The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 340: Father's death, seizure of power before the return

"Leave him alone, I recognize him."

The team member who was taken away didn't forget to ask the last sentence when he was curious: "Who is the captain, why is he alone here."

"Hey, leave him alone, let me tell you, this should be our Wang Khan's new collection." The captain pointed to the team of people and compared it with the tip of a little finger.

He continued with profound meaning: "You know? I still recommended myself. I saw Daiqi ribbon when he went to take a bath. It is said that the skin, tusk, is smoother than our Mongolian girls."

"Hahahaha! Captain, just blow it up, this is a man!"

"I'm going! Don't believe it. This is a southerner who came through. The people over there are good. What are you doing? By the way, male style!"

"So that's the case, the captain knows so much!"

"That's it!" The captain felt that he was fulfilled today after receiving a small look that people worshipped.

But Zhang Hongyang, who was left alone on the scene, seemed to see an ancient beast, running towards him.


You guys are good guys!

And the rolling barrage above his head that had fallen into the ocean of joy had been closed by him in time.

I didn't see it and didn't bother me, I didn't hear anything, and I didn't see anything.

Just as Zhang Hongyang was struggling to exercise his administrator privileges in the closed live broadcast room, suddenly, from the high **** of the battlefield, a team of people appeared slowly, with more and more people, until they accounted for The whole hill is full.

I don't know who yelled first, and then followed up one by one.


"Long live the King of Khan!"

"Long live the Mongolian cavalry!"

Then there is Pentium, with the joy of a big victory, with the exhaustion of fighting, and with the pride of the soul, Pentium back to their own camp.

The three major knights in Europe were all destroyed in this battle.

The opponent's highest command marshal, his head is now hanging on Gu Zheng's horse.

Behind each of them, there was a **** sack that was the head that the clerks wanted to count when they went back to calculate their military merits.

Because of the mace, too many people’s noses have been smashed. Who makes Europeans always have a particularly high nose bridge?

This wandering arrived at night, and when Zhang Hongyang reacted, he was already in a daze and sat at the celebration site outside Gu Zheng's big tent.

The bonfire on the plain is as dazzling as a flaming star. The Mongolian who is a singer is himself a good voice with a long artistic conception.

Everyone can sing two long tunes, the breath is profound and continuous.

It's a pity that this joyful time was too short. Everyone's celebration ended with the sharp cry of the black eagle on the Sky Mountain.

"Puff Lala"

The king of the sky fell on the arm that Gu Zheng had set up for him very well. Then he raised his paw and asked Gu Zheng to take down the creed above.

After Gu Zheng hastily read the above content, he threw this piece of paper into the bonfire aside, and under the reflection of the burning flame, he said to the quiet big hall: "Meng The country’s profuse sweat, my father, is gone!"

"My Eji, let me hurry back to attend the Hulitai Conference after my father's funeral is over."


The heavy news that Gu Zheng threw down made the tribes who had eaten a large piece of meat and a large bowl of drinking quieted down.

Whether the news is good or bad, Wang Khan and Hai Gu are all tied to them at this time.

No matter what decision the person sitting at the top makes, the tribes who have been placed under him, even if they kill them, will help their Wang Khan reach it.

Looking at the solemn banquet scene in an instant, Gu Zheng smiled lightly.

This moment has finally arrived.

The time to let a road idiot, get rid of the name of waste, and make him a permanent secret, has finally come.

Because only when you are justified to become the true king of a country, surpassing the top position of the entire Mongolian empire, no one will know your secret.

The supreme leader of a country does not need to fight in person anymore, fighting at the forefront of the battlefield.

Just like his father, Wo Kuotai, sweating profusely. After inheriting Genghis Khan’s sweat position, he only needs to eat meat and drink in his own big tent to enjoy the married women sent by the various tribes. That's it.

It's time to go back and put this task to an end.

And it's time to fulfill the promise I once gave.

Gu Zheng, who had made the decision, signaled everyone to continue, but he returned to the camp where he rested with the most core cronies around him.

That night, the lights in the camp were always on.

But in the early days of the soldiers, they found that their generals were automatically divided into two teams.

The first team was stationed at this end of the Warstadt front, and in accordance with the established plan, slowly advancing in the direction of Hungary, and under the guidance of existing officials, completed the annexation of the European territory.

The other team went into battle lightly, heading directly to the capital of the Chinese Khan, and after a brief rest, went straight to the current capital of the Mongolian Khan.

Gu Zheng didn't know if he could catch up with Wo Luotai's funeral.

But the next Hulitai conference, he must not miss it.

Because this time, he will not only take away his absolute autonomy in this conference, but also take away the client's family and the tribes that follow him.

Throw all the trivial things into the hands of the client, and he can return to the real world to rest.

Therefore, when Gu Zheng returned to the heartland of the Allied Empire, his heart was happy.

In this way, he took a group of soldiers with extremely exotic characteristics, swaggering through in front of King Khan in various territories on the side.

Uncle uncle, elder nephew screamed, dangling, and came to his Eji account.

Before he got off his horse, his still beautiful Eji ran out of the camp like a gust of wind, just like when he was a child, he hugged Gu Zheng, who had already grown up, and shed in an instant. Tears of excitement.

"My little pony, my Haigu Duzheng, my bravest son, how did you get here!"

"I think your hair is almost graying, you have no conscience and filial piety son."

Then Gu Zheng looked helplessly at his brocade robe full of tears and nose, and calmly said: "My Eji, don't cry."

"Cry again, there will be more wrinkles!"

I really don't know how Eji, who is cold to everyone, is completely different when I see him.

She is like the most common mother who dotes on her children, irrational at all.

Throughout the Mongolian empire, it was rumored that his mother was like her, unattainable like the flower of Gaoling.

Bah, this is not what she really looked like.

Gu Zheng, who was dragged into the big tent, was checked by his Eji and sat down opposite her son with great satisfaction. Asked: "Why did you come back at this time?"

"Know that your father has been in the soil for two days."

When Gu Zheng heard this, the hand that gave the goat's milk to his mouth was just a meal: "It's my big brother who said something again, right?"

"Don't pay attention to him, he is a beaming clown. As soon as the Hulitai conference this time is over, I will take all the tribes here into my territory."

"You don't need to help me as an undercover agent anymore, because from now on, there will be no one in this country, and you can restrain me, your son."

Hearing Gu Zheng's humming air, his Erji Melissa pinched the tip of his nose at once.

"You brat, just blow it up. No matter what the outcome of this conference is, you and I will go with you."

"I, being trapped by your father for a lifetime, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief with my son. Why should I stay here and be angry with those old fairies?"

"I've thought about you, Eji, and I'm going back to Tianshan first to gather all the tribes that belong to me and put them under your hands."

"Then my old lady, I can take my guard, travel around in a cool and unrestrained manner, and enjoy the most beautiful scenery in the world."

This client's mother is really a free and easy character. It's no wonder that she ended up depressed at the beginning. With this character, it is really quite awkward to ask her to ask for perfection.

With just such a small request, Gu Zheng naturally agreed in one gulp. He confidently drew a circle in front of her mother, and drank the cold or hot milk in the small cup into his mouth with one sip. : "That's good Don't be too tired when you arrive."

"Because of your son my territory, haha, but it's so scary!"

Hu blowing the atmosphere.

Melissa glared at Gu Zheng in disbelief at all, and the entire tent was filled with happy laughs.

Such a pleasant atmosphere only lasted for one day. When the Hulitai Conference on the next day began, it was instantly replaced by a solemn and tense atmosphere.

Gu Zheng, who was in the tent, was being pulled by Daiqisi for the final finishing, lest there was something inappropriate about his dress in such a major meeting.

After being carefully checked three times, Daiqisi said with satisfaction: "Okay."

And Gu Zheng, who stepped out of the tent, suddenly showed the most sincere smile at this beautiful girl: "Daiqisi?"


"After the results of today's conference come out, if there are no accidents, I will send you to Songchao."

After hearing the news, Dai Qisi was filled with joy, shock, and a trace of reluctance that she hadn't noticed.

But Daiqisi, who hasn’t noticed it yet, just gave Gu Zheng the sweetest smile and blessings that belonged to her: “Then I’m waiting for your good news, you can’t lie to me, you know, I I have been waiting for five years."

"Wrap it on my body, and there." Gu Zheng turned his head and lowered his sleeping curtain: "Thank you for your company for so many years."

After finishing speaking, surrounded by the generals behind him, he strode towards the largest camp of the Hulitai Conference, and walked over.

There are all the leaders and generals who can speak up in Mongolia.

There, through the game of all parties, the latest Mongolian Khan King will be elected.

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