The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 350: Invincible is so lonely

When they were about to rise up and express their anger, Gu Zheng's next words directly caused them to explode.

"Hey? I said you guys, don't be idle, come over and help each other, put out the fire in the stall in front of you, pack your things, and drive the car to the other side of the street."

"Yes, that's right, it's on the second floor of the underground parking lot of the Universal Cinema. Then there is an urban management car parked. It's pretty easy to recognize."

I go! After being punished, he would have to ruin his own car himself. This new urban manager... is fine.

At that time, the hottest mutton kebab brother, but quit.

He walked under his tin wagon and found a remodeled iron stick, and tapped it twice on the roasting pan of his lamb skewers.

"Boy! Don't think that you can become a Superman by wearing a leather suit!"

"You have to fine it, I admit it, Xiaoye, the guy who moved me to eat, then you have to ask the guy in my hand, he doesn't agree with it."

Seeing that the mutton skewers took the lead in the trouble, the roast cold noodles took his shovel, and the Mala Tang took the fire clamp that added coal to the stove and followed.

The three men stood in front of Gu Zheng with such a brutal appearance.

Seeing this tense scene where the war was about to start, even the diners who were still eating in the gears could not help but move their seats towards a place farther away from them.

After a while, apart from the shopkeeper who was watching the crowds at the door, Fu Sheng, who rushed to Gu Zheng and later, was left alone at the door of the Crayfish Restaurant.

At this time, the owner of the crayfish who was late was leaning on the glass door of his shop with a smile.

After he took a deep breath into his lungs, the two misty eye circles that he spit out were that he turned to the three brothers, just like chatting, adding fuel to the fire: "Hey, it's almost done."

"This one wears public leather, you still have to be a little measured when you start."

"You're uniquely disabled, don't want to kill you, do some minor injuries, go in for a squat meeting, and you guys will naturally find a way to get it out for you."

"In these days, Renshan was deceived by others, and Ma Shan was ridden by others. Any cat or dog would dare to come over to challenge him."

Fu Sheng, who was originally nervous because of Gu Zheng's stern words, squatted in his heart after seeing the face of the owner of this new restaurant.

This man, when was he released?

This was the idol of Fu Sheng when he was still young and frivolous. At that time, he was in a military green coat, always swaying in the wind with his open arms in the cold winter.

His stubborn stubble, as well as the young and mature face, made him not see any weakness when confronted with the children in the military compound.

At that time, he was the most admired eldest brother among the group of hutongs in Nancheng District. At that time, he was sent to prison for violation of law and discipline by the severely beaten police.

After ten years, this one has already come out?

Mommy, the feeling of guilty conscience and shortness of breath when I was young is back again.

Fu Sheng's kidney deficiency directly caused him to forget all the words he originally intended to go up and persuade him.

He just stunned at the scene, but his eyes were always watching the person who was not involved in the hands-on.

Fu Sheng's stupefaction was terrible. When he reacted again, there was already a pot of porridge over there.

Of course, at the beginning, it was the little guy from the stall that beat Gu Zheng, but when Gu Zheng escaped the encirclement of these three people, he immediately changed his passive defense mode to a self-defense counterattack attack.

While working on these three people, he did not forget to find witnesses for himself.

"Everyone has seen it, the three of them were the first to do it. This is purely a self-defense behavior made by me under the situation of unequal power!"

After speaking this sentence, Gu Zheng saw the few girls next to him nodded in agreement, with worry in their eyes.

Now he has a spectrum in his heart, so he doesn't need to hide it anymore.

This suddenly returned to modern times. Gu Zheng, who was used to fighting on the battlefield, was brave and brave. If he didn't find a place to vent, he might really get a psychological distortion or something.

Fortunately, I have done such a job and there is a channel for self-regulation. Otherwise, if he is asked to do the work of an intermediary who must smile and serve everyone aggrievedly, he really can’t guarantee. , Will he hold back a psychological distortion?

It's all right now. If you are angry, you must vent it. Then you can sleep beautifully, and nothing will happen.

Gu Zheng, who had already done a good job of psychological construction and preparations, immediately slackened, and he wanted to punish the **** and eliminate the evil with unscrupulous plans.

In the process of dodge the attack on these three people, he did not idle either. With just one glance, he saw the idle gas tank next to the cold noodles.

There is also a huge canister from a gas company that supplies gas to a small gas pipe.

At first glance, there is still time to inflate the empty jar.

Then it's easy to handle, the weapon is in hand.

Thinking of Gu Zheng here, a lazy donkey was rolling, leaning down and avoiding the iron rod of mutton skewers, and instantly leaned against the big can, and picked up the two small gas tanks on the side.

Tumbled in your hand, something more than ten or twenty catties? It is the weapon in hand.

A familiar feeling flooded into Gu Zheng's heart. This mellow touch, this large area of ​​lethality, this desperate aura, this is a mace! ! I miss you so much.

Then, Gu Zheng waved them up, with a fearless aura, with a hungry tiger's desire to eat, and with the speed of the spinning top, he rushed into the three brothers' camp.

The diners on the side, because of Gu Zheng's sudden bravery, all stood up from their seats one after another, picked up the machine in their hands, and began various poses and recordings.

"Hey! How come I look so familiar? Isn't this the realistic version of the Three British War Lu Bu?"

Nothing wrong, except for the slight flaws in the weapon, the artistic conception and everything are very consistent.

There are also many beautiful girls who actually took the selfie stand in their hands and turned on the data, and recorded and uploaded the live broadcast.

The diners outside the venue saw the excitement, but those who started to be beaten in the venue received a violent blow.

A heavy gas tank smashed into the back with a ‘boom’, and the Malatang brother slammed upside down and squatted on the ground.

Gu Zheng, who is spinning like a top, is refreshingly not paying attention to any rules. In his eyes, there is only one right now.

That is to vent, to vent, to vent all the violent feeling in the heart.

I close my eyes, tomorrow, I will be the gentle, introverted and gentle urban management brother!

Fu Sheng, who had just reacted off the court, was stunned again on the scene. He was just a little stunned for a while. How could the situation on the court become like this?

On the other hand, Dai Bin by the glass door was not as good as Fu Sheng. The cigarette he held in his mouth fell off without knowing when it fell on his arm, making him hot. Bare teeth grinned.

It was because of Dai Bin's performance that Fu Sheng's previous worship and fear of this man disappeared all at once.

It turns out that after so many years, as a person's experience and age have grown, the person he had looked up to when he was young has already surpassed that person in the process of running side by side.

Thinking of Fu Sheng here, I didn’t rush to stop it. When Gu Zheng used two gas tanks with one hand and one on the other two brothers lying on the ground, he coughed twice. Came out pretendingly.

Harmoniously, toward the three unloved young men in the underground, said: "How is it, little comrade? Is there a serious problem?"

Have! Crushed!

But the three of them looked at Gu Zheng who was smiling like a devil, and shook their heads together.

"So, do you have money to pay a fine tonight?"

some! some! Nodded all together.

"Can you help us take the initiative to send these used vehicles to our urban management law enforcement vehicles?"

Yes, yes, what are you talking about!

Now as long as the three of them can be rescued from the ground, let alone let them hand in the vehicle, it is also necessary for them to hand in themselves.

Seeing how well-behaved these three people were, Fu Sheng felt that he didn't need to be too embarrassed. He walked to Gu Zheng's side, pointed at the soles of his shoes, and signaled Gu Zheng to lift his feet high.

Gu Zheng, who was still giving face to the leader, consciously glanced in Dai Bin's direction when he unwillingly put down the weapon.

With this look, Dai Bin, who had originally smoked half of the cigarette in his mouth, was scalded again with fright.

And he took out a few red tickets from his pocket very obediently, and handed them to him very flatteringly.

Seeing this, Gu Zheng had to shook his head regretfully, thinking that this was a kind of evenly matched opponent.

It turned out to be a silver-like pewter spear tip, and it couldn't stand anything.

This is the end of the matter, and Gu Zheng, who still has some ideas, has no choice but to settle down.

Just as he drove the vendors away from the crosswalk, one of the restaurant owners in this slap began to slap their hands.

"Papa Papa"... until later onlookers joined in, the applause turned into a turbulent wave.

"Wow! Good! Good job!"

"Hey, do you think this city manager is familiar?"

"Hey! Just check it, Fengtai Urban Management, Fengtai Urban Management..."

This Baidu is terrific, and being topped in the first news search is related to the urban management brother in front of him.

Everyone is still a long-distance running champion after flipping through the webpage.

That’s great. Is the news they uploaded tonight also ranked first by search engines?

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