The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 344: Return of the 8th world

She could see it now, because after Gu Zheng announced that he had given this territory to her, Kublai, who was opposite, had a very unkind expression on his face.

Because Gu Zheng gave her a piece of territory, Genghis Khan bestowed Wo Kuotai the earliest.

That territory is the northeast region where the Jurchens have lived for more than half a century.

In addition, they also border Goguryeo, and further north is the khanate that drags thunder.

This is simply a nail that Gu Zhengan inserted among all the enemies.

But they had to accept it.

Because the people who are loyal to them need a place of their own for their livelihood.

If there is not even this piece of land, then they will be the same as the wandering Gypsy, and they will be ridiculed by all the tribes.

They will become the most unpopular wanderers, watching the defection of their tribesmen and the betrayal of their cronies, and finally torn apart, becoming the most inferior nomads, drowning in the long river of history.

She Gilgit, she would rather bear the crush of all directions in the territory, and she would never steal her life.

So when Gu Zheng threw out this poisonous gift, Jijiite still accepted it with a smile.

"I Jigit, on behalf of Guiyou, accept the gift of Xinwang Khan, and I am willing to spread the will of Changshengtian to more distant places in the new territory."

"As long as you are willing to let go of Guiyou now, I promise that I will take my people and set off immediately without delay."

Looking at the more and more determined Gigitte, Gu Zheng clapped his palms and applauded this woman who is not shaven: "Okay! Then our transaction will be completed from this moment."

"Uncles, you can relax your feet, you know. After all, what you are stepping on is the son of the former Khan."

"My father is still in the cold, so you should bully his son. This is too unreasonable. If you don't let it go, I can't say that this other son, I, must ask for an argument for his dignity."

I go!

After hearing Gu Zheng's words, all the feet that had stepped on Gui You's body were immediately withdrawn.

This is too shameless. The one who bullied your elder brother the most in the audience is that you, the younger brother, are you good?

Those of us came here and stepped on our feet. Now that you say so, we have become class enemies.

This is simply the ultimate version of opening your eyes and telling lies.

However, whether it was Guiyou who turned over and Gilgit, who had already straightened his head, they all agreed with Gu Zheng's words.

The brothers fought for life and death, and the one who lost was not as skilled as the others, but it was the one who was more generous and won the final victory.

After all, it is the bloodline of profuse sweat inheriting the sweat position.

But you guys who are not orthodox at all want to get a share?

Pooh! dream.

When everyone saw Jijit pulling Guiyou to his side, surrounded by the dead, showing unkind expressions towards them, they knew that the result of this conference should be early. The decision is made.

I don't know who took the lead first, one by one, the leaders in the big tent began to walk in front of Gu Zheng.

Bending their sturdy waists, lowering their noble heads, posing a posture of sincere allegiance, and shouting surrender words to Gu Zheng: "I, the leader of the Trim tribe, took an oath at the Hulitai Conference. I will serve the great Chinese Khan King Haigu Duzheng and become the new great Khan of my Mongolian country."

Such allegiance people gathered more and more, and the declaration of allegiance was read more and more. In the end, the people in the whole tent began to bend their waists sincerely and put their hands on their chests to show The worship of the new King Khan.

Such a general trend, such a uniformity, so that the members of Tuolai and Kublai also silently participated in it.

The final victor of this battle was the 21-year-old, the only person sitting in this big tent.

In this way, he accepted the worship of everyone with peace of mind, without any panic or helplessness, like a natural king, calm and calm.

This kind of performance is too much extra points. When the conference finally ended in a breathtaking and unpredictable way, when these fascinating figures returned to their territory, the wiseness of the new Tian Khan was spread. The entire grassland of Mongolia.

The long humiliation was changed to a compliment to the new King Khan, and the girls waiting to be married on the entire grassland were eager to see the heroic appearance of the new King Khan.

Many wise lords began to select the most suitable person from their best children and sent them to the camp of the new King Khan.

Whether it is a personal guard or sent to marry the new King Khan, anyway, there are shadows on their territory, and the new King Khan will always give him a high look.

But the decision they made at this time was really a bit late, because the Khan King, who played the cards not according to common sense, had already taken his Eji and headed towards the territory of his Chinese Khan King.

On the way, his smart Eji pointed to the east inadvertently.

Gu Zheng, who was preparing for his departure, laughed.

"Eji, I can't move my fourth uncle now. The decline of a powerful country starts with internal fighting."

"The entire Mongolian regime doesn't need so many uncles and chiefs to point their fingers."

"But these will take time. When they return to the territory, they will find out how many of the tribe that originally belonged to him will turn to my embrace because of their interests and orthodoxy."

"And these step-by-step weakening, it takes time to boil the frog in warm water."

"These are exactly the places I don't worry about, because your son, I, is very young."

"When my Uncle Torre went to meet with my father Khan, I thought that Kublai Khan, who was only one person, was like other ordinary chieftains, and he couldn't even raise the consciousness of resistance."

Melissa was relieved to hear her son Chengzhu's reply. She smiled openly, and after a while she seemed to think of something, and gently tugged Gu Zheng's sleeve.



"You left a good girl like Daiqisi alone in most of the Mongolian country? Are you willing to do that?"

Looking at the curious little eyes of the old lady, Gu Zheng deserved a sigh, and threw the book in his hand onto the car crashing while driving.

"Eji, she followed Dao Chuji Qiu to build Taoist temples in our Mongolian capital, spread Taoism, and exude her own brilliance."

"She should be the one who really reluctantly misses Shu."

"Furthermore, this girl, following me from the beginning, was just an exchange."

"I realize the dream of this life for her, and she will be my lover, comforting each other until she reaches the other side of her heart."

Hearing this, Melissa seemed to see her young self. At that time, she also had a dream of wanting to fly freely, and she also wanted to live out of herself without relying on men.

Unfortunately, Melissa looked sideways at her handsome son who had inherited her seven-point beauty, and nodded proudly.

There is nothing to regret. In her unfortunate marriage, didn't God still give her such an excellent son as a way to make up for it?

Therefore, in the second half of her life, she can freely pursue her childhood dreams, which is fair.

So the topic of the mother and son brought Gu Zheng's life-long events from Dai Qisi again.

"Then they will return to Song Kingdom after Daiqisi and Mr. Qiu Chu's mission in the capital are completed."

"Will there be no caring people around you? That would be too lonely."

"Son, now you have successfully inherited your father's throne of sweat. Now you can't do anything to do something to push the women who sent you to your side?"

"Here you look at" Melissa took out a thick pile of portraits from the small box beside her: "These are the portraits of the heads of the various tribes and the Khan. "

"Take a closer look, which one do you like? Eji, I'll take care of your wedding."

Seeing these pages that are as thick as an, Gu Zheng smiled bitterly and pushed them back to Melissa.

"A country's Khan's marriage, where do you like and dislike it? It's all a combination of interest and politics."

"Eji choose it for me, whoever you think is suitable, do it for me."

When Gu Zheng actually agreed, Melissa nodded happily: "That's it, your Eji will help you decide."

"It must be a good girl who is bright and passionate. One big concubine is definitely not enough, so add four side concubines. Regardless of size."

"Whoever has the ability to please you will be the best!"

Well, it's nice to have a double standard mother.

‘Duck, Duck’...

There was a soft clasp on the outside of the carriage.

"what's up?"

The captain of the guard outside the car's account respectfully reported: "Sweat, the capital is here."

"I know, let the general manager prepare for the resettlement, and let the generals of the Western Expedition Europe wait for me in the Chamber."


Everything is in order, a winding ceremonial guard with no end in sight, slowly entering the wall of the thorns.

An eagle spreading its wings is about to take off here, and a myth that belongs to Mongolia will be created later in this world.

Gu Zheng participated in the beginning of all this, but the future of all this has nothing to do with him.

Because no one in this country would laugh at his client because of his flaws like Lu Chi, because as the supreme ruler of an empire, he has thousands of ways, don't care about this little problem.


Therefore, the white ball of light, carrying the golden auxiliary ball without hesitation, dissipated in this world.

He returned to Hyundai, the small study he was very familiar with.

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