The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 337: Holy knights templar

"Oh" the maid looked at Zhang Hongyang up and down, nodded towards him and said: "Cleaning up is pretty human. Come with me, Sister Daiqisi wants to see you."

"Oh" Zhang Hongyang is still quite honest at this time, because Gu Zheng told him, and he will follow Daiqisi from now on.

When Zhang Hongyang was introduced into a rather large camp by the maid, he was stunned.

Because in this camp, not only his superior Daiqisi, but also the idol of all the audience in his live broadcast room, Gu Zheng.

At this time, Gu Zheng was leaning on a very soft felt blanket, which was made of soft, served by Dai Qisi next to him, eating mare's milk grapes.

An extravagant smell rushed over his face, making Zhang Hongyang, who had seen the "big world face" in modern times, couldn't help but be stunned on the scene.

I saw Gu Zheng lifted his eyelids and glanced at him, then pointed at the beautiful woman with black curly hair next to him and said: "No, this is Daiqisi. I just heard someone say that your original name is Zhang Hongyang?"

"That's OK, both of the Song Dynasty people's blood, you can be regarded as half fellows, and you will work under Daiqisi's hands in the future."

At this time, Dai Qisi, with her back to Zhang Hongyang, delivered a crystal clear grape to Gu Zheng's mouth, then slowly turned her head around and smiled at Zhang Hongyang.

"Hello, fellow, this is Daiqisi."

This smile directly hit the deepest part of Zhang Hongyang's heart.

Beauty, natural, no PS!

And his live broadcast room, if there is a missile, then it is now the rhythm of destroying the earth.

This is the hero they admire the most. By the side of their hero, like the scenes imagined thousands of times in their minds, the hero really carries a peerless beauty.

Everything is so perfect, just like the rhythm in a fantasy novel.

When the blood on Zhang Hongyang's body was boiling, Gu Zheng, who was lying on the top of the camp, clapped his hands, turned over and sat up on the bed.

He tilted his head and asked Daiqisi to the side: "What time is it?"

On the side, Dai Qisi gently folds Gu Zheng's clothes and smoothes them, and then returns: "It's still a quarter of an hour from the start."

"It's time."

After saying this, Gu Zheng turned his head and smiled at Zhang Hongyang: "We should go now."

"Go? Where to go?" Zhang Hongyang still maintained the rhythm of the circle, and did not understand what the two people on the opposite side were playing with him.

"The ultimate purpose of your appearance this time, isn't it to follow me?"

"Then I am going to the battlefield now, don't you want to follow along?"

Hearing this, Zhang Hongyang swallowed and asked cautiously: "The battlefield you are talking about, isn't it the battle that took place on the Plain of Valstadt?"

"Yeah, where we are now is here. If you don't fight with them here, where can I go?"

"That's great! I'm going! I'm going!"

At this time, Zhang Hongyang had already forgotten the embarrassment of seeing the best beauties just now, and his heart had already been brought to the magnificent battlefield of the biggest battle between Mongolia and Europe.

"Then what are you waiting for, follow up."

After talking about the height and long legs, Gu Zheng walked out of the camp surrounded by a group of men and horses. In front of the cavalry team that had already assembled in the rear, he turned on his horse and began to check his equipment.

And the trembling Zhang Hongyang, like a dream, followed Gu Zheng in a hurry. Under the guidance of the guards on the side, he turned on a pony from Central Asia.

Uh, this is a docile horse prepared for equestrian beginners. As long as it is not beaten to death, it can perfectly keep up with the rhythm of other tall horses during the march and it can remain stable. pace.

So after Zhang Hongyang got on horseback, he still didn't feel any fear.

He was intoxicated in this vast camp of Mongolian cavalry.

This spectacular scene also excited the audience in the live broadcast room.

It’s really an expert watching the doorway, an layman watching the excitement. While everyone is discussing the details of these people’s equipment, looks, and horses, the real experts have already determined through the eyes of Zhang Hongyang, the generality of the battle involved. The number of people, and the distribution of arms.

A cavalry team of 20,000.

This is a small amount that does not seem to be a lot.

But they couldn't stand it. These people are the real elites of Mongolia, and they don't have the slightest amount of indiscretion.

As for the other party?

Zhang Hongyang, who has now reached the battlefield where the two armies are facing each other, immediately mobilized the telescope live broadcast function in the system and saw the situation of the European coalition forces on the opposite side.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Hongyang gasped.

The hill where the opponent is, is densely packed with people!

The large number of them made Zhang Hongyang subconsciously glance at his own number in the rear.

The number of them seems to be many times larger than that of their own.

"Eighty thousand."

As if he knew what Zhang Hongyang was thinking, and as if he was narrating the battle with the generals behind him, Gu Zheng reported the enemy's number.

"Are you afraid?"

This Gu Zheng asked with a loud voice, and the Mongolian warriors behind him drew out all the scimitars in their hands, and raised them high towards the heaven, which symbolized the gods.

"We have the blessing of longevity!"

"The warriors of Mongolia are invincible!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Put on our sharpest iron armor, pick up the sharpest weapon in your hand, and let the other group of people see what a real warrior is."

"Hurray! Hurray!"

When Gu Zheng's killing sound shook the sky, Henry II on the opposite side shuddered subconsciously.

The captain of the guard beside him was by his side, and began to cheer for him.

"Great Marshal, don't worry, the knights that are invincible across Europe have basically come under your command."

"Our number is exactly four times as many as the barbaric demons of the other side. Look around you, how brave and brave those people are. They will fight for the honor of the whole of Europe."

But in the same way, all the combat power of the entire Europe is gathered here. After crossing this line of defense, the entire Europe becomes a naked girl who can only wait for the ravages of the Mongolians.

If you lose...

Thinking of Henry II here, he tremblingly took out a handkerchief with the smell of roses from his arms, and wiped the cold sweat from his head.

Then, after smelling the fragrant perfume, Henry II's heart calmed down a bit.

The captain of the guard on the side was very winking and flattered: "My respected Marshal, I was like the noble girl you recommended yesterday. You are still satisfied."

Hearing the woman, Henry II's face improved a bit, and the corners of his mouth were actually bent a bit, and he said with an expression that men can understand: "Where did you find this woman."

"It tastes better than the taste of the girl I slept in the French Empire."

Hearing Henry II’s approval, the captain of the guard on the side was very mysterious and praised the woman: "My most respected Marshal, you may not know? This poor and helpless young girl comes from Wu. Ross’s Vladimir family."

"This girl is an out-and-out noble girl, she is the second daughter of Grand Duke Vladimir."

"If it wasn't for these cruel Mongolians, this beautiful girl, but the hottest second person in Oros."

"However, this poor girl's family has lost its territory, thinking that I volunteered myself and wanted your blessing and pity. You can also see that she is a smart girl."

"After all, you marshal, but the supreme commander of this battle, if you can withstand the Mongolian people's continued advancement, then you will not only become a hero for the whole of Europe, but you can also avenge the beauties, a true capture. The other's heart."

Hearing this, Henry II was extremely proud.

The sincere admiration of an aristocratic girl, and that youthful and invincible thought of this, he put the handkerchief Annabella gave him this morning, and put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it fiercely. Reluctantly stuffed it back into his arms, and then waved his white-gloved hand forward, giving the first order of the battle.

"Just let all the members of the three knights press in!"

"I don't want to see that disgusting group of Mongolians appear on this plain anymore."


After receiving the order, the captain of the guard immediately drove to the forefront of the battlefield.

And just after the Mongolian people got excited because of Gu Zheng's declaration, all the members of the other three knight orders gathered opposite them.

The first to appear was the personnel of the Knights Templar. This cavalry team of nearly 10,000 people was all composed of the high-level cavalry of the Knights.

They wore white robes that symbolized the will of God on the outside of their dazzling full-body armor. Behind the entire white robes, they were embroidered with a red octagonal cross.

This is equivalent to swearing that they are adhering to the will of God and fighting for the sect they believe in.

Therefore, when they lifted the pure white shields with red crosses high, the entire cavalry corps took on an indescribable sense of sacredness.

As if the softest halo radiated from them, with the power of faith and the confidence to stop the devil.

It gives people warmth and strength in their hearts.

Since the appearance of the Knights Templar, the mobs behind him were completely quiet, with a pious expression, watching the performance of the knights on this battlefield.

After this kind of pitying performance was over, the figure of the Hospital Knights, like a fire, appeared in front of everyone.

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