangyang City are the emperor far away from the mountains, so they are not afraid at all.

But it is often this kind of clerk who is the most difficult to deal with and the least offensive.

Simply, his son caught Yan Catou's eyes, and a meal brought some relationships closer.

This little money, Mrs. Gu felt that it was worth it.

But Wang Xiaowu and Qin Feizi, who had been shrinking their sense of existence next to them, surrounded Gu Zheng together.

"Brother, you are going to work, what about the two of us?"

"Yeah, big brother, you don't really intend to be an official, will you be recruited?"

Whether he can speak human words makes him like a green forest hero.

Gu Zheng hurried towards the two people in an angry manner: "Go and go, you two are indispensable everywhere."

"As your big brother, can you forget your brothers?"


"When I have a firm foothold in the yamen and are willing to do something, I will naturally find a way to arrange it for you."

Hearing that the eldest brother was thinking about them in this way, Wang Xiaowu and the two were also very moved.

After thanking them again and again, in order not to affect their eldest brother, recharge their energy and cope with tomorrow's work ~ These two left and went home early.

As for the remaining Gu Zheng, before he could think about it, it was the busiest peak in the evening.

In this moment when the bird returns home dimly and people go to work dimly.


People who are tired, always like to comfort their souls with food and wine in the most familiar small restaurants and small wine shops.

In Ertiao Street, the people who worked here were sent away, and the residents who lived here were also welcomed back.

On the outermost side of the pavement, the paper lanterns were lit by Gu Zheng, and the lights were lit by every household. The streets of Xiangyang City were illuminated by the shadows.

With a little bit of drunken gold fandom in the night, it enveloped the people in this city of mountains and rivers.

Let the peaceful living and work in the daytime transform into the wanton romance in the night, and the taste of the whole city has changed a lot with the fall of night.

In the meandering waterways and rivers.

As if lanterns were placed in a small stream, a ship of different sizes began to appear.

A little bit of light came out from the hull of the ship, dyeing the surface of the water that should have been pitch black with dazzling colors.

On the river surface, soft whispers began to spread. The daughter's sweet laughter and the sound of silk and bamboo playing gradually spread on the wide river surface, carrying the long and long distance that belonged to the river.

Countless people who ate by these rivers came out at this hour, smiling sweetly, doing business, listening to the clanging of copper plates, and enjoying the joy of harvest.

In his courtyard, Gu Zheng, who had just fallen asleep, couldn't see the night prosperity that didn't dissipate until after hitting the drum four times.


ps: Friendlyly promoted the book "China Entertainment Pioneer", an unorthodox entertainment article

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