The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 346: Replay of the 8th world (2)

The Emei school even uses the name of this mountain.

And the women of Mount Emei, starting from today, will cultivate and spin yarn, chanting Taoism and martial arts.

Live the little life that they can't even think of, without fighting.

This little sect is just a small beginning. Their head, the bright and unparalleled Daiqisi, is standing in front of the newly built Taoist temple, showing them the most brilliant smile.

This is enough, Emei, Daiqisi's new home is also the place where she dreams of opening.

As for the person in her heart, Daiqisi slightly tilted her head towards her boudoir, where there was a small white wall with a finely crafted portrait hanging on it.

The person in the portrait is not like a dull scholar of Song Chao.

The person in the painting is a man riding on a running horse. Just looking at it from a distance, you can see his wanton display.

In his hand is a curved bow full of strings, and above him, a loyal black eagle follows, spreading its wings and flying high.

Surrounding him is an endless grassland, as if only the vastness of it can let him soar freely.

This is the man she will always remember in Daiqisi's heart, heh, the mysterious sweetheart of the head of the Emei school.

Thinking of Daiqisi here brought a little schadenfreude.

I don't know if the ranger who likes her Daiqisi in Songguo, after knowing his identity, still has the courage to go to the north to find him single-handedly.

Thinking of this, Dai Qisi smiled. In the camera, she seemed to be smiling at Gu Zheng who was outside the page, bright and contented.

It seems that Daiqisi is happy.

Gu Zheng was also infected by this smile, and the corners of his mouth also picked up unconsciously.

However, it hasn't been long for him to pick it up, and the next scene in the page of the book has caused him to droop again.

Then he was very dissatisfied and pointed to the camera that was playing above and asked: "Hey! Why is Karina's return visit mixed in?"

And Xiao Wangshu is a little cautiously returning: "Well, as long as your journey has caused a major change in their life, there is a certain chance that they will appear in the replay."

"This is the result of the world's autonomous judgment."

"As for why Karina also appears here, that's because she must have also left a strong figure in history, so she is qualified to appear."

Hearing Gu Zheng here, his face was sobbing.

Can Karina also be considered a historical figure? Then he wanted to see what happened to this woman after he left.

After all, after he left enough fortune and the castle of the Grand Duke he abandoned, he continued to march towards the next city, and directly abandoned the woman he had only enjoyed for one night. Behind the head.

Right now is to watch a glamorous movie, to reminisce about the amorous encounters in a foreign country that he has forgotten a long time ago.

At this time, the camera turned to the castle that Gu Zheng presented to Yekarina.

At this time, Karina was in the room where she had had a one-night stand with Gu Zheng, facing the dressing table, quietly combing her soft blonde hair.

She wore the most popular dress in the Chinese Khanate.

This is the new style of dress worn by the most famous royal designer in the French city newly incorporated into the Khan Dynasty of the Mongolian Empire in the palace banquet designed for the Queen of Mongolia.

This kind of clothing that combines the beauty of Persia, the wanton of Mongolia, and the romantic style of Europe, I heard that it is very popular with the current emperor of Mongolia, Haigu Duzheng.

Oh, it's been three years since Oros was destroyed. The man who used to stay in this room for a whole night is a true hero.

He has now become the true king of most of the world.

With his unique magic power, he stepped on these countries one after another under his feet.

I heard that Karina who thought of this place sighed softly. After he recovered the entire Europe, he turned the battlefield to the North African continent on the other side of the Nile River.

I don't know who can make him stop? Maybe the territory of this world is summarized under his empire?

Karina also smiled, what else is she unsatisfied with, her bed, her wealth, and in the entire Oros city, no one dared to be rude to her.

She was extremely satisfied with all this.

Of course, it would be even better if there were no poor relatives who would come here every three weeks.

It was said that Cao Cao was here, and while Karina's eyebrows were still frowning, her personal maid hurriedly knocked on the door and said, "Miss, your sister is downstairs again."

"Heh." Really lingering in the shadows.

Karina's eyebrows have also become deeper: "Help me see if there are any visitors today?"

"Yes, your visitor today is the Prince of Germany, who was pro-appointed by the Mongolian Great Khan, and His Royal Highness the former King William of Germany."

"He has an appointment with you for afternoon tea, and hopes to dance with you at the European Union Ball tonight."

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot."

"These little European princes are much more foolish than the great aristocrats of Mongolia."

"The identity of a woman whom the imperial emperor once pityed for has really increased my worth a hundredfold."

"This is what happens when you follow the right person, even if it's just one night, then I'm also his one night lover."

"This kind of story can make those troubadours sing for many nights."

"After all, I am the only Orus who the Mengguo Emperor has ever slept with."

Speaking of this, Karina felt unreasonably proud again. She stood up and turned around again, making sure that there was nothing inappropriate in her new dress before turning to her maid. Ordered: "Let's go, let me go down and see how my sister is doing."

Afterwards, the room filled with her memories of Gu Zheng closed with a slam.

This place has become the harbor in her heart. There has never been any man in this place. Only she and the him in her heart can enter.

With the sound of thumping footsteps, the shot of the picture turned to the side door of the castle downstairs.

There was a woman with a miserable face. In the already prosperous city of Vladimir, her clothes were not as good as ordinary people.

She lowered her head, hiding her face with a little cringe, waiting for the arrival of the mistress of this luxurious castle.

Then she saw Karina, who was wearing a red dress that was as dazzling as a flame, appeared in front of her.

Then I asked impatiently: "I gave you the money last time, but was it spent again?"


"Do you really think of me as a cash cow? Or do you think that if I claim to be the Emperor's woman, I really am?"

"Now I am just taking advantage of the situation, do you understand? That's because it is far from the capital of Mongolia, the emperor of Mount Gao."

"And the officials who really understand the inside story don't take my cautious thoughts in their hearts at all."

"The wealth that His Majesty gave me is not inexhaustible. I don't intend to marry anyone in this life, let alone have any next generation."

"But don't worry, I will spend all my money before I die. As for this castle, it is not my property at all."

"That person will be taken back eventually. So you let the family members, don't expect to be able to return here one day."

Karina smiled sarcastically when she thought of this. She knocked off the gray hat that the woman opposite had been wrapping on her head. She pointed to her cheek and mocked: "Back then, you and you were shameless. Mom of your mistress, grab everything with me."

"Finding that I can't get any benefit from His Majesty the Emperor, and get humiliated, I have to run to his hostile side and wait for an opportunity to retaliate."

"What was the result? You put yourself on Henry II's bed, but the Mongolian soldier who was attacked into the city slashed in the face with a single knife."

"Does this count as retribution?"

Following Yekarina's smashing head and covering her face The woman under the hat revealed a cheek with a hideous scar on one side.

It was Annabella, the woman whose follower's father took refuge in the loser because of jealousy and hatred.

But because of her wrong choice, she had no choice but to seek the asylum of her least favorite sister.

Her father was beheaded by the Mongolian army who had captured Europe, and her mother was already old and frail, unable to do any work.

And she, who has lost her beauty, can't even do business with skin and flesh, so she can only do the rough work that she would have liked the most in this city.

But her sister can lead the life of a socialite that is sought after. Her beauty is sung throughout Europe, and her style is sought after by countless nobles.

She is a kind of salvation and great pride for Westerners, because the emperor they most feared once fell under Yekarina's pomegranate skirt.

Countless people crazily imitated Karina's slender waist, as well as the generous upper and lower body figure.

Many young girls fainted under the portrait of Mengguo Emperor because of their waist-wrapped underwear.

That handsome, stalwart, extravagant and young king.

Has become the heart of European women.

They are crazy for a man they have never seen before.

Therefore, Karina is the legend of all of them, the only woman who has slept with His Majesty the Emperor or was slept by His Majesty the Emperor.

The camera slowly blurs with the arrogant face of Yekarina, transforming into pages of yellowed ancient books.

The mixed faces of white people and yellow people in the library are so harmonious.

At this time, they were sorting books of many years of money in the largest and oldest English library in Europe.

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