The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 333: Otherworld live broadcast system appeared

It seemed to have brought a new kind of hope to this country, and the farmers who were still trembling at the beginning were all caught in the curiosity of new things.

Therefore, when Gu Zheng’s army was launched again one day, this group of people, like the king who sent them off before, stood in their dilapidated attic and waved their handkerchiefs to congratulate the new king on his triumph. And return.

In just a short period of time, these violent faces are full of hope for a new life.

But those far away, the people in other small countries, are waiting for the salvation that Gu Zheng will give them.

Because all the countries around here are plunged into dire straits at this time.

Their homes were violently intruded by a group of very domineering new empires, wherever they went, they were burned, killed and looted, and they were all inclusive.

In the castle that belongs to the king, you can hear the wild laugh of the demons and the crying of the girls of their own country every day.

Whenever anyone wants to resist this status quo, the heads of rebels will appear on the gallows in the square the next day.

And just when they were thinking of God’s silent prayer, not knowing what kind of mistakes they had committed, and sending this group of demons to torture them, a yellow-skinned demon, leading more troops, appeared. In their country.

Those demons who came before seemed to respect this demon very much.

They cleaned up the castle belonging to the king and prepared it specifically for this young man.

And beside him was a large group of attendants, with a compassionate expression, and began to comfort them, the lambs that had been abandoned by God.

There is an old man who looks like a true **** in the sky, and the other person respects him very much.

All people respect him as the Taoist leader.

And this Daoist was the first to stand up, and toward one of them who was about to die, stretched out his hands, and gently pinched his wrist for a while, and then prescribed a panacea like holy water.

However, within two days of work, the man who was dying started to work in the field again.

This is a miracle!

The gods of the West abandoned their people, but the gods of the East who took over accepted them graciously.

As a result, more people bowed down at the feet of Qiu Chuji, obeyed the arrangements of the Mongolian people, and built the first temple belonging to the Eastern God in their city.

Oh, it should be called Taoism.

In this Taoist temple, the oriental gods who live in are so tolerant. The Taoists who serve in the temple can marry wives and have children, and they can live the lives of ordinary people. They just have to wear costumes that serve the gods, and they have to be faithful and faithful.

This is too simplistic for ordinary farmers, so that the people in this place where they are devoted to believe, to the true takeover and ruler of this country, after leaving again, there is no excessive reaction.

Gu Zheng used such a weird way to accept the new territory of different beliefs and lifestyles.

And he moved too fast, and all the countries in front of him panic.

Because according to his speed of marching, war, taking up territory, and then advancing, he will be in their kingdom within three days.

Further ahead is the territory of the Hungarian Empire, and the entire European continent that borders it and echoes in the distance is exposed to the Mongolian people without any fortification.

Germany panicked, and English panicked. Although it was blocked by the English Channel, it did not rule out that the Mongolians would capture France from the same developed sea area.

When that happens, it's really too late to say anything.

Therefore, these countries can’t sit still and kill each other. It’s time to unite and bring back their Europe’s highest combat power, and choose the strongest and most valuable commander to resist this group of demons. The Asians are invaded.

Therefore, Henry II was very honored to assume the post of commander-in-chief of the European coalition forces.

And when he took office on the first day, on the grounds of safeguarding the honor of European knights and nobles, he issued a solicitation order to the three strongest fighting forces in the whole of Europe, the three knights.

These three knights are galloping on the European battlefield, the Knights Templar, the Knights Hospital and the Teutonic Knights.

Not only do they have impressive results in terms of record, but they also have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

If the three major knights join, then the entire European coalition can reach the size of an army of 80,000.

Because the number of elite knights in these three knights alone is as high as 30,000.

This can be said to be the most deservedly strongest combat power in the whole of Europe.

If they win, they will have a permanent victory over the Mongolian empire. If they lose, the countries of Europe will become unresistible babies, who can only open the door and surrender to these yellow people. .

Therefore, when the heads of the three knights received a letter written by Henry II, their sense of honor and belief as a knight made them agree to the request of the other without hesitation.

Leading all their troops, summoning all the knights who are capable of fighting, carrying the honor of this legion that has been passed down to this day...fight for Europe!

They began to gather from all directions, heading towards Hungary, and stopped quietly on the plains of Valstadt, waiting for the arrival of the most powerful enemy in the world.

Not only the leaders of the three knights.

In Europe, there are always warriors who have no shortage of thoughts of serving the country and worrying about the country and the people.

They may be mercenaries working in the town to make a living, or the guards under the hands of the little lord.

But the belief in fighting for the faith and honor in their hearts made them quit their jobs, put down their tasks, took up carefully maintained weapons, rode on the tall horses in the stables, and set off towards the same destination.

Wallstadt, the new place to fight for freedom and independence.

In the mountains and forests, in the plains, you can see the single or the middle-aged men walking in groups, with courage, holding all kinds of weapons, and marching towards the same place.

On this day, in a small valley near the Plain of Wallstadt, a unique visitor appeared.

He seemed to be very afraid of being discovered by others. He hid in the bushes until the two warriors with heavy swords filled the water sacs by the creek. After leaving for a long time, he dared to come out from the bushes where he was hiding and crept up. On the edge of this empty stream.

After observing for a long time, he made a sound of relief.

"Okay! I'm finally gone. You can see the shots I reflected in the live broadcast room just now."

"The two European warriors finally left this stream. Oh, how clear this stream is."

"It just so happened that the anchor I was dying of thirst, let me try it for everyone, what is the taste of the water here."

After talking about the child, he plunged his head into the creek in front of him. After the ‘gululu’ pours several mouthfuls of clear water, he raised his head huh.

Then he smiled coquettishly at the mobile phone on the live broadcast shelf behind him: "The stream is very clear and very sweet."

"Sure enough, it is an ancient European stream without any pollution. It is simply amazing."

The clear water of the stream condensed into small water droplets on the child's face, gleaming under the reflection of the sun, reflecting his Asian face, and it was also unwarranted.

That's right, the person appearing in this small forest now is an anchor from later generations in this plane.

Speaking of it, the time he has been in this business is not too long, and it only started two or three months ago.

At that time, he graduated from university and was unemployed for a long time at home. It was because the people who played the game together reminded him that he opened the anchor program.

Because his game is really good, the raiders of the copy and the skillful operation, coupled with the image of a little handsome, under the advice of others, he became a game anchor under the banner of the live broadcast studio.

And the reason why he appeared on the battlefield of ancient Europe in this world is also because in the process of an anchor, because of his sudden character in a newly developed war strategy In the game, a top-of-the-line equipment was released, and the number of people in the live room that watched his live broadcast this time directly broke the 1,000-person mark.

Then he triggered a condition for the system to be turned on, and an extra one appeared in his mind, a system space that could not be explained by the technology at the time. .

And after this system was finally generated in his mind, he knew that it was a live broadcast software in another world.

What is the function of this software?

It is to give him the ability to travel through different time and space.

And through the tasks released to him by his system, he wants to record the major events that occur at different points in the world by means of live broadcast.

I don't know why, this little anchor always feels that his live broadcast system is something similar to a data collector.

Because all its tasks are released around collecting data.

It never involves any contact with historical figures or important events.

And it also strictly stipulates that the anchor who owns this system is forbidden to change anything or anyone in historical events.

Otherwise, the violating anchor will be severely punished by electric shock.

So, after getting this system, the little anchor Zhang Hongyang began his journey of trembling novice missions.

And his first stop was just a period when the Chinese Khan industry went backwards for more than a hundred years.

In the process of this host, he perfectly inherited the good qualities of a bystander live broadcaster, never commented on major events in history, and never tried to change the development process of anything by relying on his own records in the annals. .

Perfectly grasped the meaning of the word ‘播’ in the two words for anchor.

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