The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 312: The first to suffer is the suburbs

Guiyou, who thought of this place, waved to the dog legs beside him, so that they dispersed quickly and went to each mother.

And the few doglegs who were caught in this way, after walking out of the camp, showed a dismissive expression toward the inside.

This is the reason, because of the precious status, it is nothing more than to cast a good tire.

To tell the truth, can those people who have been by his side not clear?

In weekdays, even a one-stone bow is struggling to pull. When practicing on the shooting range, six shots of ten arrows are even super level.

Give you a golden bow?

Isn’t that a way that can only be hung in the camp, and you can take a path that you show off?

Such a magic weapon for you to use, it is simply an insult to the other warriors of their Mongolian country, it is simply a violent act.

Fortunately, in their king's mind, there is still a bit of knowledge in this regard, and he has not ruined good things.

Thinking of this, the scattered doglegs took another angrily.

If it weren't for their fathers, they were all tribal chiefs under Princess Abahai.

Who the **** is willing to commit allegiance to such a mediocre and insensitive command?

The mediocrity that I still have to pretend to be mediocre in ordinary days will not arouse the hatred of this person.

A leader who feels threatened even if his subordinates are too capable, if not forced, who would truly obey him?

Guiyou, who was still complacent, had some regrets in his sleep. The female slaves at home did not follow along, otherwise, in this lonely snowy night, he would not sleep alone in the cold night.

And when he slept and opened his eyes again, it was when his servants followed behind him and hurriedly put the armor of the expedition on the body of his master.


After Takayuki hung up the scimitar, he kicked vigorously towards the leader of the servant on the side: "You can't even do a little thing like waking up the master on time!"

"After I go back, I will let the mother concubine sell you all into the hands of the slave dealers."

After I finished reading, I didn't even look at the embarrassed appearance of the servant head who had been with him for nearly two years, tumbling under his feet, leading the elite guards outside the door to the father's command camp.

There, outside the big tent, all the generals arrived in order, and the most eye-catching of them was the two sons of the main general Wokuo.

One was the eldest son Guiyou, who had just arrived late, so that Wo Kota, the man who was the deepest man in Zhongcheng Mansion, the son of Cheng Ji Si Khan, showed a little dissatisfaction.

The other is Haigu Duzheng, who is not familiar to everyone. Standing at the end of the Three Route Army, he was noticed because he was carrying a bright and dangling picture on his back at this time. The bow that can pierce the eyes of people.

That's right, this is the golden bow that Tian Khan personally bestowed on Wo Kuotai, and at this time he gave it to his son as a reward.

The Mongolian legend about this golden bow is too famous.

First of all, the pulling force of this bow is more than three stones.

Rao is a strong Mongolian warrior, and he dared not pat his chest as a guarantee. In the case of a rapid rush, he can fully draw the bow and make the arrows fired accurately.

Secondly, because of the material the bow is forged.

It is said that the bowstring of this curved bow was made by the best craftsmen of the southerners, combined with Mongolian local craftsmen, and softened the most cutting-edge production techniques and materials of the two countries.

Its bowstring is made of the beef tendon of the horned yak in the plateau area, combined with the more flexible and ductile silk and cotton of the South, and twisted together.

Because beef tendon is different from raw cowhide's tenacity, the arm strength needed to pull this bow is stronger, but the same is also created. As long as the arrow shot out by this bow, it will be better than ordinary Mongolian soldiers' weapons. , At least can fly a hundred steps more distance, and the strength of the arrow stick is undiminished.

Therefore, anyone who can use this bow to say that he has added a magic weapon to himself is not an exaggeration.

What's more, there are many people in Mongolia who are strong warriors.

So when Gu Zheng carried this bow on his back, he received countless envy and hatred eyes from the army behind him, as well as more attention from soldiers who did not understand him.

Then again, it was because the clothes Gu Zheng wore were too obvious against the background of this bow.

Because of the trouble, Gu Zheng, who didn't take off his clothes all night, almost fell asleep.

But his dirty armor covered with blood and soil was still seen by the people around him.

Many people heard from the group of cavalry who rushed from behind the same camp this morning and learned of the great victory they had suffered the day before.

And the weapons and armors that belonged to the enemy brought out by the bragging soldiers also made them envy them fiercely.

Now Gu Zheng, the armor on his body that hadn't had time to change at all, he even said that the news they heard was true.

When Wo Kuotai walked out of the camp, she also looked at Gu Zheng for several times.

The distress and admiration for Gu Zheng that appeared in his eyes almost seemed to be true.

My son worked so hard. He was tired and fell asleep without changing his armor.

But a child who can endure hardships, even if they are humiliated, is better than the kind of child who can only look at people with his nostrils and eyes.

Before everyone noticed it, the Tianbian in their hearts began to lean towards Gu Zheng.

Now that the personnel were all in place, everything was ready, and after a week of visits by Wo Kuotai, he gave the order to start.

A group of people, the first army of the Mongolian West Expedition, officially started their offensive on the city of Hualianzimo and Pagoda.

Cavalry, cavalry like the tide.

It is not a closely connected Central Asian riding formation, nor is it a neatly formed Songchao riding team.

These cavalry troops, which seem to be galloping on the prairie in their backyard, give the impression that there is only one, that is, there are many mountains and plains.

Much like the tide on the seashore, wrapped in an unstoppable trend, advancing towards the edge of the coast.

The small town of Datam is on the edge of Antarsab city, which is a small satellite city attached to the prosperous ancient city of Antarsab.

The people here are still quite prosperous because of their geographical location.

Coupled with the strong garrison force in the ancient city of Anitasab, the people here are also free from the harassment of sand bandits and small nomadic tribes, and the life is quite smooth.

Of course this was just a few days ago.

Since the scouts in this city discovered that the Mongolian army was approaching, the city suddenly adopted martial law.

All personnel entering the city were blocked. For the first time in this ancient city, the defensive gates were closed from both sides of the city wall.

And this sudden decision has the greatest impact on the residents who live in small towns outside the city.

When they wanted to go into the city to redeem some necessities as usual, the soldiers on the wall told them that as early as yesterday night, the city lord had issued the order to close the city.

The reason why Zhou’s town was not notified was that the city’s garrison troops believed that Anita Thorn City would face the largest tug-of-war battle in their history.

In order to allow the soldiers in the city to have enough supplies in this tight war, the safety of the surrounding people was temporarily abandoned by them.

Because, the food reserves in the city of Anitasab, just to supply the original population in the city, is already tense enough.

If all the residents outside the city knew the news of the Mongolian people calling, they would swarm into the city.

Then this war may not wait for the arrival of reinforcements, and the internal consumption of Anita Spikes City is enough to make them abandon the city and surrender.

Therefore, the current coaches of Anita Thorn City can only say sorry to the people in the surrounding small towns.

And from their tall city walls, you can also observe whether there are signs of looting in these towns, and provide an early warning for the soldiers in the can be regarded as the last contribution to this motherland. Bar.

These, the residents of the towns around the city of Anita Thorn know that apart from being unwilling to look under the wall every day to see if there are any lowered gates, they will come to rescue them in the last moments.

All that is left is to gather in the temple where God descended to pray for yourself.

Pray that the iron cavalry of the Mongolian people will not trample on them from the direction of their hometown.

I also pray that the reinforcements of Huaganzimo will come down from the sky to save their abandoned people.

In the atmosphere of depressing the day, they did not wait for anything. Instead, they saw that they were on the empty field not far away, like a cat catching a mouse, and the Mongolians who hadn’t worked on them were getting together more and more. many.

In the end, it was endless, covering the high ground around the city of Anita Spike.

Surrounded all their towns, including the tallest main city in the center, waiting for the final sentence.

And this moment, on this day, finally came.

The citizens of the Huajianzimo country, on the contrary, heaved a sigh of relief. The fear when the guillotine fell was always better than it would be when it hung over your throat day and night.

As a member of a country known for its hegemony and intrepidity, these people do not intend to get caught in such a situation.

They took up the weapons, steel forks, scimitars, and horses in the backyard one after another.

Gathered all the forces in an attempt to defend their home, whose walls are not high.

But the situation is different from what they imagined.

Before they saw anyone, they saw an overwhelming rain of arrows, rushing toward them, and until the last moment of death, they saw the Mongolian cavalry who rushed to looting following the rain of arrows.

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