The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 310: My elder brother and my dad

"I won't lose too much because of small things." Gu Zheng, who thought of this place, greeted them: "Get on the horse, there will always be time for you to have a good time."

"As your leader, no one will surpass me when robbing others."

'spit! ’

When Gu Zheng remembered this proud but not rude cry, the people behind him applauded for a while.

Yes, this age seems to be a fledgling leader, but he is very sophisticated and unique in the marching formation.

This is the first time that these Mongolian soldiers have encountered the entire army unharmed, confronting twice as many enemy forces as they are, and smashing the opponent's head.

For an empire composed of relatively sparsely populated nomads.

Such a leader is simply rarer than gold.

It's always right to listen to him.

This group of soldiers, with a trace of worship and conviction that they hadn't noticed, followed Gu Zheng and found the temporary garrison that belonged to the First Route West March.

Here is a gentle **** of the plains off the beaten track.

It is very convenient for cavalry to gather and charge.

Their arrival attracted the attention of soldiers patrolling outside the camp.

After seeing the figure that first appeared in the torch's reflection, they all gave a military salute to Gu Zheng as a Mongolian soldier.

"It turned out to be the commander of the Second Young Master. The coach has been waiting for you for a long time. I will go to the camp to report."

And when Gu Zheng arranged the garrison of his cavalry troops, the main generals who carried him were preparing to head to the camp of King Khan, but he ran into his father Khan on the road, and his words were the most effective. Of staff.

An official from the Southern Dynasty, Zhao Meng.

After seeing his group of people, he didn't show much respect. After he had conveyed what he needed to convey, he turned around and left.

This made Gu Zheng feel very angry when he saw that his leader was neglected by the soldiers.

The rectal character of the Mongolian people is once again evident.

Just as they were about to stop the opponent by rolling their arms and sleeves, Gu Zheng picked up the corner of his mouth slightly to stop them from moving.

"Don't worry, this time I was one day later than the scheduled meeting time. This southerner's staff despised me, the second prince who is a fledgling and has no power behind him. There is nothing wrong with it."

"After all, in the hearts of people like them, only the eldest brother born to my eldest concubine is the true eldest son."

"At my age, I made a small mistake the first time I set out. I really have a flaw in my ability."

"So why does he want to please me, a prince who has no hope?"

"Human feelings are like this, and as for my status, I don't need to be recognized by a southerner."

"As long as you brothers still believe in me, I will never mind anything!"

Seeing that the leader he was following was so approachable, treating them like brothers, these young generals hammered their chests one by one.

"My Horqin Department Dada Tara."

"I'm begging for the face department Zaha."

"My Wengji spurs Mengurdu."

"Swear to Changshengtian, from today swearing allegiance to our new leader Hai Gu Duzheng, we will dedicate our last drop of blood and tears to him. Until he died in battle!"

And when he saw that these sturdy Mongolian people had issued such a passionate oath to hand each other's lives into his hands.

Gu Zheng also hammered his fist to his left chest and gave his sincere promise for the first time in his life: "I am all here, and I swear here that we are good brothers for a lifetime, and good brothers are I will never let you die easily!"

After speaking, he wrapped the three of them around his shoulders one by one, and after shaking hard for a few times, he turned towards Tai’s camp and said confidently: “Come with me and see how my Haigu Duzheng is. In this event, let the danger come to an end!"

After speaking, there was wind under my feet, and I walked to the big camp of Wo Kotai.

Unlike Gu Zheng previously imagined that he had to wait for a while in front of the big tent, the guard guard saw that it was outside the tent that Gu Zheng had arrived, and so dutifully opened the curtain of the tent. .

A loud announcement was made towards the inside: "The commander of the Third Route Army Cavalry Squadron, Haigu is here!"

When Gu Zheng opened the door and stepped into Wo Kuotai's large barracks, he found that the command of the three-way army in this memory, except for him, was all present.

As for Wo Kotai, who was sitting on the upper seat, his father Khan was a little bit overjoyed when he saw him. Before Gu Zheng could speak from the top, he moved towards him. He greeted him in the direction of the vacant seat.

"Come to Haigu Duzheng, my eagle-like son, come and sit down."

And this strange enthusiasm also made Gu Zheng subconsciously put his eyes on Wo Kuo Tai's eldest son, who was also the position of his eldest brother.

Sure enough, after hearing Wo Kuotai's overly warm greeting, his eldest brother's face immediately showed an unkind expression.

But then it seemed as if he had thought of something, and he glanced at him with a little disdain, and then turned his head in the other direction, completely ignoring the existence of Gu Zheng.

This is just like his good elder brother, that arrogant self-seeing bloodline is precious, and does not put other brothers and sisters in his eyes, Guiyou brother.

Such a person is not to be feared. Gu Zheng no longer focuses too much on the opponent's body, but turns his attention back to Wo Kuotai's body, and under the opponent's signal, he is the only one in the field. Among the empty seats.

Then Gu Zheng heard the question from his father.

"Haigu is all right, everyone is here today, don't you have anything you want to say to my father?"

Gu Zheng raised his eyes to look at Wo Kuotai, and then he noticed that his eyes lightly glanced at the clerk who was on the side.

With just such a glance, Gu Zheng knew the extent of Wo Kuotai's control over his army, and the cavalry he led must also have his father's eyeliner.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng understood why Wo Kuotai looked so kind in his eyes.

When you discover an unknown little son who has nothing special, he showed extremely high military talent when he sent troops for the first time. As a father, he was somewhat proud of him.

Although his father is the third son of the current Tian Khan, he is not immune.

And what I have to do now is to show a cheerful and convincing appearance, and honestly pretend to be a simple and straightforward teenager.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng raised his head and looked up, revealing an eager look of admiration and admiration, as if the current Wo Kuotai was the **** of war he had worshipped for thousands of years, and he was so high and invincible.

Coupled with Gu Zheng's bewildered gesture of return, he vividly imitated the image of a teenager who admired his father and yearned for his father's love.

"Father, I, I didn't let my soldiers hide from Father Khan."

"It's just that I missed today's meeting time, and it was midnight after arriving at the camp."

"It took me a lot of time just to settle in. So I just had time to explain to the record secretary the reason for the late arrival."

"As for why didn't you take the lead in informing your father and king." Gu Zheng took a peek at Wo Kuo again, thinking that the other party hadn't noticed, he straightened his chest up: "That's, it's such a trivial matter. Don’t disturb the father’s rest."

"After all, the battle between our country and the Hualianzimo country is imminent, and the father has a lot of opportunities, and the situation that could have been reported in the day, there is no need to take this moment to say."

"Is this the second?" Gu Zheng suddenly showed an expression of incomparable worship, and said to Wo Kuotai very seriously: "I have completely destroyed the achievements of Khorasan and the coalition forces of the Central Asian ~ It’s just dispelling a mob of thousands of people."

"Compared with my father's feat of destroying the kingdom of gold, how can I as a son show off such a small achievement?"

"What's more." Gu Zheng turned his face to the direction of his elder brother Guiyou without a smile, and toward this man who was six years older than him, he has become a twenty-year-old general. , Arched his hands and continued.

"My eldest brother followed Dad, and he has fought in the North and South for so many years, and he has made countless contributions. As a younger brother, this is the first time I have gone with my father."

"How dare to show off in front of my brother."

"On weekdays, the Central Committee heard from the southerners that the tiger father has no dogs, and he will fight with father and son."

"I think I have such a stalwart father to open the way, and a brother who can be a role model to learn from."

"It's just a small achievement just now, how can you be proud?"

After that, Gu Zheng turned his head in the direction of Wo Kuotai, and said to his father very seriously:

"After all, my son's ambition is to be the number one warrior of Mongolia, and to bring our Mongolian army to the forefront of the world where the edge is not visible."

"All this vast land will be incorporated into the territory of our Great Mongolian Empire."

"Assist Grandpa Tian Khan and bring Chang Sheng Tian's will to everyone. Let them see my Meng Guo people's mighty teacher."

"This little bit of record is just the glow of the firefly when the child started. How does it compare with Grandpa Tian Khan and King Father?"

"So, Father, don't blame the boy anymore, he knows that he is wrong in private."

After listening to Gu Zheng's words of singing and playing.

The generals who belonged to Wo Kuotai's subordinates in the big tent burst into admiration.

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