The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 366: 1 pair of eyes hidden in the dark

With such a physique, it is really simple to turn such a small plate quickly.

When the disk is running at high speed, it is still a matter of whether or not the darts can be nailed, let alone make them hit the target.

Gu Zheng didn't panic looking at such a scene.

On the contrary, it changed the throwing method just now, just split the darts into two, and they were all pinched in the hands.

"Are you ready?"

"let's start!"

After Gu Zheng's words fell, Niu Er got excited. He pressed both **** hands on the disk, and after taking a sigh of relief, he pulled it down together.


The thick plate began to turn.

"Okay! You can start!"

On the other hand, Gu Zheng raised both hands, and while shouting aloud for himself, he began to accumulate energy in his wrists.

"3, 2, 1!"

‘Wow! ’

With the forward throw of both hands, these tiny darts broke through the air barrier and flew towards their target.

'Snapped! ’

A slight noise reminded me that the plate was still spinning, but all the audience around were looking toward the ground at the bottom of the disk in unison.

There are no traces of falling darts.

This shows that all the darts that Gu Zheng threw out were actually stuck on the disc.


"Brother is amazing!"

Seeing Gu Zheng revealing such a hand, the outsiders actually cheered him up.

As for the Niu Er standing on the edge of the disc, he put his arms around and pulled the corners of his mouth in disdain: "A group of people who have never seen the world."

"It's just sticking to the board. It's also applauded. If you miss any of them for a while, let's see where you put your face!"

After speaking, he stared straight at his home board and waited motionless for it to stop.

This turn took long enough. When the speed of the plate slowed down, Niu Er grabbed the plate with his hands under the supervision of the people around, and let it stop.

And everyone can see clearly the result of Gu Zheng's shot.

The bright darts pierced out a big circle.

But without exception, they are all tied around the red grid.

And in the middle of that grid, two darts were still hit.

There was a tremor from above, as if laughing at Niu Er's mistake.

"This! This is impossible!"

But Gu Zheng didn't wait for Niu Er to be shocked, instead he snarled at the other party's goods and asked, "You won't regret it?"

"Know that the stall that plays is about integrity. Even if someone spends a penny and a dart away from your stall, you can't go back."

After Gu Zheng finished the harsh words, the people around him who watched the excitement were rushing to booby: "That's right! May you give up the bet!"

"Hurry up and give this little brother the goods! Only two bunches of peat! It's only a few dozen big dollars. Besides, twelve dollars at a time, you haven't lost much inside and out?"

Haven't lost much yet?

These two times came down to more than fifty big money!

If Gu Zheng stayed at his stall for a day, he wouldn't have to make any money.

But under the circumstances of these passionate emotions, he couldn't go back, he could only watch Gu Zheng's two brothers, and once again took out two bundles of the small pile of firewood.

Now, the crowd finally burst into cheers.


"Brother, vote again, let's take a look!"

It was just these people's hoopla that made the new stall owner Niu Er, but he couldn't bear it anymore.

He didn't care what people around him thought of him. At this time, he walked straight in front of Gu Zheng, put his hands in, and made a big gesture towards Gu Zheng.

"Brother Gu, can you go to the side? Take a step to speak?"


Looking back, Gu Zheng gave his hands to the people around him: "Thank you for your love, it's late, boy, I still have things in my house."

"Don't stay here any longer, you can leave after finishing the business here."

"Thank you all for your support and righteousness. I thank you so much, kid!"

Hearing Gu Zheng's words like this, everyone knew that there was no excitement to watch. After a while, the hustle and bustle were scattered, and they were busy.

When this place was quiet, Niu Er on the side, without talking nonsense, passed 25 large sums of money directly into Gu Zheng's hands.

I bowed once again and thanked him: "The kid has no eyes to know Mount Tai, and I will ask Brother Gu to take care of the business in the future."

"But don't come to my stall to relax."

It turned out that it was such care. Gu Zheng immediately became happy. He turned around and waved to Niu Eryi, even if he said goodbye: "Don't worry, I don't come here on weekdays except when collecting monthly rent. of."

"I'll leave if it's okay. My house is on Ertiao Street. If you have something to do, let people call me there. It's okay, then let's see you next month!"

After speaking, the man has left this tile with his little brother and the goods, and he has gone without a trace after a short period of time.

Only Niu Er, who had a lingering heart, wiped the cold sweat that had just come out of his head, turned his head and leaned back on his own shop floor, and didn't dare to show the slightest bit of fried hair.

Hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this market is really not a good mess.

I thought that Lin'an Mansion had already produced talents in large numbers. Whoever thought it would be, as far as Xiangyang, it was so powerful.

As someone who is just stronger than others, do business honestly.

Inadvertently, a little loach was overwhelmed by this local snake.

But what they didn't know was that the confrontation this time not only made the neighborhood in this building show the excitement, it was also seen by the guards in the government office.

This Xiangyang Mansion is a rare and large state government office.

In addition to being in charge of local security and public order, the chief catcher in the yamen is also responsible for many miscellaneous affairs.

For example, the annual collection of exorbitant taxes and taxes, and the work and rest of the duties assigned by the court to the various state capitals.

Coupled with the basic defense of the surrounding counties during the flood control period, and the maintenance of the minimum number of various cases in the government.

All kinds of things are cumbersome and tiring, and they are not busy all year round.

If it hadn’t been for the imperial government’s move to choose ordinary people to work for the government, this swallow would catch the head, but with the dozens of people under his hand, he would be able to transfer the three districts and two cities of Xiangyang. Eight counties and towns have been managed all over.

No, it's recently time for the people to take turns in voluntary labor.

The handyman who came to the government office in front made him very dissatisfied.

Although these people only come to the government office to do some basic service work, they can't stand the benefits derived from this job, which is really good.

If you behave well, once you get into the blue eyes of an adult in the government office, you might jump up and become a small official who specializes in serving the government office or a substitute arrester in the government office.

Such a good job, even if there is no payment, is a good job for the children in the average wealthy family.

Especially the second or third son in the family who cannot inherit the ancestral property.

Many families have heard of the opportunity to buy the quota of people who will take their turn to work in the government office with money, so that the children in the family can replace it.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a temporary worker with his own golden fingers.

So this has caused a wave of volunteer workers who have been summoned here.

One by one stared with big eyes, who was more white-eyed in the game.

Not to mention, when they went to the streets with them, they were deceived by the people on the ground.

It's almost like holding the face of the government officials, one after another, giving them a sense of existence.

In this regard, Yan Catou, who had worked hard from the bottom, was very insignificant.

He also talked to the assistant staff in the government office who was in charge of recruiting people. If this wave of people still recruited a bunch of junk snacks for him, he would rather find someone on the street by Help in the yamen.

No, I was bored just now, and I slipped into this small building in broad daylight. Thinking about my future life, I saw an interesting scene here.

This kid named Gu Zheng has such an ability. Why doesn't he have heard of it on weekdays?

When Yan Catching's head touched his chin and looked at the three people away thinking, the old Catcher who was following him, Fu Yun, took a step forward and clarified the confusion to his leader.

"Head Yan, did you fall in love with the kid just now?"

"How do you pay? Do you know him?"

"Recognize it," Old Fu squeezed his wrinkled old face up, and continued: "This kid is a slutty who specializes in this area."

"The family lives in Ertiao Hutong, three streets ahead."

"My family opened a restaurant. Father Lao Tzu died early. It was his savage mother who pulled the two older children in one fell swoop."

"It's just that this Gu Zheng doesn't study well on weekdays, and he transfers to the rascal and hooligan style of school."

"There is no legitimate business, just to make a living by collecting management fees in the small streets around here."

"I haven't done anything big and evil, and this kid is also a little careless in his heart. The slightly larger street, and the big family house in the east of Xiangyang City Mansion, he doesn't go. of."

"How should I say, just a very ordinary little bastard."

"I used to only hang out with his two brothers, and I haven't seen him show such a skill!"

Seeing Fu Yun's reaction like this, Yan Catou became even more interested.

If the well-informed old catcher under his own hand is right, then this Gu Zheng is still a master at pretending to hide himself.

Then I really want to see it.

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