The Correct Posture For Salted Fish To Turn Over

Chapter 308: A big killer on the ancient battlefield, a moving biochemical weapon

"Damn it! Asshole!"

There was a violent warrior in the phalanx, and finally couldn't help it, and slashed the scimitar on a fancy armor.

This country that can't wait to tie gems to its body as a weapon is really an eyesore.

And this kind of behavior has caused even greater resistance.

All right! The Mongolians haven't cut us down yet, so you so-called fraternal countries will do it first?

come! Who TM is afraid of!

As a result, the party team, which became a pot of porridge, chopped each other clanging.

Gu Zheng, who was at the forefront of the heavy cavalry team, waved the crossbow in his hand and issued the order to destroy the group: "Heavy crossbow armored cavalry is ready!"

"Three rounds of progressive shots begin!"


The first three rows of crossbow and crossbow soldiers reached the range without hesitation. They released the arrows in their hands. The chaotic cavalry phalanx actually fell down a whole row as if cutting wheat.

This time it's a big killer!

After Gu Zheng called out "two".

The heavy cavalry in the first three rows controlled the pace of the horses, swiping the horse's head straight to the right and pushed a horse body away, just enough for the middle and third row of cavalry behind them to run at the forefront.

‘Swish swish’

It was another lasing.


In the same way of movement, the nine rows of men and horses changed their front and back positions, and the overwhelming arrows sent out a whole thousand sticks.

But the obstacle that stood in front of the Mongolian heavy cavalry came after a brief silence.

As if it had been discussed, he fell to the ground crashingly.

Only the wailing of the wounded soldiers who hadn’t died immediately, and the few horses that were lucky enough to escape the arrow, stood blankly in a pile of dense locust-like arrows, and used their heads. Nose arched his master's body.

The Mongolian heavy cavalry only rushed to a place thirty steps away from the enemy, and without even pulling out the sword, they wiped out the opponent on the spot.

This made Gu Zheng very excited in front of him, his slightly trembling hands tightly gripped the handle of the knife, and then released it again.

The long mission career has taught him how to be unhappy, but even now he has only one mood.

That is, waving the machete in his hand high, and shouting: Bless the Buddha!

wrong! It's the longevity **** bless!

But when Gu Zheng restrained, the cavalry team behind him threw off their cheeks and roared.

With the long-term charm of the Mongolian country, Luo Luoluo's distant voice expresses the joy of the blessing of longevity.

"Praise our longevity day, and may the khan of the sky last forever!"

"Long live Tian Khan! Long live the Great Mongolian Empire!"

"Undefeated! Undefeated! Haigu Duzheng leads the general! Brave!"

"Brave! Brave!"

This kind of momentum is like a rainbow, so far-reaching and vast, so that the reinforcements on the opposite side, even if they don't understand the language, can understand the feelings of these brave and brave teachers.

But the greater the momentum, the more the courage of their own personnel that was finally plucked up was wiped out cleanly.

There are even some small tribes who are considering whether it is the right thing to come here to help.

By now, if An Laden doesn't come up with an idea, he won't need the coalition forces to reach the spur, and now they may disband on the spot and run back to their hometowns.

As a result, Ahn Laden finally gritted his teeth and endured the pain, and called out the army behind him as a secret weapon and the king of Huajianzimo used to negotiate terms after meeting.

Only relying on this elite soldier, the king of Huaquanzimo, had to divide more benefits and interests of the ancient kingdom of Khorasan.

But who has come up with it, hasn't gotten to the place yet, the last card in this hand is about to be played, and the pain in this heart is uncomfortable.

But the situation has reached this point, if you don't take action again, it will definitely be severely injured or even the entire army will be destroyed.

At this time, the coalition marshal of the ancient Khorasan country felt for the first time that this decision made by his own king really took another step on the road to death.

But An Laden had no choice. He could only raise his machete higher so that the elite troops behind him could see his instructions.

"Warriors of Khorasan, are you here?"


"God is with us!"

‘Bang bang bang’

A dull sound rang behind Ahn Laden, which was different from the firmness of a horse's hoof, on the contrary, it was another trend of vigor and heaviness.

Behind An Laden, the soldiers who fell at the end of the team finally revealed their truest appearance.

A cavalry phalanx composed of camel cavalry kept a constant speed through the entire coalition cavalry team, slowly clearing the way towards the front.

Wherever this team went, mules and horses neighed and turned into a pot of porridge.

Because this two-humped camel has a strong body odor that is indescribable, if it is one, it is okay, and this team actually brought out half of the elite of the ancient kingdom of Khorasan.

Five hundred camels, what kind of bio-chemical weapon, formed a big team.

It's no wonder that they have been falling far behind the coalition forces, even if they are resting in their camps, they are self-contained.

In this case, there is no way to mix with ordinary cavalry.

It depends on the reaction of the horses under the cavalry of various countries.

Unable to bear the peculiar smell of the camels, some of the freshly baked young horses fell on their knees and fell softly around the camel phalanx.

The rider on the back of the horse fell from the horse's back without checking.

I don't know if he was flashed by the mount under him, or was stunned by the scent bomb.

In short, it is not Gu Zheng's team that is jumping nowadays, but the coalition forces here.

Seeing this situation, An Laden was very proud of it. This is the magic weapon for their Khorasan galloping through Central Asia and even West Asia.

In the battle with the desert camel cavalry in the Nile River Basin, there was no downfall.

If the current game fans can see this situation, they will definitely yell: race against each other.

The camel finishes the horse!

But who is the opponent they met?

It is the well-informed Gu Zheng, who has rich social experience in many worlds.

He is not like a simple Mongolian soldier, who only wants to kill by force.

When the opponent's camel phalanx was displayed after the first charge, he got the news through feedback from the scouts.

"How can it be better to lead less?"

"In the short-distance charge, are our Mongolian horses fast, or are these sand camels fast?"

"Of course it is our good horse."

"So in this grassland with hills, dense grass, and shallow vines, is our steed more suitable or the other's camel more suitable?"

"Naturally is our horse! The environment here is like the most fertile Horqin prairie."

"Then what are we afraid of?"

"Although the frontal impact of the heavy cavalry can no longer play its role."

"But we can make full use of the flexibility of the light cavalry to completely shift the focus of the two arms."

"So, so, do you understand?"

After Gu Zheng and several captains had assigned their tactics, those generals who were equally young, when they took care of Gu Zheng, they were not just as simple as the young masters they were loyal to.

This is simply the young God of War, the newborn sun on the grassland.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain how his commander would come up with such a wonderful strategy against the enemy, so that they would be admired.

After receiving countless admiring eyes, Gu Zheng took the lead to turn himself on horseback. Although he didn't learn anything at Huangjue Temple, the essence of pretending to have penetrated into his bones.

He just faced the sun, pointed the blade in the direction of the camel cavalry, and gave the command to charge.

"Warriors of the Great Mongolian Empire, let's charge!"

Then this group of dazzling heavy cavalry took the lead in attacking the camel cavalry.

But after seeing Gu Zheng's move, An Laden on the opposite side burst into laughter while clutching his stomach.

"Well come, single-cell Mongolians, let you also taste the destruction of the entire army."

"How dare you be full? Khorasan's cavalry, charge me!"

With this order, the two squadrons started to take action How about the camel cavalry being the elite troops of Khorasan?

It is completely different from those mobs.

After hearing the commander's order, these cavalry with one-handed shield and wearing chain armor drove up their mounts and approached Gu Zheng's heavy cavalry team.

Closer, closer.

The charged camel cavalry team, these Bactrian camels with wild camel blood, are not inferior to horses.

They even need less supplies than these horses, and they are larger in size and tonnage.

A few small injuries can't stop them from moving forward.

This cavalry team was like two arrows shot out. When they were about to confront each other, suddenly the situation on the field changed.

Because of the assault team led by Gu Zheng, they suddenly came to a 45-degree turn, and when they were about to collide together, they turned away.

This caused the unstoppable camel team to rush directly, and the Mongolian cavalry of Gu Zheng who passed by them desperately held their breath.

"I wipe it!"

"I have a grandma, it's so stinky!"

"It turns out that there are two camels outside my tent. Aren't TM's caravans used for sourcing goods? I really saw his mother's ghost."

"These camels are not easy to use, they are fine on the Gobi, you see where they rushed in."

It's a large piece of turf.

"Hahaha, it's better to be less insightful, let's solve the remnants behind according to the original plan, and then slowly grind the team to death."


The direction these people turned was exactly the direction of the sparse, onlookers coalition forces.

Its speed was so fast that when Gu Zheng and the others rushed over, the other party was still hurriedly pulling out weapons to resist.

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